Changes between Version 115 and Version 116 of ImprovingBoostDocs

Jun 30, 2007, 7:07:37 PM (15 years ago)
Matias Capeletto



  • ImprovingBoostDocs

    v115 v116  
    23   * Build up a long term community of people that cares and constantly improve
    24     boost documentation and tools.
    25   * Achieve an unified look and feel between docs and Boost resources, integrating them as
    26     much as possible.
    27   * Make it easier for users to navigate through the enormous amount of boost documentation.
    28   * Use latest version of standards and support old browsers.
    29   * Develop tools to automated common task, and to make life easier to boost authors.
    30     Docs writers should concentrate on generating content and not on figthing with tools.
    31   * Improve the docs tool chain, simplifying and integrating it lowering the barrier for people
    32     willing to help us.
    33   * Write docs, include rationales, use our own tools. If we want to improve boost docs,
    34     we should start by showcasing best practices in this project.
    35   * Generate Glue docs. Boost libraries doc are impressive to learn about how individual
    36     libraries work. However users are missing integration documentation, that sees boost
    37     as one tied library. How they do common task, which libraries are powerful when combined,
    38     real life examples; are important documentation we can not expect boost authors to provide.
    39   * Generate formal documentation that will became in a standard proposal for managing
    40     Boost docs.
    41   * Offer our help to translate docs to the new format, do not wait for authors to do this
    42     themselves.
    43   * Offer a place where not C++ experts can help the Boost community. In general the tasks
    44     we do here does not involve template metaprogramming or others complex C++ machinery.
    45     Dessigners, artists, teachers, web experts, Python programmers and Boost users are very
    46     welcome along our lines.
    47   * Include nice looking logos and diagrams. Although Boost libraries are so great that
    48     they do not need any marketting at all, lets face it: people are attracted like flies to catchy
    49     names and fancy pictures.
    50   * Work to make doc tools boost-agnostic. We believe that they are useful beyond the boost
    51     community, and would welcome anyone who wishes to use, extend or support them.
    52   * Enjoy our work. If we are not having fun while improving boost docs something
    53     has gone terribly wrong.
     23   * Build up a long term community of people that cares and constantly improve
     24     boost documentation and tools.
     26   * Achieve an unified look and feel between docs and Boost resources, integrating them as
     27     much as possible.
     29   * Quality documentation
     30     [[Br]][[Br]]
     31      * Make it easier for users to navigate through the enormous amount of
     32        boost documentation.
     33        [[Br]][[Br]]
     34      * Use latest version of standards and support old browsers.
     35        [[Br]][[Br]]
     36      * Generate Glue docs. Boost libraries doc are impressive to learn about how
     37        individual libraries work. However users are missing integration documentation,
     38        that sees boost as one tied library. How they do common task, which libraries
     39        are powerful when combined, real life examples; are important documentation we
     40        can not expect boost authors to provide.
     41        [[Br]][[Br]]
     42      * Build a boost version of the SGI documentation allowing us to have a consistent
     43        and complete documentation of modern C++.
     44        [[Br]][[Br]]
     45      * Include nice looking logos and diagrams. Although Boost libraries are so great
     46        that they do not need any marketting at all, lets face it: people are attracted
     47        like flies to catchy names and fancy pictures.
     49   * Documentation tools and support
     50     [[Br]][[Br]]
     51      * Improve the docs tool chain, simplifying and integrating it lowering the barrier
     52        for people willing to help us.
     53        [[Br]][[Br]]     
     54      * Develop tools to automate common task, and to make life easier to boost authors.
     55        Docs writers should concentrate on generating content and not on figthing with tools.
     56        [[Br]][[Br]]
     57      * Work to make doc tools boost-agnostic. We believe that they are useful beyond
     58        the boost community, and would welcome anyone who wishes to use, extend or
     59        support them.
     61   * Generate formal documents about C++ documentation best practices.
     63   * Offer our help to libraries authors. This include translations, proof-reading,
     64     proposing examples and tutorials for their libraries and helping them with the
     65     docs tool chain.
     67   * Offer a place where not C++ experts can help the Boost community. In general the
     68     tasks we do here does not involve template metaprogramming or others complex C++
     69     machinery. Dessigners, artists, teachers, web experts, Python programmers and Boost
     70     users are very welcome along our lines.
     72   * Write docs, include rationales, use our own tools. If we want to improve boost docs,
     73     we should start by showcasing best practices in this project.
     75   * Enjoy our work. If we are not having fun while improving boost docs something
     76     has gone terribly wrong.