
Version 1 (modified by troy d. straszheim, 15 years ago) ( diff )

Page describing build configuration

Configuration tools

The Windows CMake gui and the unix ccmake curses interface allow one to configure various aspects of the cmake build.

On unix, run

ccmake <path-to-source>


ccmake <path-to-build>

and you are presented with a list of editable build options something like this:

 BUILD_BOOST_DATE_TIME            ON                                                        
 BUILD_BOOST_FILESYSTEM           ON                                                        
 BUILD_BOOST_GRAPH                ON                                                        
 BUILD_BOOST_IOSTREAMS            ON                                                        
 BUILD_BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS      ON                                                        
 BUILD_BOOST_PYTHON               ON                                                        
 BUILD_BOOST_REGEX                ON                                                        
 BUILD_BOOST_SERIALIZATION        ON                                                        
 BUILD_BOOST_SIGNALS              ON                                                        
 BUILD_BOOST_TEST                 ON                                                        
 BUILD_BOOST_THREAD               ON                                                        
 BUILD_BOOST_WAVE                 ON                                                        
 BUILD_BOOST_WSERIALIZATION       ON                                                        
 BUILD_DEBUG                      ON                                                        
 BUILD_MULTI_THREADED             ON                                                        
 BUILD_RELEASE                    ON                                                        
 BUILD_SHARED                     ON                                                        
 BUILD_SINGLE_THREADED            ON                                                        
 BUILD_STATIC                     ON                                                        
 BUILD_TESTING                    OFF                                                       
 BUILD_VERSIONED                  ON                                                        
 CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY    2.4                                                       
 CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX             /usr/local                                                
 DEBUG_COMPILE_FLAGS              -g                                                        
 PYTHON_EXECUTABLE                /usr/bin/python2.4                                        
 PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH              /usr/include/python2.4                                    
 PYTHON_LIBRARY                   /usr/lib/python2.4/config/                 
 RELEASE_COMPILE_FLAGS            -O3 -DNDEBUG                                              

BUILD_VERSIONED: Use versioned library names, e.g., boost_filesystem-gcc41-1_34              
Press [enter] to edit option                        CMake Version 2.4 - patch 5
Press [c] to configure     Press [g] to generate and exit
Press [h] for help         Press [q] to quit without generating
Press [t] to toggle advanced mode (Currently Off)

Use the arrow keys to select particular options. Press c (for (c)onfigure) to perform the preliminary configuration of the CMake build system when you are done. When the options you have selected have stabilized, CMake will give you the (g)enerate option. If you do not see this option, press c again to reconfigure. Finally, press g to generate makefiles and exit.

Presumably the windows GUI needs no such explanation.


The values of these options are stored in a file CMakeCache.txt located in the build directory. This is what ccmake reads if it is started pointing to a build directory. This file is hand-editable. An excerpt:

// Enable/Disable color output during build.

// Use versioned library names, e.g., boost_filesystem-gcc41-1_34

The makefiles that CMake generates will detect if this file has been edited and will automatically re-perform the makefile generation phase. If you should need to trigger this regeneration manually you may execute

make rebuild_cache

Useful options

CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILEDisplays full build commands during build. Good for debugging.
CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURESMac OS X users: to build universal binaries, set this to ppc;i386.
BUILD_BOOST_libraryToggles building and testing of library (e.g. this will appear as BUILD_BOOST_REGEX, BUILD_BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS, etc.
BUILD_TESTING Toggles build of testing
TEST_BOOST_library Toggles testing of library (this option appears only if BUILD_BOOST_library and BUILD_TESTING are enabled
BUILD_VERSIONED Toggles mangling of compiler name and boost version into library names
BUILD_feature Toggles build of feature feature, where feature comes from the list found at CMakeBuildFeatures, e.g. BUILD_RELEASE, BUILD_DEBUG, BUILD_MULTI_THREADED, etc.

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