Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines

Nov 23, 2008, 3:39:51 PM (14 years ago)



  • Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines

    v5 v6  
    35WARNING: The contents of this page is not the result of a consensus on the Boost community.
    186 == Include a diff file respect to the previous release [author, RM] == #diff_file
    187 This file is the explicit report of all the changes in the library. It could be used by the Boost community to inspect that every change has been correctly documented (see inspections bellow).
    189188== Trac ticket and test cases association [author] == #ticket_test_case_map
    197 == Inter dependency table [author] == #dependency
     196== Dependency to other Boost library [author] == #dependency
    293292Once the deprecated period is expired the author should remove them.
    295 = Test and Inspections =
    297 == Regression Test and track system traceability == #ticket_test_case
     294= Test =
     296== Regression Test and track system traceability == #ticket_test_case [user]
    298297A bug ticket should be associated to one or several test cases, either the test cases exists already and we are in face of a regression for some toolset, or a new toolset is considered, or a new test case is needed to reproduce the bug and the modification solve the problem.
    299  * State clearly which test cases reproduce the bug it they exists [user]
    300  * Propose a new test case reproducing the bug otherwise [user]
    302 == Preserve the test from the preceding versions [author] == #old_tests
     298State clearly which test cases reproduce the bug it they exists and propose a new test case reproducing the bug otherwise [user]
     300== Preserve the test from the preceding versions [author] == #released_tests
    303301The test from the preceding versions should not be changed when the author modifies its library. These not changed tests are a probe of compatibility with the preceding version. When these test must be changed they indicate a breaking user code issue. So instead of changing them add new ones stating explicitly on which version they were included. Old tests that should fail can be moved to the compile_fail or run_fail tests on the Jamfile.
    307 = Release Management =
    308 == Announce new features on a library [author] == #announce
     303== Set read-only right on the released test files [author] == #read_only_released_tests
     304In order to avoid erroneous modification of the the released tests files the author could change the rights of the test files. If the author has no permission to do that  as a the last resort he could change the permission in its own SVN copy.
     307= Inspections  =
     308== Announce new library features [author] == #announce
    309309It would be great if the author announce to the Boost mailing lists the new features just before committing in the release branch. This will let the time to the Boost community to inspect the modifications introduced.
    311 == Inspect announced modifications [author, user, RM] == #review
    312 The use of the diff file will help to inspect that the modifications introduced have been correctly included on the documentation and a good test coverage has been done. This will result in a non official mini-review of the library.
     311== Inspect the code [author, user, RM] == #review
     312Inspect the code to check that the new modifications do not include user code breaks. Tools comparing the contents of the current release and the preceding one could be help.
     314== Check that every modification has been documented [author, user, RM] == #coherent_doc
     315Inspect that every modification has been reported on the documentation. Tools comparing the contents of the current release and the preceding one could be help.
     317== Check that every modification has been tested [author, user, RM] == #test_coverage
     318Inspect that every modification has been tested. Tools comparing the contents of the current release and the preceding one could be help.
    318324||Documentation||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#feature_request Feature Request for each deprecated/suppressed/modified/new feature]||
    319325||Documentation||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#release_note Release note and track system traceability]||
    320 ||Documentation||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#diff_file Include a diff file respect to the previous release ]||
    321326||Documentation||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#ticket_test_case_map Trac ticket and test cases association]||
    322327||Code||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#dont_using Do not use using sentences in test programs]||
    323328||Code||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#dont_delete_files Do not delete files prematurely ]||
     329||Code||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#dont_delete_cpp_symbols Do not delete classes/functions/variables prematurely]||
    324330||Code||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#deprecated_removal Remove the deprecated features on a given release]||
    325 ||Code||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#dont_delete_cpp_symbols Do not delete classes/functions/variables prematurely]||
    326331||Code||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#dont_modify_prototypes Do not modify functions prototypes prematurely]||
    327332||Test||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#ticket_test_case Regression Test and track system traceability]||
    328 ||Test||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#old_tests Preserve the test from the preceding versions]||
    329 ||Release Management||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#announceAnnounce new features on a library]||
    330 ||Release Management||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#review Inspect announced modifications]||
     333||Test||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#released_tests Preserve the test from the preceding versions]||
     334||Inspections||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#announce Announce new library features]||
     335||Inspections||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#review Inspect the code].||
     336||Inspections||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#coherent_doc Check that every modification has been documented]||
     337||Inspections||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#test_coverage Check that every modification has been tested]||
    332339= User guidelines =
    334341||Code||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#dont_using Do not use using sentences]||
    335342||Test||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#ticket_test_case Regression Test and track system traceability]||
    336 ||Release Management||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#review Inspect announced modifications].||
     343||Inspections||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#review Inspect the code].||
     344||Inspections||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#coherent_doc Check that every modification has been documented]||
     345||Inspections||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#test_coverage Check that every modification has been tested]||
    338347= Release manager guidelines =
    339 ||Documentation||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#author Announce new features on a library]||
    340 ||Release Management||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#review Inspect announced modifications].||
     348||Inspections||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#review Inspect the code]||
     349||Inspections||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#coherent_doc Check that every modification has been documented]||
     350||Inspections||[wiki:Guidelines/MaintenanceGuidelines#test_coverage Check that every modification has been tested]||