Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of DistributedDevelopmentProcess

Jan 19, 2011, 5:44:26 PM (12 years ago)
Dean Michael Berris

Acceptance Review Process.


  • DistributedDevelopmentProcess

    v3 v4  
    4646  * Is responsible in collating and maintaining a record of reviews regarding the inclusion of a Candidate Library (see Candidate Library below)
    4747  * Is poised to be a Library Maintainer of the library under review once it is accepted
     48  * Is at least a Library Maintainer or Release Manager, or used to be a Review Manager Assistant promoted to be eligible to become a Review Manager
    4849* A '''Review Manager Assistant''' is:
    4950  * Assist the driving of the Review Process (see Review Process below)
    6162  * The library and all artifacts are available under the Boost Software License.
    6263  * The library has all copyrights explicitly defined.
     64  * The library has been explicitly posted to be considered a Candidate Boost Library to the following venues:
     65    * The Boost Users Mailing List
     66    * The Boost Developers Mailing List
     68== Processes ==
     70This section describes the processes by which the development of Boost Libraries proceed in a distributed manner.
     72=== Review Process ===
     74There are two types of reviews:
     76* '''Acceptance Review''' -- the process through which a Candidate Library is reviewed to be accepted.
     77* '''Maintenance Review''' -- the process through which all accepted libraries undergo on a regular basis to determine whether it should be deprecated, updated, replaced, or dropped from Boost.
     79==== Acceptance Review ====
     81The Acceptance Review is driven by at least one Review Manager. The Acceptance Review process goes as follows:
     831. A Candidate Library is identified signalling the beginning of the process.
     841. A Review Committee for the Candidate Library is convened for the library which consists of:
     85  * At least one Review Manager.
     86  * At least one Review Manager Assistant.
     87  * At least one Trusted Release Manager.
     881. During the course of the review period, members of the Boost Community answer a set of questions regarding the suitability of a library to be made part of Boost relating to:
     89  * The design and implementation of the library.
     90  * The documentation of the library.this is done by Review Managers, Review Manager Assistants, and Trusted Release Managers.
     91  * The functionality provided by the library.
     92  * Suitability in real-world application conditions (implies testing on actual platforms, not necessarily in production).
     931. A conformance test script is run regularly on the library to see whether it satisfies the technical requirements for inclusion in a larger Boost distribution.
     941. Once a month the members of the Boost Community are surveyed to list down which Candidate Libraries are fit for acceptance into Boost.
     951. The Candidate Libraries at the top of the list are then checked for whether the issues raised by the community have been addressed appropriately by the Review Committee.
     961. A Candidate Library is accepted when:
     97  * The Review Committee agrees that the issues raised by the community have been addressed properly.
     98  * The conformance test script raises no errors.
     100Once a library is accepted, the following things happen:
     102* The Review Managers involved in the process are considered Library Maintainers of the library along with the original Library Maintainers.
     103* The Review Manager Assistants involved in the process are considered Contributors to the library.
     104* The Review Manager Assistant is then evaluated by the peers in the Review Committee and may be promoted to becoming eligible to be a Review Manager
     105* The Release Manager in the Review Committee then pulls the latest tagged release version of the Candidate Library into the distribution she is responsible for
     107The Acceptance Review process runs until the Candidate Library is accepted. Candidate Libraries may be removed from active review if:
     109* The project is deemed to be no longer active.
     110* There is a request to remove the Candidate Library from active review from the original submitter.
     114* There is no time limit to the length of an Acceptance Review.
     115* The notes of an Acceptance Review are maintained in a Wiki to be regularly maintained by any member of the Review Committee.
     116* Issues raised on Candidate Libraries should be filed as issues in the appropriate issue tracking system associated with the Candidate Library.