Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of CMakeAddingCompiledLibrary

Jun 12, 2007, 4:33:07 AM (15 years ago)
Douglas Gregor

Correct a typo


  • CMakeAddingCompiledLibrary

    v2 v3  
    11= Adding a Compiled Library to CMake =
    2 This page describes how to add a new, compiled library to the CMake-based build system. If you library is a "header-only" library, and does not require separate compilation of object files into a library binary, you can safely skip this step. Before adding compiled libraries to CMake, make sure you have already followed the directions for [wiki:CMakeAddingALibrary adding a library to CMake], so that the CMake system recognizes your Boost library.
     2This page describes how to add a new, compiled library to the CMake-based build system. If your library is a "header-only" library, and does not require separate compilation of object files into a library binary, you can safely skip this step. Before adding compiled libraries to CMake, make sure you have already followed the directions for [wiki:CMakeAddingALibrary adding a library to CMake], so that the CMake system recognizes your Boost library.
    44In this page, we will assume that your library resides in the subdirectory `libs/libname`, and that we want to create the compiled library `boost_libname`. We will also assume that the sources for this library reside in the subdirectory `libs/libname/src`. The source directory should be listed via `SRCDIRS` in the use of the [wiki:CMakeLibraryProject boost_library_project macro], as described in the previous section, [wiki:CMakeAddingALibrary "Adding a Library to CMake"]. Follow these steps to add this new library into Boost's build system. If your library has multiple source directories listed after `SRCDIRS`, follow these steps for each one.