
Version 23 (modified by Matias Capeletto, 15 years ago) ( diff )


Improving Boost Docs Subprojects

Table of contents

  1. Projects waiting for developers
  2. Projects in progress
  3. Important external projects

Projects waiting for developers

  • Boost specific WikiMacros
    Write a not too clutter proposal for new Boost specific WikiMacros, including the rationale behind each decision and implement the Macros specified in the proposal.

  • Google Search Box project
    We need help with the Google Search Box that appears in the banner. Our idea is to use a Linked CSE Custom Google Search, a XML based approach to specify the generated search page.
    We need to investigate the Linked CSE technology and came up with a tested XML definition for our libs.

  • Quickbook as a WikiProcessor for our Trac
    The objective of the project will be to complete the second point. Rene could then use it to test his work and we will have a *very* good reason to finished the backend.

  • Syntax highlighting project
    The project consist in checking that the colours are right, and make the colour set for the missing IDEs. When this first task is finished, we must came up with a default syntax highlighting scheme for boost, that may be a combination of the others.

Projects in progress

  • Boost HTML stylesheet
    As part of the unified look & feel project, we are making a standard CSS to be used in boost HTML docs.
    Rene Rivera, Matias Capeletto, Joel de Guzman

  • Boost Kate support
    Syntax coloring, auto-commet and folding support for Boost C++, Quickbook and Jamfiles.
    Matias Capeletto

  • Boost PDF stylesheet
    Another project member of the unified look & feel project. We will adapt the PDF look and feel to be as close as possible to the HTML generated docs (but not closer, because PDF design rationale is different from HTML design ddecisions.
    John Maddock

  • Boost Trac stylesheet
    Once we settled down with a look and feel for our docs, we will tuned the trac CSS to match it. We have started by doing some testing.
    Douglas Gregor, Matias Capeletto

  • Boost.Build support for doc tools
    Integration of new tools into the boost build system. It will be nice to have a Boost.Build expert to work with us.
    John Maddock, Matias Capeletto

  • Boostscript
    Javascript library used by Boostbook to achieve things like dynamic selection of syntax coloring, easy navigation of boost docs and old browser fixes.
    Matias Capeletto

  • HTML to docbook
    We are looking for solution to convert normal HTML into dockook files.
    Glyn Matthews

  • Improving Boostbook
    Simplify and integrate new stuff from the project into Boostbook stylesheets.
    Matias Capeletto

  • Quickbook source stylesheet
    We are developing a cCSSthat lets as see boostbook based HTML as Quickbook source in a common browser.
    Rene Rivera, Matias Capeletto

  • SVG icons set project
    Find scalable vector graphics icons for navigation and admonitions, so we can use them in both PDF and HTML output.
    Peter Foley

Important external projects

These projects are independent from the "Improving Boost Docs" umbrella. They are included here because they are really important for this project, if you are the developper of one of them, be free to move them to the list above.

Attachments (15)

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Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.