Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Guidelines/Requirements

Aug 18, 2010, 10:58:23 PM (12 years ago)
Daniel James



  • Guidelines/Requirements

    v3 v4  
    1 [[PageOutline]]
     1= Boost Library Requirements and Guidelines
    3 = Boost Library Requirements and Guidelines = #intro
    5 == Introduction == #Introduction
    7 This page describes requirements and guidelines for the
    8 content of a library submitted to Boost.
    10 See the
    11 [wiki:Guidelines/Submissions Boost Library Submission Process]
    12 page for a description of the process involved.
    14 == Requirements == #Requirements
    16 To avoid the frustration and wasted time of a proposed
    17 library being rejected, it must meets these requirements:
    19  * The license must meet the [#License license requirements]
    20    below. Restricted licenses like the GPL and
    21    LGPL are not acceptable.
    22  * The copyright [#Ownership ownership] must be
    23    clear.
    24  * The library must be generally useful and not restricted
    25    to a narrow problem domain.
    26  * The library must meet the [#Portability portability requirements] below.
    27  * The library must come reasonably close to meeting the
    28    [#Guidelines Guidelines] below.   
    29    * [#Design_and_Programming Design and Programming]
    30    * [#Directory_structure Directory Structure]
    31    * [#Documentation Documentation]
    32  * The author must be willing to participate in discussions
    33    on the mailing list, and to refine the library
    34    accordingly.
    36 There's no requirement that an author read the mailing list
    37 for a time before making a submission. It has been noted,
    38 however, that submissions which begin "I just started to read
    39 this mailing list ..." seem to fail, often embarrassingly.
    41 === License requirements === #License
    43 The preferred way to meet the license requirements is to use
    44 the [ Boost Software License]. See
    45 [ license information]. If for
    46 any reason you do not intend to use the Boost Software License,
    47 please discuss the issues on the Boost
    48 [ developers mailing list]
    49 first.
    51 The license requirements:
    53  * Must be simple to read and understand.
    54  * Must grant permission without fee to copy, use and modify
    55    the software for any use (commercial and
    56    non-commercial).
    57  * Must require that the license appear on all copies of the
    58    software source code.
    59  * Must not require that the license appear with executables
    60    or other binary uses of the library.
    61  * Must not require that the source code be available for
    62    execution or other binary uses of the library.
    63  * May restrict the use of the name and description of the
    64    library to the standard version found on the Boost web
    65    site.
    67 === Portability requirements === #Portability
    69  * A library's interface must portable and not restricted to
    70    a particular compiler or operating system.
    71  * A library's implementation must if possible be portable
    72    and not restricted to a particular compiler or operating
    73    system. If a portable implementation is not possible,
    74    non-portable constructions are acceptable if reasonably easy
    75    to port to other environments, and implementations are
    76    provided for at least two popular operating systems (such as
    77    UNIX and Windows).
    78  * There is no requirement that a library run on C++
    79    compilers which do not conform to the ISO standard.
    80  * There is no requirement that a library run on any
    81    particular C++ compiler. Boost contributors often try to
    82    ensure their libraries work with popular compilers. The
    83    boost/config.hpp
    84    [ configuration header]
    85    is the preferred mechanism for working around
    86    compiler deficiencies.
    88 Since there is no absolute way to prove portability, many
    89 boost submissions demonstrate practical portability by
    90 compiling and executing correctly with two different C++
    91 compilers, often under different operating systems. Otherwise
    92 reviewers may disbelieve that porting is in fact practical.
    94 === Ownership === #Ownership
    96 Are you sure you own the library you are thinking of
    97 submitting? "How to Copyright Software" by MJ Salone, Nolo
    98 Press, 1990 says:
    100   Doing work on your own time that is very similar to
    101   programming you do for your employer on company time can
    102   raise nasty legal problems. In this situation, it's best to
    103   get a written release from your employer in advance.
    105 Place a copyright notice in all the important files you
    106 submit. Boost won't accept libraries without clear copyright
    107 information.
    109 == Guidelines == #Guidelines
    111 Please use these guidelines as a checklist for preparing the
    112 content a library submission. Not every guideline applies to
    113 every library, but a reasonable effort to comply is
    114 expected.
    116 === Design and Programming === #Design_and_Programming
    118 Aim first for clarity and correctness; optimization should
    119 be only a secondary concern in most Boost libraries.
    121 Aim for ISO Standard C++. Than means making effective use of
    122 the standard features of the language, and avoiding
    123 non-standard compiler extensions. It also means using the C++
    124 Standard Library where applicable.
    126 Headers should be good neighbors. See the
    127 [wiki:Guidelines/Header header policy]. See
    128 [#Naming_consistency Naming consistency].
    130 Follow quality programming practices. See, for example,
    131 "Effective C++" 2nd Edition, and "More Effective C++", both by
    132 Scott Meyers, published by Addison Wesley.
    134 Use the C++ Standard Library or other Boost libraries, but
    135 only when the benefits outweigh the costs. Do not use libraries
    136 other than the C++ Standard Library or Boost. See
    137 [wiki:Guidelines/Reuse Library reuse].
    139 Read
    140 [ Implementation Variation]
    141 to see how to supply performance, platform, or
    142 other implementation variations.
    144 Read the
    145 [wiki:Guidelines/Separate guidelines for libraries with separate source]
    146 to see how to ensure that compiled link libraries meet user expectations.
    148 Use the naming conventions of the C++ Standard Library (See
    149 [#Naming Naming conventions rationale]):
    151  * Names (except as noted below) should be all lowercase,
    152    with words separated by underscores.
    153  * Acronyms should be treated as ordinary names (e.g.
    154    `xml_parser` instead of
    155    `XML_parser`).
    156  * Template parameter names begin with an uppercase
    157    letter.
    158  * Macro (gasp!) names all uppercase and begin with `BOOST_`.
    160 Choose meaningful names - explicit is better than implicit,
    161 and readability counts. There is a strong preference for clear
    162 and descriptive names, even if lengthy.
    164 Use exceptions to report errors where appropriate, and write
    165 code that is safe in the face of exceptions.
    167 Avoid exception-specifications. See
    168 [#Exception-specification exception-specification rationale].
    170 Provide sample programs or confidence tests so potential
    171 users can see how to use your library.
    173 Provide a regression test program or programs which follow
    174 the [wiki:Guidelines/Test Test Policies and Protocols].
    176 Although some boost members use proportional fonts, tabs,
    177 and unrestricted line lengths in their own code, boost's widely
    178 distributed source code should follow more conservative
    179 guidelines:
    181  * Use fixed-width fonts. See [#code_fonts fonts rationale].
    182  * Use spaces rather than tabs. See [#Tabs tabs rationale].
    183  * Limit line lengths to 80 characters.
    185 End all documentation files (HTML or otherwise) with a
    186 copyright message and a licensing message. See the
    187 [ license information] page for the
    188 preferred form.
    190 Begin all source files (including programs, headers,
    191 scripts, etc.) with:
    193  * A comment line describing the contents of the file.
    194  * Comments describing copyright and licensing: again, the
    195    preferred form is indicated in the
    196    [ license information] page
    197  * Note that developers should not provide a copy of
    198    `LICENSE_1_0.txt` with their libraries: Boost
    199    distributions already include a copy in the Boost root
    200    directory.
    201  * A comment line referencing your library on the Boost web
    202    site. For example:
    203    {{{
    204 // See for library home page.
    205    }}}
    206    Where `foo` is the directory name (see below)
    207    for the library. As well as aiding users who come across a
    208    Boost file detached from its documentation, some of Boost's
    209    automatic tools depend on this comment to identify which
    210    library header files belong to.
    212 Make sure your code compiles in the presence of the
    213 `min()` and `max()` macros. Some platform
    214 headers define `min()` and `max()` macros
    215 which cause some common C++ constructs to fail to compile. Some
    216 simple tricks can protect your code from inappropriate macro
    217 substitution:
    219  * If you want to call `std::min()` or
    220    `std::max()`:
    221    * If you do not require argument-dependent look-up, use
    222      `(std::min)(a,b)`.
    223    * If you do require argument-dependent look-up, you should:
    224      * `#include <boost/config.hpp>`
    225      * Use `BOOST_USING_STD_MIN();` to bring
    226        `std::min()` into the current scope.
    228        (a,b);` to make an argument-dependent call to `min(a,b)`.
    229  * If you want to call
    230    `std::numeric_limits<int>::max()`, use
    231    `(std::numeric_limits<int>::max)()`
    232    instead.
    233  * If you want to call a `min()` or
    234    `max()` member function, instead to doing
    235    `obj.min()`, use `(obj.min)()`.
    236  * If you want to declare or define a function or a member
    237    function named `min` or `max`, then you
    238    must use the `BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION`
    239    macro. Instead of writing `int min() { return 0; }`
    240    you should write
    241    `int min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION () { return 0; }`
    242    This is true regardless if the function is a free (namespace
    243    scope) function, a member function or a static member
    244    function, and it applies for the function declaration as well
    245    as for the function definition.
    247 === Directory Structure and Filenames === #Directory_structure
    249 Naming requirements ensure that file and directory names are
    250 relatively portable, including to ISO 9660:1999 (with
    251 extensions) and other relatively limited file systems.
    252 Superscript links are provided to detailed rationale for each
    253 choice.
    255  * Names must contain only
    256    '''lowercase'''^[#Filename_rationale_1 1]^ ASCII letters
    257    (`'a'`-`'z'`), numbers
    258    (`'0'`-`'9'`), underscores
    259    (`'_'`), hyphens (`'-'`), and periods
    260    (`'.'`). Spaces are not allowed^[#Filename_rationale_2 2]^.
    261  * Directory names must not contain periods
    262    (`'.'`)^[#Filename_Rationale_3 3]^.
    263  * The first and last character of a file name must not be a
    264    period (`'.'`)^[#Filename_rationale_4 4]^.
    265  * The first character of names must not be a hyphen
    266    (`'-'`)^[#Filename_rationale_5 5]^.
    267  * The maximum length of directory and file names is 31
    268    characters^[#Filename_rationale_6 6]^.
    269  * The total path length must not exceed 207
    270    characters^[#Filename_rationale_7 7]^.
    272 Other conventions ease communication:
    274  * Files intended to be processed by a C++ compiler as part
    275    of a translation unit should have '''a three-letter
    276    filename extension ending in "pp"'''. Other files
    277    should ''not'' use extensions ending in "pp". This
    278    convention makes it easy to identify all of the C++ source in
    279    Boost.
    280  * All libraries have at their highest level a primary
    281    directory named for the particular library. See
    282    [#Naming_consistency Naming consistency]. The primary
    283    directory may have sub-directories.
    284  * For very simple libraries implemented entirely within the
    285    library header, all files go in the primary directory (except
    286    headers, which go in the boost header directory).
    288 ==== Boost standard sub-directory names ==== #subdirectory
    290 ||Sub-directory||Contents                                                 ||Required                ||
    291 ||`build`      ||Library build files such as a Jamfile.                   ||If any build files.     ||
    292 ||`doc`        ||Documentation (HTML) files.                              ||If several doc files.   ||
    293 ||`example`    ||Sample program files.                                    ||If several sample files.||
    294 ||`src`        ||Source files which must be compiled to build the library.||If any source files.    ||
    295 ||`test`       ||Regression or other test programs or scripts.            ||If several test files.  ||
    297 ==== Redirection ==== #Redirection
    299 The primary directory should always contain a file named
    300 index.html (or index.htm). Authors have requested this so that
    301 they can publish URL's in the form
    302 '''' with the assurance a
    303 documentation reorganization won't invalidate the URL. Boost's
    304 internal tools are also simplified by knowing that a library's
    305 documentation is always reachable via the simplified URL.
    307 If the documentation is in a doc sub-directory, the primary
    308 directory index.html file should just do an automatic
    309 redirection to the doc subdirectory:
    310 {{{
    311 #!html
    312 <pre>
    313 &lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
    314     ""&gt;
    316 &lt;html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"&gt;
    317 &lt;head&gt;
    318   &lt;title&gt;Boost.<var>Name</var> Documentation&lt;/title&gt;
    319   &lt;meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii" /&gt;
    320   &lt;meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=doc/index.html" /&gt;
    321 &lt;/head&gt;
    323 &lt;body&gt;
    324   Automatic redirection failed, please go to &lt;a href=
    325   "doc/index.html"&gt;doc/index.html&lt;/a&gt;
    326 &lt;/body&gt;
    327 &lt;/html&gt;
    328 </pre>
    329 }}}
    331 === Naming consistency === #Naming_consistency
    333 As library developers and users have gained experience with
    334 Boost, the following consistent naming approach has come to be
    335 viewed as very helpful, particularly for larger libraries that
    336 need their own header subdirectories and namespaces.
    338 Here is how it works. The library is given a name that
    339 describes the contents of the library. Cryptic abbreviations
    340 are strongly discouraged. Following the practice of the C++
    341 Standard Library, names are usually singular rather than
    342 plural. For example, a library dealing with file systems might
    343 chose the name "filesystem", but not "filesystems", "fs" or
    344 "nicecode".
    346  * The library's primary directory (in parent
    347    ''boost-root/libs'') is given that same name. For
    348    example, ''boost-root/libs/filesystem''.
    349  * The library's primary header directory (in parent
    350    ''boost-root/boost'') is given that same name. For
    351    example, ''boost-root/boost/filesystem''.
    352  * The library's primary namespace (in parent
    353    ''::boost'') is given that same name, except when
    354    there's a component with that name (e.g.,
    355    ''boost::tuple''), in which case the namespace name is
    356    pluralized. For example, ''::boost::filesystem''.
    358 When documenting Boost libraries, follow these conventions
    359 (see also the following section of this document):
    361  * The library name is set in roman type.
    362  * The library name is capitalized.
    363  * A period between "Boost" and the library name (e.g.,
    364    Boost.Bind) is used if and only if the library name is not
    365    followed by the word "library".
    366  * The word "library" is not part of the library name and is
    367    therefore lowercased.
    369 Here are a few examples of how to apply these
    370 conventions:
    372  * Boost.Bind was written by Peter Dimov.
    373  * The Boost Bind library was written by Peter Dimov.
    374  * I regularly use Bind, a Boost library written by Peter Dimov.
    376 === Documentation === #Documentation
    378 Even the simplest library needs some documentation; the
    379 amount should be proportional to the need. The documentation
    380 should assume the readers have a basic knowledge of C++, but
    381 are not necessarily experts.
    383 The format for documentation should be HTML, and should not
    384 require an advanced browser or server-side extensions. Style
    385 sheets are acceptable. ECMAScript/JavaScript is not acceptable.
    386 The documentation entry point should always be a file named
    387 index.html or index.htm; see [#Redirection Redirection].
    389 There is no single right way to do documentation. HTML
    390 documentation is often organized quite differently from
    391 traditional printed documents. Task-oriented styles differ from
    392 reference oriented styles. In the end, it comes down to the
    393 question: Is the documentation sufficient for the mythical
    394 "average" C++ programmer to use the library successfully?
    396 Appropriate topics for documentation often include:
    398  * General introduction to the library. The introduction
    399    particularly needs to include:
    400    * A very high-level overview of what the library is
    401     good for, and perhaps what it isn't good for,
    402     understandable even by those with no prior knowledge of
    403     the problem domain.
    404     * The simplest possible ("hello world") example of
    405       using the library.
    406  * Tutorial covering basic use cases.
    407  * Reference documentation:
    408    * Description of each class.
    409    * Relationship between classes.
    410    * For each function, as applicable, description,
    411      requirements (preconditions), effects, post-conditions,
    412      returns, and throws.
    413    * Discussion of error detection and recovery
    414      strategy.
    415  * How to compile and link.
    416  * How to test.
    417  * Version or revision history.
    418  * Rationale for design decisions. See [#Rationale Rationale rationale].
    419  * Acknowledgements. See [#Acknowledgements Acknowledgments rationale.]
    421 If you need more help with how to write documentation you
    422 can check out the article on
    423 [ Writing Documentation for Boost].
    425 == Rationale == #Rationale
    427 Rationale for some of the requirements and guidelines
    428 follows.
    430 === Exception-specification rationale === #Exception-specification
    432 Exception specifications [ISO 15.4] are sometimes coded to
    433 indicate what exceptions may be thrown, or because the
    434 programmer hopes they will improve performance. But consider
    435 the following member from a smart pointer:
    436 {{{
    437 T& operator*() const throw()  { return *ptr; }
    438 }}}
    440 This function calls no other functions; it only manipulates
    441 fundamental data types like pointers Therefore, no runtime
    442 behavior of the exception-specification can ever be invoked.
    443 The function is completely exposed to the compiler; indeed it
    444 is declared inline Therefore, a smart compiler can easily
    445 deduce that the functions are incapable of throwing exceptions,
    446 and make the same optimizations it would have made based on the
    447 empty exception-specification. A "dumb" compiler, however, may
    448 make all kinds of pessimizations.
    450 For example, some compilers turn off inlining if there is an
    451 exception-specification. Some compilers add try/catch blocks.
    452 Such pessimizations can be a performance disaster which makes
    453 the code unusable in practical applications.
    455 Although initially appealing, an exception-specification
    456 tends to have consequences that require '''very'''
    457 careful thought to understand. The biggest problem with
    458 exception-specifications is that programmers use them as though
    459 they have the effect the programmer would like, instead of the
    460 effect they actually have.
    462 A non-inline function is the one place a "throws nothing"
    463 exception-specification may have some benefit with some
    464 compilers.
    466 === Naming conventions rationale === #Naming
    468 The C++ standard committee's Library Working Group discussed
    469 this issue in detail, and over a long period of time. The
    470 discussion was repeated again in early boost postings. A short
    471 summary:
    473  * Naming conventions are contentious, and although several
    474    are widely used, no one style predominates.
    475  * Given the intent to propose portions of boost for the
    476    next revision of the C++ standard library, boost decided to
    477    follow the standard library's conventions.
    478  * Once a library settles on a particular convention, a vast
    479    majority of stakeholders want that style to be consistently
    480    used.
    482 === Source code fonts rationale === #code_fonts
    484 Dave Abrahams comments: An important purpose (I daresay the
    485 primary purpose) of source code is communication: the
    486 documentation of intent. This is a doubly important goal for
    487 boost, I think. Using a fixed-width font allows us to
    488 communicate with more people, in more ways (diagrams are
    489 possible) right there in the source. Code written for
    490 fixed-width fonts using spaces will read reasonably well when
    491 viewed with a variable-width font, and as far as I can tell
    492 every editor supporting variable-width fonts also supports
    493 fixed width. I don't think the converse is true.
    495 === Tabs rationale === #Tabs
    497 Tabs are banned because of the practical problems caused by
    498 tabs in multi-developer projects like Boost, rather than any
    499 dislike in principle. See [ mailing list archives].
    500 Problems include maintenance of a single source file by
    501 programmers using tabs and programmers using spaces, and the
    502 difficulty of enforcing a consistent tab policy other than just
    503 "no tabs". Discussions concluded that Boost files should either
    504 all use tabs, or all use spaces, and thus the decision to stick
    505 with spaces.
    507 === Directory and File Names rationale === #FileNamesRat
    509 {{{
    510 #!html
    511 <a name="Filename_rationale_1" id="Filename_rationale_1"></a>
    512 }}}
    513 1. Some legacy file systems require
    514 single-case names. Single-case names eliminate casing mistakes
    515 when moving from case-insensitive to case-sensitive file
    516 systems.
    518 {{{
    519 #!html
    520 <a name="Filename_rationale_2" id="Filename_rationale_2"></a>
    521 }}}
    522 2. This is the lowercase portion of
    523 the POSIX portable filename character set. To quote the POSIX
    524 standard, "Filenames should be constructed from the portable
    525 filename character set because the use of other characters can
    526 be confusing or ambiguous in certain contexts."
    528 {{{
    529 #!html
    530 <a name="Filename_rationale_3" id="Filename_rationale_3"></a>
    531 }}}
    532 3.Strict implementations of ISO
    533 9660:1999 and some legacy operating systems prohibit dots in
    534 directory names. The need for this restriction is fading, and
    535 it will probably be removed fairly soon.
    537 {{{
    538 #!html
    539 <a name="Filename_rationale_4" id="Filename_rationale_4"></a>
    540 }}}
    541 4. POSIX has special rules for names
    542 beginning with a period. Windows prohibits names ending in a
    543 period.
    545 {{{
    546 #!html
    547 <a name="Filename_rationale_5" id="Filename_rationale_5"></a>
    548 }}}
    549 5.Would be too confusing or ambiguous in certain contexts.
    551 {{{
    552 #!html
    553 <a name="Filename_rationale_6" id="Filename_rationale_6"></a>
    554 }}}
    555 6.We had to draw the line
    556 somewhere, and so the limit imposed by a now obsolete Apple
    557 file system was chosen years ago. It still seems a reasonable
    558 limit to aid human comprehension.
    560 {{{
    561 #!html
    562 <a name="Filename_rationale_7" id="Filename_rationale_7"></a>
    563 }}}
    564 7.ISO 9660:1999.
    566 === ECMAScript/JavaScript rationale === #JavaScript
    568 Before the 1.29.0 release, two Boost libraries added
    569 ECMAScript/JavaScript documentation. Controversy followed (see
    570 [ mailing list archives]),
    571 and the developers were asked to remove the
    572 ECMAScript/JavaScript. Reasons given for banning included:
    574  * Incompatible with some older browsers and some text based
    575    browsers.
    576  * Makes printing docs pages difficult.
    577  * Often results in really bad user interface design.
    578  * "It's just annoying in general."
    579  * Would require Boost to test web pages for
    580    ECMAScript/JavaScript compliance.
    581  * Makes docs maintenance by other than the original
    582    developer more difficult.
    584 === Rationale rationale === #Rationale_rationale
    586 Rationale is defined as "The fundamental reasons for
    587 something; basis" by the American Heritage Dictionary.
    589 Beman Dawes comments: Failure to supply contemporaneous
    590 rationale for design decisions is a major defect in many
    591 software projects. Lack of accurate rationale causes issues to
    592 be revisited endlessly, causes maintenance bugs when a
    593 maintainer changes something without realizing it was done a
    594 certain way for some purpose, and shortens the useful lifetime
    595 of software.
    597 Rationale is fairly easy to provide at the time decisions
    598 are made, but very hard to accurately recover even a short time
    599 later.
    601 === Acknowledgements rationale === #Acknowledgements
    603 As a library matures, it almost always accumulates
    604 improvements suggested to the authors by other boost members.
    605 It is a part of the culture of to acknowledge such
    606 contributions, identifying the person making the suggestion.
    607 Major contributions are usually acknowledged in the
    608 documentation, while minor fixes are often mentioned in
    609 comments within the code itself.
    611 Copyright Beman Dawes, 2003.
     3This has been move back to the [ main site]