
Version 1 (modified by viboes, 12 years ago) ( diff )

Added DoxygenGuidelines


WARNING: The contents of this page are not the result of a consensus of the Boost community.

Please feel free to improve this page directly or post on the Boost mailing lists and


doxygen tags not supported

Currently there are some doxygen tags that are not taken in account by BoostBook.



C++03 features not supported

Inheriting from a template parameter

template <typename UT, typename Bool=bool>
struct inherited_from_underlying
  template <typename Final, typename Base>
  struct type : Base  {
  //            ^^^^


template <typename UT, typename Bool=bool>
struct inherited_from_underlying {
  // member classes/structs/unions
  template <typename Final, typename Base>
  struct type {
//           ^^^^

::type misplaced when inheriting from a metafunction

  typename Final,
  typename UT,
  typename MetaMixinSeq=boost::mpl::vector0<>,
  typename Base=base_opaque_type
class new_class : public linear_hierarchy<MetaMixinSeq, Final, Base>::type {
//                                                                    ^^^^ 


template<typename Final, typename UT, 
         typename MetaMixinSeq = boost::mpl::vector0<>, 
         typename Base = base_opaque_type> 
class new_class : public linear_hierarchy::type< MetaMixinSeq, Final, Base > {
//                                         ^^^^ 

C++0x features not supported

There are some C++0x features that are not yet supported. These should be added in future versions as soon as the doxygen version you use take care of them.

explicit conversion operator

C++0x explicit operators are not documented as explicit

explicit operator underlying_type const&() const


operator underlying_type const&() const; 

See #5478.

Scoped enums

C++0x scoped enums are not documented as enum class.

See #5479.

Defaulted and Deleted Constructors

C++0x defaulted and deleted constructors are not documented as =default.

See #5480.


Documenting the Reference section following the C++ standard style

Doxygen provides a certain number of tags that allows to generate a clean documentation, but it would be great if all the Boost libraries document its Reference section following the C++ standard style.

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