Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of HeaderModularization

May 27, 2009, 3:34:25 PM (13 years ago)
Beman Dawes

Refine wording


  • HeaderModularization

    v1 v2  
    55 1. Single include path (-I...). Without a single include path, builds, IDE's, and other tools become unmanageable.
    66 2. Easy checkout, commit, merge, switch, and other source control operations.
    7  3. Works well regardless of build engine; remember that users don't all use bjam or CMake.
     7 3. Works well regardless of build engine, not just with bjam or CMake.
    88 4. Doesn't break users existing scripts, IDE setups, etc. OK to break developers and release managers scripts.
    9  5. Easy library subset creation.
     9 5. Easy library subset creation. (Ignoring the dependency problem; that's orthogonal.)
    1010 6. Minimizes developer mistakes like failure to merge, commit, all files that changed.
    1111 7. All maintenance occurs withing the library's libs/... directory. (Subset of (6), but important enough to list separately.)
    12  8. Easy scripting (inspect, unmerged changes, release mgt, etc.) ((7) goes a long way to achieve this.)
     12 8. Easy scripting (inspect, unmerged changes, release management, etc.) ((7) goes a long way to achieve this.)
    1313 9. Works well with installers.
    14  10. Supports test-on-demand and test-library-against-other-branch.
     14 10. Supports test-on-demand and test-library-against-different-branch.