| 361 | This instructs GCC to consider the release version of C or C++ and to first issue all warnings required by that version of the standard, and second warn about the use of gcc extenstions to the language. This would, for instance warn about the use of ''#ident'' since it is a gcc extension and is not in any of the standards. Using -pedantic makes it easier to write portable code, or at least to know when it is not. Best used with the ''-std=xxxxx'' argument to the compiler, so that you know what version of the standard you're being compared to. Currently if ''-std=xxxxx'' is not specified, it's as if you'd written ''-std=gnu++98''. Much of boost uses facilities from more recent versions of the standard, so it might make more sense to explicitly specify ''-std=c++0x'' or ''-std=gnu++0x''. ''-std=c++0x'' is most portable. See the page [http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Standards.html] for more information. |