Changes between Version 89 and Version 90 of ImprovingBoostDocs

Jun 28, 2007, 1:06:43 PM (15 years ago)
Matias Capeletto



  • ImprovingBoostDocs

    v89 v90  
    3232  * Generate Glue docs. Boost libraries doc are impressive to learn about how individual
    3333    libraries work. However users are missing integration documentation, that sees boost
    34     as one tied library. How they do common task, which libraries are powerful when combined
    35     are important documentation we can not expect boost authors to provide.
     34    as one tied library. How they do common task, which libraries are powerful when combined,
     35    real life examples; are important documentation we can not expect boost authors to provide.
    3636  * Generate formal documentation that will became in a standard proposal for managing
    3737    Boost docs.
    4747[ Go to google calendar]
    49   * '''(28/06/07)''' Formal objectives of the project.
     49  * '''(28/06/07)''' The formal objectives of the project have been outlined.
    5050  * '''(28/06/07)''' We are trying to build a long term community of people that cares and constantly improve Boost docs. With that in mind new sections have been created: Subprojects, People, and Acknowledgments; including pictures of us to make as feel as a group.
    5151  * '''(28/06/07)''' The community is growing: Peter Foley starts the [SvgIconsSetProject SVG icons set project]. Welcome Peter!