[[Image(ImprovingBoostDocs:ibdp.png,nolink)]] * [ImprovingBoostDocs Improving Boost Docs] * [ImprovingBoostDocs About this project] * [BoostDocsRepository Boost docs repository] * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look & feel project] * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost Authors] * [GlueDocsProject Glue docs project] * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library Docs] * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation Best Practices] * [DocumentationTools Documentation Tools] * [ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects Subprojects] * '''[BrowserTestingChart Browser Testing Chart]''' * [LibrariesLogos Logo Playground] ---- [[Image(browser_testing.png,nolink)]] [[PageOutline(2-5,Table of contents,inline)]] ---- == Introduction == Jump in! Help us keep this table up to date! All of the tests must be performed against the latest iteration of the [http://beta.boost.org/development/doc/doc_test/doc/html/index.html Boost.DocTest document]. '''Note for testers''': We need to investigate this service: [http://browsershots.org/ Browser Shots]. '''Reference for Test Results''': * pass: Hurray! * '''fail''' : A fix is needed. Please leave a comment with a description of the problem. * unsupported: We do not intend to support this feature. In order to use this tag, the browser must degrade gracefully (If not, the test '''fails''') To edit the table, copy it into an editor. ---- == Tests Table == {{{ #!rst +---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | | **Linux** | **Windows XP/Vista** | **Mac OS X** | +=======================================+===============+=============+=================+================+===============+================+===============+================+==============+ | **Browser** | **Firefox 2** | **Opera 9** | **Konqueror** | **Firefox 2** | **IE 6** | **IE 7** | **Firefox 2** | **Camino 1.5** | **Safari 3** | +---------------------------------------+---------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+--------------+ | **Test date** | *07/07/07* | *07/07/07* | *07/07/07* | *06/07/07* | *28/06/07* | *06/07/07* | *28/06/07* | *28/06/07* | *28/06/07* | +---------------------------------------+---------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+--------------+ | **Tester** | *Marco* | *Marco* | *Marco* | *Matias (XP)* | *Matias (XP)* | *Cedric (XP)* | *Stuart* | *Stuart* | *Stuart* | | | | | | *Chun (Vista)* | | *Chun (Vista)* | | | | +---------------------------------------+---------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+--------------+ | **Tests** | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | **fail** | pass | pass | **fail** -4- | +---------------------------------------+---------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+--------------+ | **Quickbook source css** | pass | pass | unsupported -3- | pass | unsupported | unsupported | pass | unsupported | unsupported | +---------------------------------------+---------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+--------------+ | **IDE selector box** | pass | pass | pass | pass | unsupported | **fail** -1- | pass | pass | **fail** -4- | +---------------------------------------+---------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+--------------+ | **Box wrappers** | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | +---------------------------------------+---------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+--------------+ | **Grouped Links select boxes** | pass | pass | pass -2- | pass | pass | **fail** -5- | pass | pass -2- | **fail** -4- | +---------------------------------------+---------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+--------------+ | **Google search box** | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | +---------------------------------------+---------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+--------------+ | **Spirit navigation arrows** | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | +---------------------------------------+---------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+--------------+ | **Footer** | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | +---------------------------------------+---------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+--------------+ }}} * 1. ( Windows XP - IE 7 ) The button to choose the IDE don't show anymore (it degrades beautifully) and there is a javascript error: 'navigator.vendor' is null or isn't an object. (Was: If you don't click in the browser windows (not on the scroll bar, you need to click inside the web page), the loading is stopped and you got the VS style and your browser says (1 element left) Waiting for .../code_bloc with the progresse bar struck in the middle) * 2. ( Mac OS X - Camino, Safari ; Linux - Konqueror ) Grouped Links select boxes: All passed functionally, although the cosmetics of the drop down list vary. Safari (all black on white, headings in bold); Camino (all black on white, no distinguishing between section headers and individual libraries); Konqueror (all dark green over light green, no distinguishing between section headers and individual libraries) * 3. ( Linux - Konqueror ) It is very usable, it only fails on tables, and it is a very small bug. * 4. ( Mac OS X - Safari ) No IDE selectors or Grouped Link select boxes are shown. Evidence indicates Javascript errors. * 5. ( Windows XP - IE 7 ) Was working before, but not anymore. The search boost text over the google search box also disapeared. ---- == Tests Description == '''Important!''' If you include tests in the "Test Table", add an entry to this table! {{{ #!rst +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Test** | **Description** | **How to test** | +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Quickbook source CSS** | Conversion tool: docbook based HTML to | Go to "View"-->"Page Style"-->"Quickbook Source" and | | | quickbook | check that everything looks | | | | `fine `_ | +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **IDE selector box** | Select the syntax highlighting to match | Go to the right-top corner of a code block and check | | | the user IDE | that IDE bubbles appear, then click in one and check | | | | that the colors have changed. Reload the page to | | | | check that the selected IDE was stored in the | | | | cookie. You should see something like | | | | `this `_ | +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Box wrappers** | Allow block to be rendered with round | Check that blocks are rendered OK. | | | corners and shadows. | | +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Grouped Links select boxes** | Banner select boxes to jump between | Check both select boxes | | | libraries and sections | | +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Google search box** | Google search box that works as an | Check that the input box appears in the banner and | | | index for the current library or for | perform a search. For now do not test the google | | | all boost docs | search page | +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Spirit navigation arrows** | Little arrows that lets us navigate our | Check that they are displayed correctly and that | | | docs | they do what it is expected | +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Footer** | Copyright, date and validation stuff | Check that it is displayed correctly | +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ }}} ---- == Tester manager == [[Br]][[Image(People:stuart_dootson.png,50)]] [[Br]]'''Stuart Dootson''' [[Br]]''stuart dot dootson at gmail dot com'' [[Br]]Mac OS X: Firefox 2, Camino 1.5, Safari 3 ---- == Active Testers == [[Br]][[Image(People:cedric_venet.png,50)]] [[Br]]'''Cédric Venet''' [[Br]][http://www.linkedin.com/in/cedricvenet Linked In Profile] [[Br]]''cedric dot venet at student dot ecp dot fr'' [[Br]]Windows XP: IE 7 [[Br]] [[Br]][[Image(People:chun_ping_wang.png,50)]] [[Br]]'''Chun Ping Wang''' [[Br]]''cablepuff at gmail dot com'' [[Br]]Windows Vista Home Premium: IE 7, Firefox 2 [[Br]] [[Br]][[Image(People:matias_capeletto.png,50)]] [[Br]]'''Matias Capeletto''' [[Br]][http://www.ohloh.net/accounts/5462/positions/2302 Ohloh Statistics] [[Br]][http://www.linkedin.com/in/matiascapeletto Linked In Profile] [[Br]]''matias dot capeletto at gmail dot com'' [[Br]]Linux: Firefox 2, Konqueror, Opera 9.21 [[Br]]Windows XP: Firefox 2, IE 6 [[Br]] [[Br]][[Image(People:no_picture.png,50)]] [[Br]]'''Marco''' [[Br]]''mrcekets at gmail dot com'' [[Br]]Linux: Firefox 2, Konqueror, Opera 9.21 ---- * [ImprovingBoostDocs Improving Boost Docs] * [ImprovingBoostDocs About this project] * [BoostDocsRepository Boost docs repository] * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look & feel project] * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost Authors] * [GlueDocsProject Glue docs project] * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library Docs] * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation Best Practices] * [DocumentationTools Documentation Tools] * [ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects Subprojects] * '''[BrowserTestingChart Browser Testing Chart]''' * [LibrariesLogos Logo Playground] ----