Changes between Version 117 and Version 118 of ImprovingBoostDocs

Jun 30, 2007, 10:57:01 PM (15 years ago)
Matias Capeletto



  • ImprovingBoostDocs

    v117 v118  
    3131   * Quality documentation
    3232     [[Br]][[Br]]
     33      * Provide correct, current and readable documentation for the Boost C++ libraries,
     34        tools, environment and organization.
     35        [[Br]][[Br]]
     36      * Generate Glue docs that sees boost as one tied entity, providing
     37        real-world examples, best practices for common tasks and tutorials about how
     38        to combine Boost libraries together to build high-quality C++ applications.
     39        [[Br]][[Br]]
     40      * Provide a publicly available, vendor-neutral reference manual for the Standard C++
     41        library, STL concepts, data types and algorithms as part of the Boost library
     42        documentation.
     43        [[Br]][[Br]]
    3344      * Make it easier for users to navigate through the enormous amount of
    3445        boost documentation.
    3546        [[Br]][[Br]]
    3647      * Use latest version of standards and support old browsers.
    37         [[Br]][[Br]]
    38       * Generate Glue docs. Boost libraries doc are impressive to learn about how
    39         individual libraries work. However users are missing integration documentation,
    40         that sees boost as one tied library. How they do common task, which libraries
    41         are powerful when combined, real life examples; are important documentation we
    42         can not expect boost authors to provide.
    43         [[Br]][[Br]]
    44       * Build a boost version of the SGI documentation allowing us to have a consistent
    45         and complete documentation of modern C++.
    4648        [[Br]][[Br]]
    4749      * Include nice looking logos and diagrams. Although Boost libraries are so great