Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of DocsOrganization

Jun 28, 2007, 1:24:47 PM (15 years ago)
Matias Capeletto



  • DocsOrganization

    v1 v1  
     2'''[#example_boostbook Docbook source]''' - ''Required''
     4  * '''[#example_boostbook_xml doc/lib_name.xml]'''
     5    [[Br]] Doc source in docbook format. Optionally it can include boostbook extensions.
     6  * '''[#example_boostbook_xsl doc/lib_name.xsl]'''
     7    [[Br]] Library dependents output configuration parameters (i.e. chunker depth).
     8  * '''[#example_boostbook_jamfile doc/Jamfile.v2]'''
     9    [[Br]] "doc/bjam --v2" will generate the HTML docs.
     11'''[#example_quickbook Quickbook Source]''' - ''Optional''
     13  * '''[#example_quickbook_main_qbk doc/lib_name.qbk]'''
     14    [[Br]] Main quickbook file.
     15  * '''[#example_quickbook_moderate_section_qbk doc/*.qbk]'''
     16    [[Br]] Moderate size main sections quickbook files
     17  * '''[#example_doc_example_qbk doc/larger_section.qbk]'''
     18  * '''[#example_doc_example_qbk doc/larger_section/*.qbk]'''
     19    [[Br]] Large size main sections (i.e reference) may be splitted again, organizing them
     20    in a directory tree to avoid cluttering the  '''doc''' directory.
     22'''[ Images]''' - ''Optional''
     24  * '''[ doc/images/*.png]'''
     25    [[Br]] You can use other formats, but be a good web citizen and use portable networks graphics.
     26  * '''[ doc/images/*.svg]'''
     27    [[Br]] If you intend to have a decent rendering in the pdf docs, use svg.
     29'''[#example_doc_example Examples]''' - ''Optional''
     31  * '''[#example_doc_example_cpp example/doc/*.cpp]'''
     32    [[Br]] Quickbook allows us to import code chunks, instead of hard-coding them in the qbk source.
     33    This allow as to be sure that every code example will be in sync and with out typos.
     34  * '''[#example_doc_example_jamfile example/doc/Jamfile.v2]'''
     35    [[Br]] Testsuite for the doc examples.
     37'''[#example_navigation Navigation aid]''' - ''Will be automated in the future''
     39  * '''[#example_navigation_sections_xml doc/html/sections.xml]'''
     40    [[Br]] Nested links xml definition of the library sections. This file is used to generate the
     41    navigation select boxes and tree sidebar (''expected it soon'').
     45=== Library docs organization example ===
     47[[PageOutline(4-5,Examples list,inline)]]
     49==== Docbook source ==== #example_boostbook
     51===== doc/lib_name.xml ===== #example_boostbook_xml
     53Doc source in docbook format. Optionally it can include boostbook extensions.
     55<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     56<!DOCTYPE library PUBLIC "-//Boost//DTD BoostBook XML V1.0//EN" "">
     57<library id="library_name" name="Boost.LibraryName" dirname="library_name" last-revision="$Date: 2007/06/14 22:18:40 $"
     58 xmlns:xi="">
     60  <libraryinfo>
     61    <author>
     62      <firstname>name</firstname> <surname>name</surname>
     63    </author>
     64    <copyright>
     65      <year>year</year> <holder>name</holder>
     66    </copyright>
     67    <legalnotice>
     68      <para>
     69        Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
     70        file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
     71        <ulink url=""></ulink>)
     72      </para>
     73    </legalnotice>
     74    <librarypurpose>
     75      Standard boostbook example
     76    </librarypurpose>
     77    <librarycategory name="category:library_category"></librarycategory>
     78  </libraryinfo>
     80  <title>Boost.LibraryName</title>
     82  <section id="library_name.section_id">
     84    <title>Section Title</title>
     86    <para>
     87      This is an example of a <emphasis role="bold">standard</emphasis> Boostbook document.
     88      An <ulink url="">external link</ulink>
     89    </para>
     91    <para>
     92      These should be syntax highlighted:
     93    </para>
     95    <programlisting>
     96<phrase role="preprocessor">#include</phrase> <phrase role="special">&lt;</phrase><phrase role="identifier">iostream</phrase><phrase role="special">&gt;</phrase>
     98<phrase role="keyword">int</phrase> <phrase role="identifier">main</phrase><phrase role="special">()</phrase>
     99<phrase role="special">{</phrase>
     100    <phrase role="comment">// Sample code
     101</phrase>    <phrase role="identifier">std</phrase><phrase role="special">::</phrase><phrase role="identifier">cout</phrase> <phrase role="special">&lt;&lt;</phrase> <phrase role="string">&quot;Hello, World\n&quot;</phrase><phrase role="special">;</phrase>
     102    <phrase role="keyword">return</phrase> <phrase role="number">0</phrase><phrase role="special">;</phrase>
     103<phrase role="special">}</phrase>
     105    </programlisting>
     107  </section>
     112===== doc/lib_name.xsl ===== #example_boostbook_xsl
     114Library dependents output configuration parameters (i.e. chunker depth).
     116<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     118   Copyright (c) Year author name, author name
     120   Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
     121   (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
     123                                                                   -->
     125<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
     126                version="1.0">
     128  <!-- HTML Boostbook parameters -->
     130  <xsl:param name = "chapter.logo.img"             select = "'../images/library_logo.png'" />
     132  <xsl:param name = ""  select = "'true'" />
     134  <!-- HTML Dockbook parameters -->
     136  <xsl:param name = "chunk.section.depth"          select = "2" />
     141===== doc/Jamfile.v2 ===== #example_boostbook_jamfile
     143"doc/bjam --v2" will generate the html docs.
     145# Boost.LibraryName
     147# Copyright (c) Years author name, author name
     149# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
     150# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
     153using quickbook ;
     155xml library_name
     156    :
     157        library_name.qbk ;
     160boostbook standalone
     161    :
     162        library_name
     163    :
     164        library_name.xsl
     165    ;
     168==== Quickbook Source ==== #example_quickbook
     170===== doc/lib_name.qbk ===== #example_quickbook_main_qbk
     172Main quickbook file.
     174[library LibraryName
     175    [quickbook 1.4]
     176    [copyright Year author name, author name]
     177    [purpose Standard qbk example]
     178    [id library_name]
     179    [dirname library_name]
     180    [license
     181        Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
     182        (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
     183        [])
     184    ]
     185    [authors [surname, firstname], [surname, firstname] ]
     186    [category library_category]
     189[/ Templates ]
     191[/ Images ]
     193[template Diagram [$../images/diagram.png]]
     195[/ External Links ]
     197[template SgiAssignable [@ Assignable]]
     199[/ Sections ]
     201[section Small Section]
     203A few lines.
     204A nice diagram of the lib:
     209[/ Moderate section abstract ]
     210[include moderate_size_section.qbk]
     212[/ Larger section abstract ]
     213[include larger_size_section.qbk]
     215[section Other Small Section]
     217Some more lines.
     218An external resource: [SgiAssignable]
     223===== doc/moderate_section.qbk ===== #example_quickbook_moderate_section_qbk
     225Moderate size main sections quickbook files
     228    Boost.LibrayName
     229    Copyright (c)  Year author name
     231    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
     232    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
     236[/ QuickBook Document version 1.4 ]
     238[/ Section specifics templates ]
     240[template ModerateSizeImage [$../images/moderate_size_image.svg]
     242[/ Sections ]
     244[section Moderate section]
     246You can use this sections templates to show an image:
     249Main templates are allowed too, reuse [SgiAssignable].
     251A nice table, including marketting stuff
     253[table Quickbook Rocks
     255[[Feature              ][Purpose                                   ]]
     257[[Templates            ][Extensibility and constants               ]]
     258[[Code import          ][Code consistency, callouts and reuse      ]]
     259[[Wiki style formating ][High signal to noise ratio in source code ]]
     260[[Internal links       ][Easy to use inter-doc anchors             ]]
     261[[Syntax Highlighting  ][Both in code blocks and in `inline code`  ]]
     268==== Doc Examples ==== #example_doc_example
     270===== example/doc/code_example.cpp ===== #example_doc_example_cpp
     272Quickbook allows us to import code chunks, instead of hard-coding them in the qbk source.
     273This allow as to be sure that every code example will be in sync and with out typos.
     275// Boost.LibraryName
     277// Copyright (c) Year author name, author name
     279// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
     280// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
     283// Doc example
     285#include <string>
     286#include <iostream>
     288//[ DocCodeFunctionName
     290std::string greeting()
     292    return "Hello world!";
     297//[ DocCodeExampleName
     299int main()
     301    /*<< A callout bug >>*/
     302    std::string message = greeting();
     303    std::cout << message; /*< Inlined callout bug >*/
     309===== doc/larger_section.qbk ===== #example_doc_example_qbk
     313    Boost.LibrayName
     314    Copyright (c) Year author name
     316    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
     317    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
     321[/ QuickBook Document version 1.4 ]
     323[/ Section specifics code ]
     325[import ../example/doc/example_name.cpp]
     327[/ Sections ]
     329[section Larger section]
     331[section Introduction]
     333A few lines.
     334We can easily use the imported code:
     338And then the main function
     342That is it!
     346[include larger_section/subsection_name.qbk]
     351===== example/doc/Jamfile.v2 ===== #example_doc_example_jamfile
     353Testsuite for the doc examples.
     355# Boost.LibraryName
     357# Copyright (c) Years author name, author name
     359# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
     360# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
     363import testing ;
     365test-suite "doc_code"
     366    :
     367    [ compile       compilable_example.cpp      ]
     368    [ run           runable_example.cpp         ]
     369    [ compile-fail  compile_fail_example.cpp    ]
     370    ;
     373==== Navigation aid ==== #example_navigation
     375===== doc/html/sections.xml ===== #example_navigation_sections_xml
     377Nested links xml definition of the library sections. This file is used to generate the
     378navigation select boxes and tree sidebar (''expected it soon!'').
     380<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
     383    Boost.LibraryName Sections
     385    Copyright (c) Year author name, author name
     387    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
     388    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
     390                                                                           -->
     392<nestedLinks version="1.0">
     394    <title tag="Sections"                     href="index.html" />
     396    <link tag="Introduction"                  href="library_name/introduction.html" />
     397    <link tag="Moderate size section"         href="library_name/moderate_section.html" >
     398        <link  tag="First Subsection"         href="library_name/moderate_section/first_subsection.html" />
     399        <link  tag="Second Subsection"        href="library_name/moderate_section/second_subsection.html" />
     400        <link  tag="Last Subsection"          href="library_name/moderate_section/last_subsection.html" />
     401    </link>
     402    <link  tag="Larger size section"          href="library_name/larger_section.html" >
     403        <link  tag="First Subsection"         href="library_name/larger_section/first_subsection.html" />
     404        <link  tag="Second Subsection"        href="library_name/larger_section/second_subsection.html" >
     405            <link  tag="Deeper section"       href="library_name/.../deeper_section.html" />
     406        </link>
     407        <link tag="Last Subsection"           href="library_name/larger_section/last_subsection.html" />
     408    </link>
     409    <link  tag="Acknowledgments"              href="library_name/acknowledgments.html" />