Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of CMakeAddLibrary

Jun 12, 2007, 2:49:46 AM (15 years ago)
Douglas Gregor

Initial description of boost_add_library


  • CMakeAddLibrary

    v1 v1  
     1= CMake Macro Reference: `boost_add_library` =
     3This macro creates a new Boost library target that generates a compiled library
     4(.a, .lib, .dll, .so, etc) from source files. This routine will
     5actually build several different variants of the same library, with
     6different compilation options, as determined by the set of "default"
     7library variants.
     11                  source1 source2 ...
     12                  [COMPILE_FLAGS compileflags]
     13                  [feature_COMPILE_FLAGS compileflags]
     14                  [LINK_FLAGS linkflags]
     15                  [feature_LINK_FLAGS linkflags]
     16                  [LINK_LIBS linklibs]
     17                  [feature_LINK_LIBS linklibs]
     18                  [DEPENDS libdepend1 libdepend2 ...]
     19                  [STATIC_TAG]
     20                  [MODULE]
     21                  [NOT_feature]
     22                  [EXTRA_VARIANTS variant1 variant2 ...])
     25where `libname` is the name of Boost library binary (e.g.,
     26"boost_regex") and `source1`, `source2`, etc. are the source files used
     27to build the library, e.g., `cregex.cpp`.
     29This macro has a variety of options that affect its behavior. In
     30several cases, we use the placeholder "feature" in the option name
     31to indicate that there are actually several different kinds of
     32options, each referring to a different build feature, e.g., shared
     33libraries, multi-threaded, debug build, etc. For a complete listing
     34of these features, please refer to the page on [wiki:CMakeBuildFeatures CMake Build Features].
     36The options that affect this macro's behavior are:
     38  COMPILE_FLAGS::
     39    Provides additional compilation flags that will be
     40    used when building all variants of the library. For example, one
     41    might want to add "-DBOOST_SIGNALS_NO_LIB=1" through this option
     42    (which turns off auto-linking for the Signals library while
     43    building it).
     45  feature_COMPILE_FLAGS::
     46    Provides additional compilation flags that
     47    will be used only when building variants of the library that
     48    include the given feature. For example,
     49    `MULTI_THREADED_COMPILE_FLAGS` are additional flags that will be
     50    used when building a multi-threaded variant, while
     51    `SHARED_COMPILE_FLAGS` will be used when building a shared library
     52    (as opposed to a static library).
     54  LINK_FLAGS::
     55    Provides additional flags that will be passed to the
     56    linker when linking each variant of the library. This option
     57    should not be used to link in additional libraries; see `LINK_LIBS`
     58    and `DEPENDS`.
     60  feature_LINK_FLAGS::
     61    Provides additional flags that will be passed
     62    to the linker when building variants of the library that contain a
     63    specific feature, e.g., `MULTI_THREADED_LINK_FLAGS`. This option
     64    should not be used to link in additional libraries; see
     65    feature_LINK_LIBS.
     67  LINK_LIBS::
     68    Provides additional libraries against which each of the
     69    library variants will be linked. For example, one might provide
     70    "expat" as options to LINK_LIBS, to state that each of the library
     71    variants will link against the expat library binary. Use LINK_LIBS
     72    for libraries external to Boost; for Boost libraries, use DEPENDS.
     74  feature_LINK_LIBS::
     75    Provides additional libraries for specific
     76    variants of the library to link against. For example,
     77    `MULTI_THREADED_LINK_LIBS` provides extra libraries to link into
     78    multi-threaded variants of the library.
     80  DEPENDS::
     81    States that this Boost libraries depends on and links
     82    against another Boost library. The arguments to `DEPENDS` should be
     83    the unversioned name of the Boost library, such as
     84    "boost_filesystem". Like `LINK_LIBS`, this option states that all
     85    variants of the library being built will link against the stated
     86    libraries. Unlike `LINK_LIBS`, however, `DEPENDS` takes particular
     87    library variants into account, always linking the variant of one
     88    Boost library against the same variant of the other Boost
     89    library. For example, if the boost_mpi_python library `DEPENDS` on
     90    boost_python, multi-threaded variants of boost_mpi_python will
     91    link against multi-threaded variants of boost_python.
     93  STATIC_TAG::
     94    States that the name of static library variants on
     95    Unix need to be named differently from shared library
     96    variants. This particular option should only be used in rare cases
     97    where the static and shared library variants are incompatible,
     98    such that linking against the shared library rather than the
     99    static library will cause features. When this option is provided,
     100    static libraries on Unix variants will have "-s" appended to their
     101    names. Note: we hope that this is a temporary solution. At
     102    present, it is only used by the Test library.
     104  MODULE::
     105    This option states that, when building a shared library,
     106    the shared library should be built as a module rather than a
     107    normal shared library. Modules have special meaning an behavior on
     108    some platforms, such as Mac OS X.
     110  NOT_feature::
     111   States that library variants containing a particular
     112    feature should not be built. For example, passing
     113    `NOT_SINGLE_THREADED` suppresses generation of single-threaded
     114    variants of this library.
     116  EXTRA_VARIANTS::
     117    Specifies that extra variants of this library
     118    should be built, based on the features listed. Each "variant" is a
     119    colon-separated list of features. For example, passing
     121    will result in the creation of an extra set of library variants,
     122    some with the `PYTHON_NODEBUG` feature and some with the
     123    `PYTHON_DEBUG` feature.
     125== Example ==
     129  boost_thread
     130  barrier.cpp condition.cpp exceptions.cpp mutex.cpp once.cpp
     131  recursive_mutex.cpp thread.cpp tss_hooks.cpp tss_dll.cpp tss_pe.cpp
     132  tss.cpp xtime.cpp