
Version 4 (modified by Matias Capeletto, 15 years ago) ( diff )


Docs orgainzation proposal

A standard layout for our docs files.

Table of contents

  1. Docs orgainzation proposal
  2. Library docs organization example
    1. Docbook source
      1. doc/lib_name.xml
      2. doc/lib_name.xsl
      3. doc/Jamfile.v2
    2. Quickbook Source
      1. doc/lib_name.qbk
      2. doc/moderate_section.qbk
    3. Doc Examples
      1. example/doc/code_example.cpp
      2. doc/larger_section.qbk
      3. example/doc/Jamfile.v2
    4. Navigation aid
      1. doc/html/sections.xml

Docbook source - Required

  • doc/lib_name.xml
    Doc source in docbook format. Optionally it can include boostbook extensions.
  • doc/lib_name.xsl
    Library dependents output configuration parameters (i.e. chunker depth).
  • doc/Jamfile.v2
    "doc/bjam --v2" will generate the HTML docs.

Quickbook Source - Optional

Images - Optional

  • doc/images/*.png
    You can use other formats, but be a good web citizen and use portable networks graphics.
  • doc/images/*.svg
    If you intend to have a decent rendering in the pdf docs, use svg.

Examples - Optional

  • example/doc/*.cpp
    Quickbook allows us to import code chunks, instead of hard-coding them in the qbk source. This allow as to be sure that every code example will be in sync and with out typos.
  • example/doc/Jamfile.v2
    Testsuite for the doc examples.

Navigation aid - Will be automated in the future

  • doc/html/sections.xml
    Nested links xml definition of the library sections. This file is used to generate the navigation select boxes and tree sidebar (expected it soon).

Library docs organization example

Examples list

  1. Docbook source
    1. doc/lib_name.xml
    2. doc/lib_name.xsl
    3. doc/Jamfile.v2
  2. Quickbook Source
    1. doc/lib_name.qbk
    2. doc/moderate_section.qbk
  3. Doc Examples
    1. example/doc/code_example.cpp
    2. doc/larger_section.qbk
    3. example/doc/Jamfile.v2
  4. Navigation aid
    1. doc/html/sections.xml

Docbook source


Doc source in docbook format. Optionally it can include boostbook extensions.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE library PUBLIC "-//Boost//DTD BoostBook XML V1.0//EN" "">
<library id="library_name" name="Boost.LibraryName" dirname="library_name" last-revision="$Date: 2007/06/14 22:18:40 $"

      <firstname>name</firstname> <surname>name</surname>
      <year>year</year> <holder>name</holder>
        Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
        file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at 
        <ulink url=""></ulink>)
      Standard boostbook example
    <librarycategory name="category:library_category"></librarycategory>


  <section id="library_name.section_id">

    <title>Section Title</title>

      This is an example of a <emphasis role="bold">standard</emphasis> Boostbook document. 
      An <ulink url="">external link</ulink>

      These should be syntax highlighted:
<phrase role="preprocessor">#include</phrase> <phrase role="special">&lt;</phrase><phrase role="identifier">iostream</phrase><phrase role="special">&gt;</phrase>

<phrase role="keyword">int</phrase> <phrase role="identifier">main</phrase><phrase role="special">()</phrase>
<phrase role="special">{</phrase>
    <phrase role="comment">// Sample code
</phrase>    <phrase role="identifier">std</phrase><phrase role="special">::</phrase><phrase role="identifier">cout</phrase> <phrase role="special">&lt;&lt;</phrase> <phrase role="string">&quot;Hello, World\n&quot;</phrase><phrase role="special">;</phrase>
    <phrase role="keyword">return</phrase> <phrase role="number">0</phrase><phrase role="special">;</phrase>
<phrase role="special">}</phrase>





Library dependents output configuration parameters (i.e. chunker depth).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   Copyright (c) Year author name, author name

   Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
   (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""

  <!-- HTML Boostbook parameters -->

  <xsl:param name = "chapter.logo.img"             select = "'../images/library_logo.png'" />

  <xsl:param name = ""  select = "'true'" />

  <!-- HTML Dockbook parameters -->

  <xsl:param name = "chunk.section.depth"          select = "2" />



"doc/bjam --v2" will generate the html docs.

# Boost.LibraryName
# Copyright (c) Years author name, author name
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

using quickbook ;

xml library_name 
        library_name.qbk ;

boostbook standalone

Quickbook Source


Main quickbook file.

[library LibraryName
    [quickbook 1.4]
    [copyright Year author name, author name]
    [purpose Standard qbk example]
    [id library_name]
    [dirname library_name]
        Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
        (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
    [authors [surname, firstname], [surname, firstname] ]
    [category library_category]

[/ Templates ]

[/ Images ]

[template Diagram [$../images/diagram.png]]

[/ External Links ]

[template SgiAssignable [@ Assignable]]

[/ Sections ]

[section Small Section]

A few lines.
A nice diagram of the lib:


[/ Moderate section abstract ]
[include moderate_size_section.qbk]

[/ Larger section abstract ]
[include larger_size_section.qbk]

[section Other Small Section]

Some more lines.
An external resource: [SgiAssignable]



Moderate size main sections quickbook files

    Copyright (c)  Year author name

    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

[/ QuickBook Document version 1.4 ]

[/ Section specifics templates ]

[template ModerateSizeImage [$../images/moderate_size_image.svg]

[/ Sections ]

[section Moderate section]

You can use this sections templates to show an image:

Main templates are allowed too, reuse [SgiAssignable].

A nice table, including marketting stuff

[table Quickbook Rocks

[[Feature              ][Purpose                                   ]]

[[Templates            ][Extensibility and constants               ]]
[[Code import          ][Code consistency, callouts and reuse      ]]
[[Wiki style formating ][High signal to noise ratio in source code ]]
[[Internal links       ][Easy to use inter-doc anchors             ]]
[[Syntax Highlighting  ][Both in code blocks and in `inline code`  ]]



Doc Examples


Quickbook allows us to import code chunks, instead of hard-coding them in the qbk source. This allow as to be sure that every code example will be in sync and with out typos.

// Boost.LibraryName
// Copyright (c) Year author name, author name
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

// Doc example

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

//[ DocCodeFunctionName

std::string greeting()
    return "Hello world!";


//[ DocCodeExampleName

int main()
    /*<< A callout bug >>*/
    std::string message = greeting();
    std::cout << message; /*< Inlined callout bug >*/



    Copyright (c) Year author name

    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

[/ QuickBook Document version 1.4 ]

[/ Section specifics code ]

[import ../example/doc/example_name.cpp]

[/ Sections ]

[section Larger section]

[section Introduction]

A few lines.
We can easily use the imported code:


And then the main function


That is it!


[include larger_section/subsection_name.qbk]



Testsuite for the doc examples.

# Boost.LibraryName
# Copyright (c) Years author name, author name
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

import testing ;

test-suite "doc_code"
    [ compile       compilable_example.cpp      ]
    [ run           runable_example.cpp         ]
    [ compile-fail  compile_fail_example.cpp    ]

Navigation aid


Nested links xml definition of the library sections. This file is used to generate the navigation select boxes and tree sidebar (expected it soon'').

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

    Boost.LibraryName Sections

    Copyright (c) Year author name, author name

    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

<nestedLinks version="1.0">

    <title tag="Sections"                     href="index.html" />

    <link tag="Introduction"                  href="library_name/introduction.html" />
    <link tag="Moderate size section"         href="library_name/moderate_section.html" >
        <link  tag="First Subsection"         href="library_name/moderate_section/first_subsection.html" />
        <link  tag="Second Subsection"        href="library_name/moderate_section/second_subsection.html" />
        <link  tag="Last Subsection"          href="library_name/moderate_section/last_subsection.html" />
    <link  tag="Larger size section"          href="library_name/larger_section.html" >
        <link  tag="First Subsection"         href="library_name/larger_section/first_subsection.html" />
        <link  tag="Second Subsection"        href="library_name/larger_section/second_subsection.html" >
            <link  tag="Deeper section"       href="library_name/.../deeper_section.html" />
        <link tag="Last Subsection"           href="library_name/larger_section/last_subsection.html" />
    <link  tag="Acknowledgments"              href="library_name/acknowledgments.html" />


Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.