Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of DistributedDevelopmentProcess

Jan 19, 2011, 5:09:27 PM (12 years ago)
Dean Michael Berris

More definitions.


  • DistributedDevelopmentProcess

    v2 v3  
    4242  * A Trusted Contributor, Trusted Library Maintainer, or Trusted Release Manager is a person who has at least two peers in the same or higher level (Contributor < Library Maintainer < Release Manager) signing with high trust levels.
    4343* An '''Official Boost Release''' is an official release that is packaged and signed by a Trusted Release Manager.
     44* A '''Review Manager''' is a person who:
     45  * Drives the Review Process (see Review Process below)
     46  * Is responsible in collating and maintaining a record of reviews regarding the inclusion of a Candidate Library (see Candidate Library below)
     47  * Is poised to be a Library Maintainer of the library under review once it is accepted
     48* A '''Review Manager Assistant''' is:
     49  * Assist the driving of the Review Process (see Review Process below)
     50  * Is poised to be (or is already) a Contributor to the library under review once it is accepted
     51* The '''Boost Community''' is the group of people who are any one of the following:
     52  * A Contributor
     53  * A Library Maintainer
     54  * A Release Manager
     55  * A Review Manager
     56  * A Review Manager Assistant
     57  * A Registered Boost User -- a listed member of the Boost Users, Boost Developers, or BoostCon mailing lists who is not any one of those already mentioned above
     58* A '''Candidate Library''' is a library being considered or developed for inclusion in Boost. The criteria for Candidate Libraries are:
     59  * The project repository is publicly available.
     60  * The library follows the Boost Code Guidelines.
     61  * The library and all artifacts are available under the Boost Software License.
     62  * The library has all copyrights explicitly defined.