= Important Notice = Note that that page is now fully deprecated. The new page (and new project) is [wiki:CMakeModularizationStatus]. The following is just kept for historical reasons. = Boost.CMake = Boost.Cmake is an alternative build system for Boost based on [http://www.cmake.org CMake], a cross-platform, open-source make system. This system is designed to build Boost as it appears in its official monolithic SVN repository. A ''modularized'' version of Boost, also using CMake—where each library and component lives in its own Git repository—is being developed separately by the [http://ryppl.org Ryppl] project. == Mailing list == Join the boost-cmake mailing list here: [http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost-cmake] == IRC == Discuss boost-cmake on [http://freenode.net freenode.net] IRC in #alt.boost. == Source Control == Boost.CMake development is *not* happening in subversion. The code is in the git archive at [http://gitorious.org/boost/cmake] = Versions = The latest release tag is '''''1.41.0.cmake0''''' (Nov 18, 2009). == 1.41.0 == The cmake build for 1.41.0 is released! Get it: [http://sodium.resophonic.com/boost-cmake/1.41.0.cmake0] See the doc in the 'doc' subdirectory of the URL above. == 1.40.0.cmake4 == '''''The cmake build in the standard boost distribution tarball for 1.40.0 is BROKEN''''' === Download === [http://sodium.resophonic.com/boost-cmake/1.40.0.cmake4] === Documentation === [http://sodium.resophonic.com/boost-cmake/1.40.0.cmake4/doc] As well as inside the tarball in the directory `tools/build/CMake/docs/build/html/index.html` === Source Control === The cmake distribution for 1.40.0 is on a branch in a git repository on gitorious.org: [http://gitorious.org/boost/cmake] Or you can download from the git repository, the direct download link for a 1.40.0 cmake-buildable tarball is on this page:: [http://gitorious.org/boost/cmake/commits/1.40.0] As usual, patches to the code and/or documentation are gratefully accepted. If you make a clone of the git repository, push your patches and make a merge request, even better. == 1.39.0 and 1.38.0 == See the [http://gitorious.org/boost/cmake/blobs/raw/1.40.0/tools/build/CMake/docs/build/html/notes_by_version.html notes by version]. == Commentary == * [wiki:CMakeBoostFeatures Boost CMake Features] * [wiki:CMakeAndKDE KDE experiences with Cmake] == Ongoing Development == * [http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost-cmake Boost-cmake mailing list] * [wiki:CMakeTODO CMake TODO list] - Start here to get involved! * [wiki:CMakeModularizationStatus] - Modularization status * There is a CMake component in trac: keep us abreast of any bugs. == Old Stuff == * [wiki:CMake_Old at CMake_Old]