Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of DebuggerVisualizers

Aug 6, 2007, 2:06:18 PM (15 years ago)

Initial revision


  • DebuggerVisualizers

    v7 v8  
     39== About Debugger Visualizers ==
     41Debugger visualizers enable developers to view data during debugging sessions in a human-friendly way.
     43Though each debugger UI usually tries to display the data as nicely as possible,
     44with complex types such as those of BOOST, the general approach usually does not allow the user
     45to quickly get the information she needs.
     46That's where debugger visualizers come to help: they are user- or library vendor-defined formatting rules
     47that help the debugger UI to deliver data in a comprehensible form.
    3751== Visual Studio 2005 ==
    39 Under construction!
     53[ Microsoft Visual Studio 2005] is the first of the Visual Studio versions to support user-customizable debugger visualizers. For CLR languages, such as C#, the possibilities are even more powerful, and documented. Native C++ debugger visualizers are not documented, though it was claimed by some people from Microsoft that some docs are coming - so if you know of some, please let us know!
     55=== Native C++ Debugger Visualizers for MSVS 2005 ===
     57The formatting rules are stored in the {{{autoexp.dat}}} text file (the {{{[Visualizer]}}} section)
     58which can be found at
     60Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Packages\Debugger\autoexp.dat
     63New visualizers can be installed by appending visualizer code to the {{{[Visualizer]}}} section. In the future, we would like to have an installer for this.
     65==== Existing visualizers ====
     67Visualizers for {{{boost::multi_index_container}}} stored at
     69Other existing visualizers will be added shortly. If you're lacking a visualizer for your favorite type, let us know or write one yourself - it's easy!
     71=== HOWTO ===
     73Our main source of knowledge is the [ blog at]. I'll try to repeat some of the basic info you need to get started.
     75Visualizers (visualizer '''rules''') have this general format:
     78; Comments start with semicolon
     79pattern [| pattern ...] {
     80  preview (
     81    preview_expression
     82  )
     83  stringview (
     84    stringview_expression
     85  )
     86  children (
     87    children_expression
     88  )
     92The {{{stringview}}} section is used for formatting the data to text, HTML or XML
     93(not covered by this guide yet).
     94The {{{preview}}} section is used to format the data for one-line view.
     95This is used in tooltips (when you hover over variables in code editor) and for the watch window.
     96The {{{children}}} section enumerates child nodes (for structured types).
     97All sections are optional.
     99==== Rule pattern matching ====
     101When visualizing a variable, the IDE looks at its (most derived) type.
     102It then looks at all patterns in {{{autoexp.dat}}} and tries to find match.
     103My guess is that it chooses the first rule that matches, but there should not be more than one
     104matching rule anyway.
     106Type names are processed as text.
     107You can see the exact string that the visualizer sees in the watch window (the "Type" column).
     108The bad thing about this is that extremely long type names are cut off at a certain string length.
     109Such cropped strings then fail to match the visualizer patterns.
     111Patterns can contain wildcards.
     112(My guess is that the patterns are internally transformed to regular expressions by the IDE.)
     113This is great for templates. A wildcard can match one or more template arguments:
     119and (preferred syntax)
     125will both match {{{std::list<int>}}} - because it is in fact {{{std::list<int,std::allocator<int> >}}}.
     127As with marked subexpressions of regular expressions, we can access the actual text that matched the
     128wildcards in the rule body's expressions. This text is referred to as {{{$T1, $T2, $T3}}} etc.
     129As with shell variable expansion, the {{{$T}}}s are expanded in-place in the expression in which they appear.
     130In case of {{{std::list<*>}}}, we have only one wildcard,
     131and {{{$T1}}} will be expanded to {{{int,std::allocator<int>}}}.
     132In case of {{{std::list<*,*>}}}, {{{$T1}}} expands to {{{int}}} and {{{$T2}}}
     133expands to {{{std::allocator<int>}}}.
     134This is more usable, because we can access the item type ({{{int}}}) in the expressions.
     136==== preview section ====
     138The {{{preview}}} expression produces a string that is used for one-line representation of the data
     139in the tooltips and in the watch window.
     140Usually, one wants to pick 2 or 3 important members out of the hundreds members of the class.
     142The following code formats {{{std::list}}} preview:
     146  preview
     147    (
     148      #("[list size=", $e._Mysize, "]")
     149    )
     153Note the use of the contatenation operator {{{#(s1, s2, ..., sn )}}}.
     154{{{$e}}} refers to the value of the variable being visualized
     155(we are accessing the {{{_Mysize}}} member of the {{{std::list}}} implementation).
     157==== children section ====
     159When the {{{children}}} section is present, a {{{[+]}}} will appear to the left of the visualized value
     160and can be used to expand it (display the children).
     161Multiple children can be added using the {{{#(c1, c2, ..., cn)}}} operator,
     162and child values can have custom names (and will appear sorted by name):
     165  children
     166  (
     167    #(
     168      first item: $e._Myhead->_Next->_Myval,
     169      second item: $e._Myhead->_Next->_Next->_Myval,
     170      [third item]: $e._Myhead->_Next->_Next->_Next->_Myval
     171    )
     172  )
     176This is nice, but we need more to display real structures like lists, arrays and trees.
     177There are special processors for these structures:
     179===== #list =====
     181{{{#list(head: head_expr size: size_expr next: next_expr) : deref_expr}}} is used to visualize a linked list of values.
     182This can be used to visualize {{{std::list}}}:
     185  children
     186  (
     187    #list(size: $c._Mysize,
     188          head: $c._Myhead->_Next,
     189          next: _Next
     190    ) : $e._Myval
     191  )
     195As you can see, we need to know the size of the list, where is the head node of the list,
     196and how to get to a node's successor (this is done by accessing the {{{next}}} member of the current node).
     197{{{$c}}} refers to the current expression, and in {{{deref_expr}}}, {{{$e}}} refers to the node being displayed.
     199Alternative approach is {{{#list(head: head_expr skip: skip_expr next: next_expr) : deref_expr}}}.
     200Here {{{skip_expr}}} defines node value (probably compared by memory address) which terminates the list traversal.
     201Also, if a node is reached twice (cycle detection), it is not displayed and the traversal is stopped.
     203===== #array =====
     205{{{#array(expr: array_access_expr, size : size_expr) : deref_expr}}} is similar to {{{#list}}}, but the values
     206are accessed by indexing the {{{array_head_expr}}} by indices {{{0, 1, ..., (size_expr-1)}}}.
     207In {{{array_access_expr}}}, {{{$i}}} denotes the current index.
     209There are optional parameters {{{rank}}} and {{{base}}}.
     210{{{base}}} offsets the displayed indices of the array items (there must not be any {{{deref_expr}}} for this to work).
     211{{{rank}}} can be used to display multidimensional arrays. In this case, {{{size}}} and {{{base}}} are evaluated
     212repeatedly and {{{$r}}} in {{{rank_expr}}} and {{{base_expr}}} refers to the current rank being processed.
     214===== #tree =====
     216{{{#tree(head: head_expr size: size_expr left: left_expr right:right_expr skip: skip_expr) : deref_expr}}} is used
     217to walk a binary tree. It is very similar to {{{#list}}}, the only difference being that the traversal is not linear
     218but recursive depth-first. {{{skip_expr}}} is used to tell the shape of the tree (usually {{{skip: 0}}}).
     220===== conditionals =====
     222There is a {{{#if (expr) ( then_expr ) #else ( else_expr )}}} construct (with the ___else___ part optional)
     223and a {{{#switch(switch_expr) #case case0_value ( case0_expr ) ... #default ( default_expr ) #except ( except_expr ) )}}}
     224construct that can be used in the expressions. My guess (haven't tried) is that values matching {{{except_expr}}}
     225are not passed to {{{#default}}}.
     227=== TODO ===
     229FAQ, examples, common pitfalls, ...
     233== gdb, ddd, others ==
     235If you are interested, please send an email to the
     236[ boost-docs list]
     237telling us that you want to help.
    46246[[Br]]'''Filip Konvička'''
    47 [[Br]]''email unknown''
    49 ----
    51 == gdb, ddd, others ==
    53 If you are interested, please send an email to the
    54 [ boost-docs list]
    55 telling us that you want to help.
    57 [[Image(CommonImages:help_wanted.png,nolink)]]
     247[[Br]]''filip dot konvicka at logis dot cz''