
Version 5 (modified by Matias Capeletto, 15 years ago) ( diff )


Docs Translations

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Volunteers looking for something to do
  3. Volunteers sweating
  4. HTML to Quickbook translations
  5. Boostbook to Quickbook translations


The translated docs will be located in: SVN: snadbox/doc_test/libs/xxx/doc

Once they are stable, the lib author will be invited to see the results and commit them to the correct location CVS: boost/libs/xxx/doc

Volunteers looking for something to do

Add yourself here!

Volunteers sweating

  • Stjepan Rajko (translating smart_ptr)
  • Glyn Matthews (translating bind and mem_fun)
  • Darren Garvey (lists.drrngrvy@… : translating tribool and range)
  • Andrew Sutton (translating and improving graph docs)

HTML to Quickbook translations


  • smart_ptr (assigned to Stjepan Rajko)
  • bind (assigned to Glyn Matthews)
  • mem_fun (assigned to Glyn Matthews)
  • graph (assigned to Andrew Sutton)


  • wave (translator wanted)
  • serialization (translators wanted... it may be too big for one person)
  • spirit (translators wanted)

Authozarization from author needed

  • compatibility
  • crc
  • dynamic_bitset
  • integer
  • pool
  • random
  • rational
  • timer
  • tokenizer

Boostbook to Quickbook translations

  • tribool (assigned to Darren Garvey)
  • range (assigned to Darren Garvey)

This translations are low priority for now.

  • string_algo (translator wanted)
  • function (translator wanted)
  • signals (translator wanted)
  • assign (translator wanted)
  • ptr_container (translator wanted)

Go back to the main page of the *Improving Boost Docs Project*.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.