Changes between Version 87 and Version 88 of ImprovingBoostDocs

Jun 28, 2007, 12:44:10 PM (15 years ago)
Matias Capeletto



  • ImprovingBoostDocs

    v87 v88  
     19== Objectives ==
     21  * Build up a long term community of people that cares and constantly improve
     22    boost documentation and tools.
     23  * Achieve an unified look and feel between docs and Boost resources, integrating them as
     24    much as possible.
     25  * Make it easier to users to navigate through the enormous amount of boost documentation.
     26  * Develop tools to automated common task, and to make life easier to boost authors.
     27    Docs writers should concentrate on generating content and not on figthing with tools.
     28  * Improve the docs tool chain, simplifying and integrating it to lower the barrier for people
     29    willing to help us.
     30  * Write docs, include rationales, use our own tools. If we want to improve boost docs,
     31    we should start by showcasing best practices in this project.
     32  * Generate Glue docs. Boost libraries doc are impressive to learn about how individual
     33    libraries work. However users are missing integration documentation, that sees boost
     34    as one tied library. How they do common task, which libraries are powerful when combined
     35    are important documentation we can not expect boost authors to provide.
     36  * Generate formal documentation that will became in a standard proposal for managing
     37    Boost docs.
     38  * Offer our help to translate docs to the new format, do not wait for authors to do this
     39    themselves.
     40  * Enjoy our work. If we are not having fun while improving boost docs something
     41    has goes terribly wrong.
    1945== News ==
    2147[ Go to google calendar]
    23   * '''(28/06/07)''' We are trying to build a long term community of people that cares and constantly improve Boost docs. With that in mind new sections have been created: Subprojects, People, and Acknowledgments.
     49  * '''(28/06/07)''' We are trying to build a long term community of people that cares and constantly improve Boost docs. With that in mind new sections have been created: Subprojects, People, and Acknowledgments; including pictures of us to make as feel as a group.
    2450  * '''(28/06/07)''' The community is growing: Peter Foley starts the [SvgIconsSetProject SVG icons set project]. Welcome Peter!
    2551  * '''(27/06/07)''' Help needed for a new project: Boost specific WikiMacros ( [ more information] )