Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of LibrariesUnderConstruction

Dec 3, 2008, 3:44:51 PM (14 years ago)

Libraries Under Construction creation


  • LibrariesUnderConstruction

    v1 v1  
     3WARNING: The contents of this page could be incomplete and outdated. Please help us to improve this page by modifying it directly or posting on the Boost mailing list [] and [].
     5See [ Boost Releases documentation]  for the list of libraries Boost by release.
     6See [ Boost Review Schedule]  for Boost ongoing details.
     8Most of the ongoing libraries are stored on the [ SVN Sandbox], the [ Boost Vault] or on specific sites.
     11= Libraries Under Construction =
     13This page is an index page for libraries under construction.
     16== Boost.!AllocPlus ==
     17 * '''Author(s):''' Ion Gaztañaga [> 
     18 * '''Version:'''
     19 * '''State:'''
     20 * '''Last upload:'''
     21 * '''Links:''' [ Documentation] [ Download]
     22 * '''Description:'''Allocators optimizations
     25== Boost.Chono ==
     26 * '''Author(s):''' Beman Dawes
     27 * '''Version:'''
     28 * '''State:'''
     29 * '''Last upload:'''2008 Nov 26
     30 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     31 * '''Description:''' The Boost Chrono library provides:
     33    *  The C++0x Standard Library's time utilities, including:
     34          * Class template duration
     35          * Class template time_point
     36          * Clocks:
     37                * system_clock
     38                * monotonic_clock
     39                * high_resolution_clock
     41    * Class template timer, with typedefs:
     42          * system_timer
     43          * monotonic_timer
     44          * high_resolution_timer
     46    * Process clocks and timers:
     47          * process_clock, capturing real, user-CPU, and system-CPU times.
     48          * process_timer, capturing elapsed real, user-CPU, and system-CPU times.
     49          * run_timer, convenient reporting of process_timer results.
     51    *  The C++0x Standard Library's compile-time rational arithmetic.
     54== Boost.!ConstantTimeSize ==
     55 * '''Author(s):''' Vicente J. Botet Escriba
     56 * '''Version:''' 0.1
     57 * '''State:''' Stable
     58 * '''Last upload:'''2008 Oct 14
     59 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Boost Sandbox]
     60 * '''Description:''' Boost.ConstantTimeSize defines a wrapper to the stl container list giving the user the chioice for the complexity of the size function:  linear time, constant time or quasi-constant.
     62In future versions the library could include a similar wrapper to slist.
     67== Boost.!Dataflow ==
     68 * '''Author(s):'''  Stjepan Rajko
     69 * '''State:''' Rewriting ongoing
     70 * '''Version:'''
     71 * '''Last upload:'''
     72 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     73 * '''Description:'''
     76== Boost.Endian ==
     77 * '''Author(s):''' Beman Dawes
     78 * '''Version:'''
     79 * '''State:'''
     80 * '''Last upload:'''2008 Nov 26
     81 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     82 * '''Description:''' Provides integer-like byte-holder binary types with explicit control over byte order, value type, size, and alignment. Typedefs provide easy-to-use names for common configurations.
     84These types provide portable byte-holders for integer data, independent of particular computer architectures. Use cases almost always involve I/O, either via files or network connections. Although portability is the primary motivation, these integer byte-holders may also be used to reduce memory use, file size, or network activity since they provide binary integer sizes not otherwise available.
     87== Boost.Extension ==
     88 * '''Author(s):''' Jeremy Pack
     89 * '''Version:'''
     90 * '''State:'''
     91 * '''Last upload:'''2008 Nov 26
     92 * '''Links:''' [ Blog] [ Download] [ Headers Boost Sandbox] [ Libs Boost Sandbox]
     93 * '''Description:''' The Boost.Extension library has been developed to ease the development of plugins and similar extensions to software using shared libraries. Classes, functions and data can be made available from shared libraries and loaded by the application.
     96== Boost.!InterThreads ==
     97 * '''Author(s):''' Vicente J. Botet Escriba
     98 * '''Version:''' 0.1
     99 * '''State:''' Not stable
     100 * '''Last upload:''' 2008 Nov 26
     101 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
     102[ Boost Sandbox]
     103 * '''Description:'''  Boost.!InterThreads extends Boost.Threads adding some features:
     105    * thread decorator: thread_decorator allows to define setup/cleanup functions which will be called only once by thread: setup before the thread function and cleanup at thread exit.
     106    * thread specific shared pointer: this is an extension of the thread_specific_ptr providing access to this thread specific context from other threads. As it is shared the stored pointer is a shared_ptr instead of a raw one.
     107    * thread keep alive mechanism: this mechanism allows to detect threads that do not prove that they are alive by calling to the keep_alive_point regularly. When a thread is declared dead a user provided function is called, which by default will abort the program.
     108    * thread tuple: defines a thread group where the number of threads is know statically and the threads are created at construction time.
     109    * set_once: a synchronizer that allows to set a variable only once, notifying to the variable value to whatever is waiting for that.
     110    * thread_tuple_once: an extension of the boost::thread_tuple which allows to join the thread finishing the first, using for that the set_once synchronizer.
     111    * thread_group_once: an extension of the boost::thread_group which allows to join the thread finishing the first, using for that the set_once synchronizer.
     113(thread_decorator and thread_specific_shared_ptr) are based on the original implementation of threadalert written by Roland Schwarz.
     118== Boost.!ITL ==
     119 * '''Author(s):'''  Joachim Faulhaber
     120 * '''Version:'''
     121 * '''State:'''
     122 * '''Last upload:''' 2008 Nov 26
     123 * '''Links:''' [ Home Page] [ Online Documentation] [ Boost Sandbox]
     124 * '''Description:''' The Interval Template Library (ITL) offers '''intervals''' and two kinds of interval containers: '''interval_sets''' and '''interval_maps'''.
     127== Boost.Log ==
     128 * '''Author(s):''' Andrey Semashev `[] 
     129 * '''Version:'''
     130 * '''State:'''
     131 * '''Last upload:''' 2008 Nov 28
     132 * '''Links:''' [ Home Page]
     133 * '''Description:'''  This library aims to make logging significantly easier for the application developer. It provides a wide range of out-of-box tools, along with public interfaces ready to be used to extend the library. The main goals of the library are:
     135    * Simplicity. A small example code snippet should be enough to get the feel of the library and be ready to use its basic features.
     136    * Extensibility. A user should be able to extend functionality of the library with regard to collecting and storing information into logs.
     137    * Performance. The library should make as least performance impact on the user's application as possible.
     141== Boost.Mirror ==
     142 * '''Author(s):'''  Matus Chochlik
     143 * '''Version:'''
     144 * '''Last upload:'''
     145 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     146 * '''Description:''' The aim of the <libraryname>Mirror</libraryname> library is to provide useful meta-data at both compile-time and run-time about common C++ constructs like namespaces, types (and as an important special case <code>typedef</code>-ined types), classes and their base classes and member attributes, instances, etc. and to provide uniform and generic interfaces for their introspection.
     150== Boost.Move ==
     151 * '''Author(s):'''  Adobe
     152 * '''Version:'''
     153 * '''State:''' stable
     154 * '''Last upload:'''
     155 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     156 * '''Description:''' User defined types often have remote parts either because they are implemented using a pointer-to-implementation or are variable sized. Such objects can be expensive to copy and are often copied unnecessarily when they are returned from functions or stored in other objects or containers. Boost.Move is a collection of utilities to implement types which can be moved to elide copying in such situations as well as utilities to assist in moving value.
     159== Boost.Process ==
     160 * '''Author(s):'''  Julio M. Merino Vidal
     161 * '''Version:''' v0.1
     162 * '''State:'''
     163 * '''Last upload:'''
     164 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     165 * '''Description:''' Provides a flexible framework for the C++ programming language to manage running programs, also known as ''processes''.  Among other functionality, this includes the ability to manage the execution context of the currently running process, the ability to spawn new child processes, and a way to communicate with them them using standard C++ streams.
     169== Boost.Reflection ==
     170 * '''Author(s):''' Jeremy Pack
     171 * '''Version:'''
     172 * '''State:'''
     173 * '''Last upload:'''2008 Aug 08
     174 * '''Links:''' [ Blog] [ Download] [  Boost Sandbox Headers] [  Boost Sandbox]
     175 * '''Description:''' The goal of this library is to provide runtime reflection for C++ classes, and to allow the same across shared library boundaries. It is an offshoot of the Extension library, which provides dynamic class loading across shared libraries.
     177Boost.Reflection does not provide automatic reflection of classes. Instead, the class data must be manually reflected. This does offer some benefits however:
     179    * This can result in better performance, since only the necessary functions are reflected.
     180    * Arbitrary classes can be reflected without modification.
     181    * It is possible to make a reflected interface that is quite different from the original interface.
     184== Boost.Tree ==
     185 * '''Author(s):'''  Bernhard Reiter
     186 * '''Version:'''
     187 * '''State:'''
     188 * '''Last upload:''' 2008 Nov 30
     189 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     190 * '''Description:''' TR2 Proposal text: [ Tree Structures and Related Concepts for the C++ Standard Library (TR2)]
     195= Other Open Source libraries =
     196 This page contains other libraries that work well with Boost.
     199== ASL ==
     200 * '''Author(s):'''  Sean Parent and Mat Marcus - Adobe
     201 * '''Version:''' 1.0.39
     202 * '''State:''' Released
     203 * '''Last upload:''' November 6, 2008
     204 * '''Links:''' [ Home page]
     205 * '''Description:''' Adobe Source Libraries (ASL) provides peer-reviewed and portable C++ source libraries. The libraries are intended to be widely useful, leveraging and extending both the C++ Standard Library and the Boost Libraries.
     208== TBB ==
     209 * '''Author(s):'''  Intel
     210 * '''Version:''' 2.1
     211 * '''State:''' stable release
     212 * '''Last upload:''' June 7, 2008
     213 * '''Links:''' [ Home page]
     214 * '''Description:''' Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB) offers a rich and complete approach to expressing parallelism in a C++ program. It is a library that helps you take advantage of multi-core processor performance without having to be a threading expert. Threading Building Blocks is not just a threads-replacement library. It represents a higher-level, task-based parallelism that abstracts platform details and threading mechanism for performance and scalability and performance.
     219= Libraries Under Discussion =
     220This page is an index page for discussion of possible libraries as people get their ideas together.
     223== Geometry ==
     224 * '''Description:'''
     225 * '''Discussion:'''
     226 * '''Participants:''' 
     229= Libraries Wish list =
     231This page contains libraries that people have requested of Boost (mostly on the developer's mailing list). If you're looking for a project, this is a good place to start.
     234== !AccummulatorsExt ==
     235 * '''Suggested by:''' Vicente J. Botet Escriba 
     236 * '''Description:''' Adding sliding, dependable and cyclic accumulators to Boost.Accumulators.
     237The accumulator library allows to determine dependency between accumulator, but not between accumulator_sets.
     239I would like to define an accumulator_set c so when we cumulate in two others c1 and c2 accumulator_set we cumulate also in c, some thing like:
     243typedef dependable_accumulator_set <double, ...> dependable_acc_type;
     245dependable_acc_type c1, c2;
     246dependable_acc_type c=c1+c2
     248dependable_acc_type c3;
     259How dependable_accumulator_set  can be defined? Here follows the interfaces of such a class and the pseudo code, I've named the class dependable_accumulator_set, sorry but I have not found a shorter and better name (may be observed/listened?)
     263template <typename T, typename F, typename W>
     264class dependable_accumulator_set : public acumulator_set<T,F,W>
     267    dependable_accumulator_set();
     268    void add_dependent(dependable_acumulator_set&);
     269    void remove_dependent(dependable_acumulator_set&);
     271    template<typename A1>
     272    void operator ()(A1 const &a1) {
     273        for (acc in dependents) {
     274            acc(a1);
     275        }
     276        this->accumulator_set_type::operator()(a1);
     277    }
     278    dependable_accumulator_set<T,F,W>& operator+=(dependable_accumulator_set<T,F,W>);
     279    dependable_accumulator_set<T,F,W>& operator-=(dependable_accumulator_set<T,F,W>);
     282template <typename T, typename F, typename W>
     287In addition another variant could allow to cumulate on a sliding window, e.g. on the last N cumulated values. There is already a tail accumulator, but I don't know how to define a min_tail accumulator with the current framework. This class could behaves like:
     291typedef sliding_accumulator_set <double, ...> sliding_acc_type;
     292sliding_acc_type c(window=2);
     301We can state the sliding window at compile (template parameter) or run time
     302(constructor parameter).
     306template <std::size Window, typename T, typename F, typename W>
     307class static_sliding_accumulator_set;
     309template <typename T, typename F, typename W>
     310class sliding_accumulator_set;
     313Of course the complexity of the sliding accumulators operations is increased.
     315Another variant could be also to have a temporary accumulator that cyclically push its current value on another accumulator.
     317It will also interesting to have a sliding, dependable and cyclic accumulator set. It would be great to integrate these features on a unique class (accumulator_set?) in a clean way.
     321template <typename T, typename F, typename W, typename DependablePolicy, typename SlicingPolicy, typename CyclicPolicy>
     322class accumulator_set;
     327== !DenseSet ==
     328 * '''Suggested by:''' Vicente J. Botet Escriba 
     329 * '''Description:''' Implementation of dense set of integers using intervals.
     332== Frames  ==
     333 * '''Suggested by:''' Vicente J. Botet Escriba 
     334 * '''Description:''' in a frame library which will be based on an extension of the archive concept. The saving archive concept allows to save serializable data at the end of the archive, and the loading archive concept allows to read serializable data from the beginning of the archive. The saving frame concept will allows to save serializable data either at the end or the '''begin''' of the frame, and the loading frame concept allows to read serializable data from the beginning or the '''end''' of the archive.
     337== !StableVector ==
     338 * '''Suggested by:'''  Joaquín M López Muñoz
     339 * '''Links:''' [ Stable Vectors]
     340 * '''Description:''' a container mimicking the interface of std::vector except that it provides iterator and reference stability at the expense of losing memory contiguity.
     343== !ThreaderJoiner  ==
     344 * '''Suggested by:''' Vicente J. Botet Escriba 
     345 * '''Description:''' Threader/Joiner as proposed by Kevlin Henney `[ Preliminary Threading Library Proposal for TR2]
     349= Abandoned =