
Version 10 (modified by Matias Capeletto, 15 years ago) ( diff )


Browser Testing Chart

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Tests Table
  3. Tests Description
  4. Active Testers


Jump in! Help us keep this table up to date! All the tests must be performed against the last iteration of the Boost.DocTest document.

Test Result:

  • pass: Hurray!
  • fail: Lets fix it (please leave a comment with a description of the problem)
  • unsupported: We do not intend to support this feature, the browser must degrade gracefully (if not, the test fail)

Tests Table

  Linux Windows XP
Browser Firefox 2 Opera 9 Firefox 2 IE 6 IE 6
Test date 22/06/07 22/06/07 21/06/07 21/06/07 22/06/07
Tester Matias Matias Matias Matias Cedric
Tests pass fail pass fail fail
Quickbook source css pass fail pass unsupported unsupported
IDE selector box pass fail pass unsupported fail 1
Box wrappers pass pass pass pass fail 1
Grouped Links select boxes pass pass pass fail fail
Google search box pass pass pass pass pass
Spirit navigation arrows pass pass pass pass pass
Footer pass pass pass pass pass

  • 1. The first loading of the page, it nearly work but the first code line is shifted right of something like 200px so the button to choice the IDE are wrapped on two lines (and those on the second line don't autohide). The box are round. After reloading the page, it's totally broken, all the image are lost... and all the css in fact. Once the cookie deleted, it go back to be nearly ok.

Tests Description

Remember to add an entry to this table if you include tests in the "Test Table".

Test Description How to test
Quickbook source CSS Conversion tool: docbook based HTML to quickbook Go to "View"-->"Page Style"-->"Quickbook Source" and check that everything looks fine
IDE selector box Select the syntax highlighting to match the user IDE Go to the right-top corner of a code block and check that IDE bubbles appear, then click in one and check that the colors have changed. Reload the page to check that the selected IDE was stored in the cookie
Box wrappers Allow block to be rendered with round corners and shadows. Check that blocks are rendered OK.
Grouped Links select boxes Banner select boxes to jump between libraries and sections Check both select boxes
Google search box Google search box that works as an index for the current library or for all boost docs Check that the input box appears in the banner and perform a search. For now do not test the google search page
Spirit navigation arrows Little arrows that lets us navigate our docs Check that they are displayed correctly and that they do what it is expected
Footer Copyright, date and validation stuff Check that it is displayed correctly

Active Testers

Add you here!

  • Matias
    • linux: firefox 2, opera 9
    • windows: firefox 2, IE 6

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