
CMake Macro Reference: boost_add_executable

Creates a new executable from source files.

                     source1 source2 ...
                     [COMPILE_FLAGS compileflags]
                     [feature_COMPILE_FLAGS compileflags]
                     [LINK_FLAGS linkflags]
                     [feature_LINK_FLAGS linkflags]
                     [LINK_LIBS linklibs]
                     [feature_LINK_LIBS linklibs]
                     [DEPENDS libdepend1 libdepend2 ...]

where exename is the name of the executable (e.g., "wave"). source1, source2, etc. are the source files used to build the executable, e.g., cpp.cpp. If no source files are provided, "exename.cpp" will be used.

This macro has a variety of options that affect its behavior. In several cases, we use the placeholder "feature" in the option name to indicate that there are actually several different kinds of options, each referring to a different build feature, e.g., shared libraries, multi-threaded, debug build, etc. For a complete listing of these features, please refer to the page on [wiki:CMakeBuildFeatures CMake Build Features].

The options that affect this macro's behavior are:

Provides additional compilation flags that will be used when building the executable.
Provides additional compilation flags that will be used only when building the executable with the given feature (e.g., SHARED_COMPILE_FLAGS when we're linking against shared libraries). Note that the set of features used to build the executable depends both on the arguments given to boost_add_executable (see the "feature" argument description, below) and on the user's choice of variants to build.
Provides additional flags that will be passed to the linker when linking the executable. This option should not be used to link in additional libraries; see LINK_LIBS and DEPENDS.
Provides additional flags that will be passed to the linker when linking the executable with the given feature (e.g., MULTI_THREADED_LINK_FLAGS when we're linking a multi-threaded executable).
Provides additional libraries against which the executable will be linked. For example, one might provide "expat" as options to LINK_LIBS, to state that the executable will link against the expat library binary. Use LINK_LIBS for libraries external to Boost; for Boost libraries, use DEPENDS.
Provides additional libraries to link against when linking an executable built with the given feature.
States that this executable depends on and links against a Boostlibrary. The arguments to DEPENDS should be the unversioned name of the Boost library, such as "boost_filesystem". Like LINK_LIBS, this option states that the executable will link against the stated libraries. Unlike LINK_LIBS, however, DEPENDS takes particular library variants into account, always linking to the appropriate variant of a Boost library. For example, if the MULTI_THREADED feature was requested in the call to boost_add_executable, DEPENDS will ensure that we only link against multi-threaded libraries.
States that the executable should always be built using a given feature, e.g., SHARED linking (against its libraries) or MULTI_THREADED (for multi-threaded builds). If that feature has been turned off by the user, the executable will not build.
Don't install this executable with the rest of Boost.
If you want the executable to be generated somewhere other than the binary directory, pass the path (including directory and file name) via the OUTPUT_NAME parameter.


The Boost.Wave library also includes the wave tool, which provides a complete C89/C99/C++ preprocessor. It uses the Wave, Program Options, Filesystem, and Serialization libraries in Boost and is built with the following invocation of boost_add_executable:

boost_add_executable(wave cpp.cpp 
  DEPENDS boost_wave boost_program_options boost_filesystem boost_serialization

This example is from tools/wave/CMakeLists.txt.

Where Defined

This macro is defined in the Boost Core module in tools/build/CMake/BoostCore.cmake

Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on May 24, 2008, 12:18:51 PM
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