Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of CMakeTesting

Jun 11, 2009, 8:39:26 PM (13 years ago)
Dave Abrahams



  • CMakeTesting

    v4 v5  
    22Boost's CMake-based build system provides regression testing via [ CTest], which comes as part of CMake. This regression testing system can be used by Boost developers to test their libraries locally and also by testers and users to submit regression tests to a [ Dart server], which collects and reports regression-testing results from different sites. This document assumes that the reader has already learned how to [wiki:CMakeConfigAndBuild build] and [wiki:CMakeBuildConfiguration configure] Boost using CMake.
    4   * Re-run the [wiki:CMakeBuildConfiguration CMake configuration for Boost].  Set `BUILD_TESTING` to `ON`. You may notice that configuration takes significantly longer when we are building all of the regression tests.  If you want you can disable regression testing for some or all Boost libraries by toggling the `TEST_BOOST_`''libname'' options that appear once `BUILD_TESTING` is `ON`. Be sure to re-configure CMake once you are done tweaking these options, and generate makefiles or project files, by clicking "OK" (on Microsoft Windows) or pressing `g` (on Unix).
     4  * Re-run the [wiki:CMakeBuildConfiguration CMake configuration for Boost].  Set `BUILD_REGRESSION_TESTS` to `ON`. You may notice that configuration takes significantly longer when we are building all of the regression tests.  If you want you can enable regression testing for a subset of Boost libraries by listing them, separated by semicolons, in the `BOOST_TEST_LIBRARIES` option that appears once `BUILD_REGRESSION_TESTS` is `ON`. Be sure to re-configure CMake once you are done tweaking these options, and generate makefiles or project files, by clicking "OK" (on Microsoft Windows) or pressing `g` (on Unix).
    66  * Build, following the same building process described in the section [wiki:CMakeConfigAndBuild].  For Unix users, we suggest passing the `-i` option to `make`, and also possibly `-j 2` (or more) to run the build process in parallel. Building all of the regression tests for the Boost libraries can take a long time.
    4646  }}}
    48   Here, we have only enabled testing of the Boost.Any and Boost.Function libraries, by setting `TEST_BOOST_ANY` and `TEST_BOOST_FUNCTION` to `ON` while all of the other `TEST_BOOST_`''LIBNAME'' options are set to `OFF`.
     48  Here, we have only enabled testing of the Boost.Any and Boost.Function libraries, by setting `BOOST_TEST_LIBRARIES` to “`any;function`.”
    5050  '''Again''':  This "`ctest`" step runs the tests without first running a build.  If you change a source file and run the `ctest` step you will see that no build is invoked.