Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of CMake

Jun 12, 2007, 2:26:20 AM (15 years ago)
Douglas Gregor

Structure of CMake documentation


  • CMake

    v1 v1  
     1= CMake-Based Build System =
     3We are developing an alternative build system for Boost based on [ CMake], a cross-platform, open-source make system. At this point, the CMake-based build system is still a work in progress, and it is unknown whether it will become a fully-supported build system within Boost. These pages document the CMake-based build system for Boost, and are focused primarily at Boost library developers. In the future, we will provide an alternative version of Boost's [ Getting Started] guide for CMake users.
     5== Task-Oriented Documentation ==
     7* [wiki:CMakeConfigAndBuild Configuring and Building Boost with CMake]
     9* [wiki:CMakeTesting Testing Boost with CMake]
     11* [wiki:CMakeAddingALibrary Adding a Boost Library with CMake]
     13* [wiki:CMakeAddingCompiledLibrary Adding a Compiled Library with CMake]
     15* [wiki:CMakeAddingRegressionTests Adding Regression Tests with CMake]
     17== Reference Documentation ==
     19* Project macros
     20  * [wiki:CMakeLibraryProject boost_library_project] - Designate a new Boost library project
     22* Building library binaries
     23  * [wiki:CMakeAddLibrary boost_add_library] - Add a compiled Boost library
     25* Regression testing
     26  * [wiki:CMakeTestRun boost_test_run] - Compile and execute a test
     28  * [wiki:CMakeTestRunFail boost_test_run_fail] - Compile and execute a test (which is expected to fail)
     30  * [wiki:CMakeTestCompile boost_test_compile] - Compile a test
     32  * [wiki:CMakeTestCompileFail boost_test_compile_fail] - Compile a test (which should fail to compile)
     34* [ CMake Macro Reference]