Changes between Version 27 and Version 28 of Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines

Nov 17, 2009, 7:29:36 PM (13 years ago)
Paul A. Bristow

More comment from Patrick Hogan


  • Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines

    v27 v28  
    734734||C4512|| assignment operator could not be generated||Suppress using push'n'pop for the module(s) causing the warning. Adding the declaration (not the definition) of the appropriate operator=() as a private member does the trick as well.||#  pragma warning(disable: 4512) // assignment operator could not be generated.||
    736 ||c4511||copy constructor could not be generated||Provide constructor (and assignment operator and destructor).  Or suppress.|| #  pragma warning(disable: 4511) // copy constructor could not be generated||
    738 ||C4510||default constructor could not be generated||Suppress.||#  pragma warning(disable: 4510) // default constructor could not be generated||
     736||c4511||copy constructor could not be generated.||Provide constructor (and assignment operator and destructor).  Or suppress.|| #  pragma warning(disable: 4511) // copy constructor could not be generated||
     738||C4510||default constructor could not be generated.||If  have  reference or const members provide default constructor with initializer list. If intent is to make non-default-constructable, provide private declaration only. Suppress.||#  pragma warning(disable: 4510) // default constructor could not be generated||
    740740||C4535||calling _set_se_translator() requires /EHa ||Common from Boost.Test. In jamfile, add to project : requirements ||  <toolset>msvc:<asynch-exceptions>on # calling _set_se_translator() requires /EHa||
    748748||C4702||unreachable code||Best delete or comment-out.  Be very cautious about suppressing this, but use of macros may make this troublesome, so suppress with care, and always locally.||#pragma warning(disable: 4702) // unreachable code||
     750||C4710||'function' : function not inlined||If variable is volatile, suppress.||#pragma warning(disable: 4510) // function not inlined.||
    750752||C4800|| int' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false'||Use a bool valued expression, or static_cast. Writing (intexpr ? true : false) helps as well. Or suppress.||#  pragma warning(disable: 4800) // int' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false'
    752 ||C4996||'putenv': The POSIX name for this item is deprecated.||Many other messages about using secure versions.Unless you believe that the 'secure' versions are useful, suppress.||#  pragma warning(disable: 4996) // '' was declared deprecated.||
     754||C4996||'putenv': The POSIX name for this item is deprecated (but NOT by POSIX!).||Suppress.||#  pragma warning(disable: 4996) // 'putenv' was declared deprecated.||
     756||C4996||'  this item is deprecated.||Many other messages suggesting using secure versions. Unless you strongly believe that the 'secure' versions are useful, suppress. See also _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE and other defines above.||#  pragma warning(disable: 4996) // '' was declared deprecated.||