
Version 98 (modified by Matias Capeletto, 15 years ago) ( diff )


Table of contents

  1. Objectives
  2. News
  3. How to help
  4. Project Wiki
  5. People
  6. Acknowledgments


  • Build up a long term community of people that cares and constantly improve boost documentation and tools.
  • Achieve an unified look and feel between docs and Boost resources, integrating them as much as possible.
  • Make it easier to users to navigate through the enormous amount of boost documentation.
  • Use latest version of standards and support old browsers.
  • Develop tools to automated common task, and to make life easier to boost authors. Docs writers should concentrate on generating content and not on figthing with tools.
  • Improve the docs tool chain, simplifying and integrating it lowering the barrier for people willing to help us.
  • Write docs, include rationales, use our own tools. If we want to improve boost docs, we should start by showcasing best practices in this project.
  • Generate Glue docs. Boost libraries doc are impressive to learn about how individual libraries work. However users are missing integration documentation, that sees boost as one tied library. How they do common task, which libraries are powerful when combined, real life examples; are important documentation we can not expect boost authors to provide.
  • Generate formal documentation that will became in a standard proposal for managing Boost docs.
  • Offer our help to translate docs to the new format, do not wait for authors to do this themselves.
  • Offer a place where not C++ experts can help the Boost community. In general the tasks we do here does not involve template metaprogramming or others complex C++ machinery. Dessigners, artists, teachers, web experts, Python programmers and Boost users are very welcome along our lines.
  • Enjoy our work. If we are not having fun while improving boost docs something has gone terribly wrong.


Go to google calendar

  • (28/06/07) The formal objectives of the project have been outlined.
  • (28/06/07) We are trying to build a long term community of people that cares and constantly improve Boost docs. With that in mind new sections have been created: Subprojects, People, and Acknowledgments; including pictures of us to make as feel as a group.
  • (28/06/07) The community is growing: Peter Foley starts the SVG icons set project. Welcome Peter!
  • (27/06/07) Help needed for a new project: Boost specific WikiMacros ( more information )
  • (27/06/07) "Quickbook as a WikiProcessor for our Trac", let us know we can count on you! ( more information )
  • (26/06/07) New project waiting for a developer: "Trac Syntax Coloring for Boostbook, Quickbook and Jamfiles". ( more information )
  • (26/06/07) Initial Boost Docs organization proposal.
  • (25/06/07) We have now a repository to organize our work. More information in the boost docs repository page.
  • (25/06/07) The wiki is now easy to navigate!
  • (24/06/07) Glyn Matthews volunteers to do the HTML to Docbook project. Thanks!
  • (22/06/07) New page! Go and see the logo playgroung page.
  • (22/06/07) The new docs are being tested by volunteers in different platforms and browsers. Go to the browser testing chart.
  • (22/06/07) Some subprojects have been outlined so people willing to collaborate can jump in and became a part of the project.
  • (22/06/07) A new translation tool has been released! ( more information )
  • (21/06/07) Syntax highlighting, Revolution! ( more information )
  • (19/06/07) Four really cool guys volunteers to translate docs to quickbook ( more information )
  • (18/06/07) A few steps from XHTML 1.1 validation ( more information )
  • (15/06/07) Box wrappers support in Boostbook ( more information )
  • (12/06/07) New Grouped Links select boxes in header ( more information )
  • (11/06/07) Linked CSE Google search box in header ( more information )
  • (09/06/07) Test document for new styles ( more information )

How to help

These are small projects waiting for one or two folks to jump into them.

Other ways to help us

  • Jump in as a browser tester ( More information in the browser testing chart page )
  • Docs Translator ( More information in the docs translations project page )
  • Comment about our work. We need constant feedback, please scream your opinion in the boost-docs list.
  • Lot of documentation on this Wiki is being written by non-native English speaker. Just reading and correcting expressions and paragraph will be appreciated.

If you are...

  • ... a web designer, you can help us with our HTML docs projects.
  • ... an artist, you can propose graphics to make boost look fancier.
  • ... a teacher, you can write tutorials for the Glue Docs project.
  • ... a Boost user, you can provide us with real life examples for the Glue Docs project.
  • ... a Python programmer, you can help us integrating stuff into Trac.

Project Wiki

  • Boost Docs repository
    We are working on several boost tools to support the new features and improve their usability. This work is stored in boost sandbox. Go to the boost docs repository page to learn how it is organized.
  • Docs Translations
    If we want to have an unified look and feel in boost docs, we need that all documentation be in a standard format. We are translating HTML based docs to dockbook format. There are a lot of documents to translate, we need more volunteers to help in the process. If you want to participate go to the docs translations project page. (We now have a bunch of tools that makes painless the process, please jump in!)
  • Unified look & feel
    We are working in a new look for Boost and we are developing navigation tools to help users read the enormous amount of documentation aavailablein boost. Go to the unified look & feel project page to find what is new and rationales behind the ddecisions
  • Glue Docs
    To do...
  • Subprojects
    There are some small subprojects targeted to solve specific needs. Go to the subproject page to participate in them.
  • Browser testing
    Volunteers are periodically testing the new docs in each platform and browser. Go to the browser testing chart.
  • Libraries Logos
    Go to the logo playground page to find proposed logos for Boost libraries.


The people list here is working on this project of has done work on the tools in wich this work builds up. Some of them may not endorse all the proposal of the project, but all have gave their blessing to it. If you are working for this project and do not appear here, please add yourself to the list. If you are listed and want to share your mail and picture here, please add them.
Andrew Sutton
Cédric Venet
Darren Garvey
Douglas Gregor
Eric Niebler
Glyn Matthews
Jacob Robert Voytko
Joel de Guzman
John Maddock
Matias Capeletto
matias dot capeletto at gmail dot com
Peter Foley
Rene Rivera
Stjepan Rajko
Stuart Dootson
stuart dot dootson at gmail dot com


Big thanks to Daniel James, Janek Kozicki, João Abecasis, Matt Doyle, Michael Marcin, Paul A Bristow. You are welcome to became active members of the project, in that case please add yourself to the list above. Thanks to all the others that have help us with discussion on the boost list.

Attachments (5)

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Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.