Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of GoogleSearchBoxProject

Jul 17, 2007, 8:54:49 AM (15 years ago)



  • GoogleSearchBoxProject

    v11 v12  
    44      * [ImprovingBoostDocs About this project]
    55      * [BoostDocsRepository Boost docs repository]
    6       * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look & feel project]
    7       * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost Authors]
     6      * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look and feel project]
     7      * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost authors]
    88      * [GlueDocsProject Glue docs project]
    9       * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library Docs]
    10       * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation Best Practices]
    11       * [DocumentationTools Documentation Tools]
     9      * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library docs]
     10      * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation best practices]
     11      * [DocumentationTools Documentation tools]
    1212      * [ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects Subprojects]
    1313           * [BoostDocTest Boost.DocTest ]
    2323           * [QuickbookSourceStylesheetProject Quickbook source stylesheet]
    2424           * [SvgIconsSetProject SVG icons set project]
    25            * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax highlighting project]
    26            * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac Syntax Coloring]
    27            * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger Visualizers]
    28       * [BrowserTestingChart Browser Testing Chart]
    29       * [LibrariesLogos Logo Playground]
     25           * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax-highlighting project]
     26           * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac Syntax-coloring]
     27           * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger visualizers]
     28      * [BrowserTestingChart Browser-testing chart]
     29      * [LibrariesLogos Logo playground]
    3535=== Objective ===
    37 Tune the Google Search Box that appears in
     37To tune the Google Search box that appears in
    3838[ the header of HTML docs].
    3939Our idea is to use a
    40 [ Linked CSE Custom Google Search], a XML based
    41 approach to specify the generated search page. This will allow us to use a per library
    42 search page, that serves as an Index of the lib docs too.
    43 Google lets us play with refinements, a very neat technology to change your results by
    44 combining your searched words with tags.
     40[ Linked CSE Custom Google Search], an XML-based
     41approach, to specify the generated search page. This will allow us to use a per-library
     42search page that will also serve as an index of the lib docs.
     43Google lets us make refinements: a very neat technology to change your results by
     44combining your search terms with tags.
    4646=== Status ===
    48 All the machinery is currently working, but the refinements on the side
    49 of Google misbehave in some computers. We need to investigate the
    50 linked CSE technology and came up with a tested XML definition for our
    51 libs.
     48All the machinery is currently working, but the refinements on Google's part misbehave on
     49some computers. We need to investigate the linked CSE technology and came up with a tested
     50XML definition for our libs.
    5352=== Help wanted ===
    5554If you are interested, please send a mail to the
    5655[ boost-docs list]
    57 telling us you want to help.
     56telling us that you want to help.
    6463      * [ImprovingBoostDocs About this project]
    6564      * [BoostDocsRepository Boost docs repository]
    66       * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look & feel project]
    67       * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost Authors]
     65      * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look and feel project]
     66      * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost authors]
    6867      * [GlueDocsProject Glue docs project]
    69       * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library Docs]
    70       * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation Best Practices]
    71       * [DocumentationTools Documentation Tools]
     68      * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library docs]
     69      * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation best practices]
     70      * [DocumentationTools Documentation tools]
    7271      * [ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects Subprojects]
    7372           * [BoostDocTest Boost.DocTest ]
    8382           * [QuickbookSourceStylesheetProject Quickbook source stylesheet]
    8483           * [SvgIconsSetProject SVG icons set project]
    85            * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax highlighting project]
    86            * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac Syntax Coloring]
    87            * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger Visualizers]
    88       * [BrowserTestingChart Browser Testing Chart]
    89       * [LibrariesLogos Logo Playground]
     84           * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax-highlighting project]
     85           * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac Syntax-coloring]
     86           * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger visualizers]
     87      * [BrowserTestingChart Browser-testing chart]
     88      * [LibrariesLogos Logo playground]