Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of GlueDocsProject

Jul 1, 2007, 5:15:23 PM (15 years ago)
Matias Capeletto



  • GlueDocsProject

    v6 v7  
    25 In construction!
     25   ''Generate Glue docs that sees boost as one tied entity, providing real-world examples,
     26   best practices for common tasks and tutorials about how to combine Boost libraries together
     27   to build high-quality C++ applications''
    27 ''Generate Glue docs that sees boost as one tied entity, providing real-world examples, best practices for common tasks and tutorials about how to combine Boost libraries together to build high-quality C++ applications''
     29=== Introduction ===
     31Boost libraries documentation are an impressive tool to learn about how individual libraries work. However we are missing integration documentation, that sees boost as a whole. How do we do common task, which libraries are powerful when combined, real life examples; are important documentation we can not expect boost authors to provide.
     33The Glue Docs project objective is to build the necessary meta-library documentation for Boost.
     35We will need a lot of help to achieve this goal, and we want this project to be an always evolving beast: growing towards more simple, more useful and easy to eat documentation.
     38=== The vault ===
     40The [GlueDocsVault Glue Docs Vault] is a chest that contains documentation shared by the community.
     41All docs will required to be written in Quickbook to help us integrate them, and to be licensed
     42under the [ Boost Software License].
     44You can there what ever you feel is useful.
     46=== Revised Glue Docs ===
     48We will periodically check the vault to upgrade [GlueDocsRevised the most useful documentation] to
     49a ''revised'' status. This will help users navigate through the documentation and find what he needed.
     51When upgrading a documentation may suffer various modifications to be integrated in
     52the Glue docs, so they look for the user as one unity. If you want your vault version to be
     53upgraded in short time, please follow the [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation Best Practices].
     54Additionally, before writting your docs. Check the layout (i.e. sections names) of similar
     55documentation already included in the Revised Glue Docs and try to stick to it.
     57=== Help wanted ===
     61''We need experienced Boost users to provide us with real life examples and to write docs about their everyday tasks using boost.''
     63''We need teachers to help us find the best ways to get people understand how things work.''
     65''We need newbie users to read our docs and tell us where they have problems.''
     67'''''We need you, go to the [GlueDocsVault Glue Docs Vault] and share with us your knowledge.'''''