Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines

Jan 29, 2009, 10:26:30 PM (14 years ago)

Include linkes to track system on Release notes section


  • Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines

    v11 v12  
    219219    * the list of all deprecated/suppressed/modified/new features with their associated tickets.
    221 For example the thread library could have (#XXXX should be replaced by the trac tickets):
    222  * '''2.1.0''' Changes since boost 1.35
    223     * #XXXX: New generic lock()  and try_lock()  functions for locking multiple mutexes at once.
    224     * #XXXX: Rvalue reference support for move semantics where the compilers supports it.
    225     * A few bugs fixed and missing functions added (including the serious win32 condition variable bug).
    226         * #XXXX: bug1
    227         * ...
    228         * #XXXX: bugn
    229     * #XXXX: scoped_try_lock types are now backwards-compatible with Boost 1.34.0 and previous releases.
    230     * #XXXX: Support for passing function arguments to the thread function by supplying additional arguments to the boost::thread constructor.
    231     * #XXXX: Backwards-compatibility overloads added for timed_lock and timed_wait functions to allow use of xtime for timeouts.
     223There will be a file in that directory named boost_n_nn_n.qbk, where n_nn_n is the release number. Edit the [section Updated Libraries] portion of that file to add a description of changes to your library. For example:
     226* [phrase library..[@/libs/interprocess/index.html Interprocess]:]
     227 *  Updated documentation to show rvalue-references functions instead of emulation functions.
     228 *  More non-copyable classes are now movable.
     229 *  Move-constructor and assignments now leave moved object in default-constructed state instead of just swapping contents.
     230 *  Several bug fixes:
     231  *[@ #2391] interprocess_recursive_mutex doesn't work interprocess,
     232  *[@ #2431] A Few More Corrections for the Interprocess Documentation,
     233  *[@ #1390] managed shared memory failing completely under OSX,
     234  *[@ #2570] boost::interprocess::message_queue::timed_send and timed_receive bug,
     235  *[@ #2528] Missing include of iostream in interprocess tests.
     242* [phrase library..[@/libs/functional/hash/index.html Hash]:]
     243  * `boost/functional/detail/container_fwd.hpp` has been moved to
     244    `boost/detail/container_fwd.hpp`.
     245    The current location is deprecated.
     246  * For more detail, see the
     247    [@/doc/html/hash/changes.html#hash.changes.boost_1_38_0
     248    library changelog].