= Canned messages for rejecting list postings = These messages may be used "as-is" by moderators to reject postings, or may be modified to suit specific situations. == Developers List == ------------------------------------------- This post has been rejected because it seems specific to a particular Boost library, yet does not clearly identify which library is involved. The preferred way to do that is for the library name to appear in square brackets at the beginning of the subject line. For example, "[regex]" or "[filesystem]". The subject line should not begin with "[boost]" as that is added automatically. See http://www.boost.org/community/policy.html#subject-line Please correct and resubmit. Thanks! ------------------------------------------- This post has been rejected because the subject line is not meaningful. See http://www.boost.org/community/policy.html#subject-line Please correct and resubmit. Thanks! ------------------------------------------- This post has been rejected because top-posting is not acceptable. See http://www.boost.org/community/policy.html#quoting Please correct and resubmit. Thanks! ------------------------------------------- This post has been rejected because it is best suited to the Boost Users mailing list rather than the Boost Developers list. See http://www.boost.org/community/groups.html#users Please resubmit to the Boost Users list. Thanks! ------------------------------------------- This post has been rejected because it asks questions that are trivially answered by the Boost web site or your favorite search engine. It is OK to post newbie questions, but we do expect you to try to find answers before asking on the main developers list. If you are new to Boost and open source software, the Boost Users mailing list might be better suited to your needs. See http://www.boost.org/community/groups.html#users Some web pages that may be helpful: http://www.boost.org/community/policy.html http://www.boost.org/users/faq.html The Boost Incubator is a good place to learn about submitting libraries to Boost; see http://rrsd.com/blincubator.com/ Thanks! -------------------------------------------