8 | | |
9 | | a. sharing of buffers between chain elements, à la [http://www.apachetutor.org/dev/brigades APR bucket brigades] |
10 | | b. scatter/gather operations |
| 7 | a. sharing of buffers between chain elements, à la [http://www.apachetutor.org/dev/brigades APR bucket brigades] |
| 8 | b. scatter/gather operations |
| 9 | 3. New abstractions improving the standard library iostreams: |
| 10 | a. Provide more metadata about a stream/stream buffer, e.g., |
| 11 | i. [http://boost.org/libs/iostreams/doc/guide/modes.html mode] |
| 12 | ii. blocking/non-blocking |
| 13 | b. more fine-grained stream state |
| 14 | c. support for asynchronous and non-blocking I/O (see below) |
| 15 | 4. Support for asynchronous and non-blocking I/O |
| 16 | a. asio compatibility |
| 17 | b. asynchronous and non-blocking device concepts |
| 18 | c. abstractions for performing I/O using large collections of asynchronous/non-blocking chains [hopefully this can be implemented using asio] |
| 19 | 5. |
| 20 | |