Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of IndependentLibraryVersioning

Jun 7, 2007, 6:23:09 AM (15 years ago)
Gennadiy Rozental



  • IndependentLibraryVersioning

    v2 v3  
    1212The objectives of this proposal include:
    14 * Independent development of all the components that constitute boost libraries set (accepted and proposed), so that each developer may work on his own pace and boost can scale up to an ever-larger number of libraries, and so do without the incremental weight of each new library having a negative impact on other libraries or on release management
    16 * Explicit support for libraries dependencies
    18 * Decoupling individual library testing and release [#individual_lib_release procedures] from [#boost_umbrella_release boost umbrella releases]
    20 * Minimizing requirements for the test environment while making it flexible to support all the necessary tests
    22 * Boost releases that are professional and reliable, and suitable for users ranging from simple projects by individuals on up to very large multi-developer projects in large organizations.
    24 * Timely releases of Boost are available on a predictable schedule, with no possibility that problems with a few libraries can delay a release of Boost as a whole.
    26 * Release preparation does not require super-human effort by the release manager and does not involve neither testers nor developers.
    28 * It is easy to release of subsets of Boost
     14 * Independent development of all the components that constitute boost libraries set (accepted and proposed), so that each developer may work on his own pace and boost can scale up to an ever-larger number of libraries, and so do without the incremental weight of each new library having a negative impact on other libraries or on release management
     16 * Explicit support for libraries dependencies
     18 * Decoupling individual library testing and release [#individual_lib_release procedures] from [#boost_umbrella_release boost umbrella releases]
     20 * Minimizing requirements for the test environment while making it flexible to support all the necessary tests
     22 * Boost releases that are professional and reliable, and suitable for users ranging from simple projects by individuals on up to very large multi-developer projects in large organizations.
     24 * Timely releases of Boost are available on a predictable schedule, with no possibility that problems with a few libraries can delay a release of Boost as a whole.
     26 * Release preparation does not require super-human effort by the release manager and does not involve neither testers nor developers.
     28 * It is easy to release of subsets of Boost
    3030== SVN repository structure == #svn_structure