Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of CMakeModularizationStatus

Jan 1, 2012, 1:27:19 AM (11 years ago)
Dave Abrahams

Rewrite to reflect current status


  • CMakeModularizationStatus

    v14 v15  
    11= CMake Modularization Status =
    3 This page is used to keep track of which Boost libraries have been modularized fully and which libraries should be in the unmodularized "core". Any libraries not listed haven't been studied closely enough yet.
    5 == Modularized Libraries ==
     4All Boost libraries currently inhabit a [ single subversion repository].
     5This page documents the status of the effort to modularize boost.  Those working
     6on the modularization are simultaneously porting the build/test system from
     7[ Boost.Build] to [ CMake].
    7 The following libraries have been fully modularized, which means that (1) all of their headers are listed in a HEADERS argument to boost_library_project, and (2) are listed in the DEPENDS argument for all libraries that depend on them. This second condition can be established by re-building all of the tests after running the modularize target for that library. Once a library has been put into this list, the argument MODULARIZED should be added to its boost_library_project macro, so that it will be modularized as part of the main "modularize" target.
     9== Automated Tests ==
    9  * accumulators
    10  * algorithm
    11  * asio
    12  * bimap
    13  * circular_buffer
    14  * date_time
    15  * dynamic_bitset
    16  * filesystem
    17  * fusion
    18  * gil
    19  * graph
    20  * interprocess
    21  * iostreams
    22  * mpi
    23  * parameter
    24  * program_options
    25  * ptr_container
    26  * python
    27  * regex
    28  * signals
    29  * spirit
    30  * statechart
    31  * system
    32  * tr1
    33  * units
    34  * wave
    35  * xpressive
     11You can review the current status of modularization [ here].
    37 == "Core" Libraries ==
     13=== Modularization ===
    39 The following libraries are considered part of the "core" of Boost and should not be modularized at this time. Libraries may be dubbed "core" libraries due to excessive dependencies (e.g., config, type_traits), circular dependencies, or poor separation from the rest of Boost (e.g., utility). We hope that future refactoring will remove most libraries from "core" status.
     15Each time there's a new commit to Boost's trunk, [ this script]
     16modularizes a [ Git repository mirroring Boost SVN]
     17and distributes the updated files into separate [ per-library git repositories].
     18As [ you can see], the script is being kept
     19up-to-date by Daniel Pfeifer.
    41  * config
    42  * mpl
    43  * preprocessor
    44  * type_traits
    45  * utility
     21The column labelled “Boost.Modularize” on the right side of the [ automated test page] shows the modularization
     22process itself.  If that column is green, it tells you that every file is currently
     23“accounted for” and has been assigned to a module.  If there are files that don't have a
     24modularized home, we get an error like [ this one].
     25(in that run, it looks like someone just added the Boost.Heap library).  When that happens, Daniel get an
     26email and he fixes it.
    47 == Unexpected Dependencies ==
     28=== Integration Testing ===
    49 This is a simple catalog of inter-library dependencies that were a surprise. We should revisit these dependencies at some point to determine whether they are justified or whether we should try to decouple the libraries.
     30The other columns represent the results of Boost "integration tests" of
     31the modularized state on several platforms.  An integration test is essentially equivalent to
     32Boost's [ official unmodularized tests]: we run all of the libraries' tests
     33together, with the latest state of each library.  Each time there's a change in the modularized state, we kick off integration tests.
    51  * spirit -> xpressive: Spirit uses Proto, which is currently part of Xpressive. Eventually, Proto will become its own top-level library, and we'll eliminate this dependency.
    52  * parameter -> python: Parameter uses one of the Python detail headers, and has the header boost/parameter/python.hpp that might actually belong in the Python library itself.
     35=== TODOs ===
     37The integration testing columns are currently not all green in part because several
     38libraries have not had their test Jamfiles ported to
     39CMake yet.  [ These tickets] document the libraries whose test Jamfiles have been ported, and [ these] are the libraries whose Jamfiles still need to be ported.
     40Most of these should be
     41really straightforward to handle based on looking at Jamfiles and examples of commits that [ closed unit test tickets] (follow the link in each ticket).
     43For a more complex example, see the [ CMake file for Boost.Python],
     44graciously ported by Ravikiran Rajagopal.  These are among
     45the most complex because they have to invoke Python instead of just
     46building and running C++ executables.