Changes between Version 33 and Version 34 of LibrariesUnderConstruction

Feb 14, 2009, 6:04:47 PM (14 years ago)

Adding cross reference


  • LibrariesUnderConstruction

    v33 v34  
    2020 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 Jan 13
    2121 * '''Links:''' [ Bosst Vault]
     22 * '''Categories:''' [#Algorithm Algorithm]
    2223 * '''Description:''' The Sorting Algorithm Library provides a generic implementation of high-speed sorting algorithms that outperform those in the C++ standard in both average and worst case performance. These algorithms only work on random access iterators.
    3334 * '''Last upload:'''
    3435 * '''Links:''' [ Documentation] [ Download]
     36 * '''Categories:''' [#Memory Memory]
    3537 * '''Description:'''Allocators optimizations
    4244 * '''Last upload:'''
    4345 * '''Links:''' [ Documentation] [ Download]
    44  * '''Description:'''Allocators optimizations
     46 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
     47 * '''Description:'''portable archive
    5154 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 Fev 08
    5255 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Boost Sandbox]
     56 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming] [#Containers Containers]
    5357 * '''Description:''' Asynchronous Executors (AE) and Asynchronous Completion Tokens (ACT) in a generic way (or at least this was my intention). The library can be considered as a front-end for several Asynchronous Execution models making it possible to share common algorithms and making easier to switch from an Asynchronous Executors to another.
    123127 * '''Last upload:''' 2006 Mars 15
    124128 * '''Links:''' [  Boost Vault]
     129 * '''Categories:''' [#Portability Portability]
    125130 * '''Description:'''Portable bitfields
    132137 * '''Last upload:'''2008 Nov 26
    133138 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     139 * '''Categories:''' [#System System]
    134140 * '''Description:''' The Boost Chrono library provides:
    135141    *  The C++0x Standard Library's time utilities, including:
    159165 * '''Last upload:'''2009 Jan 20
    160166 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
     167 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent]
    161168 * '''Description:''' A library which provides larger number of secure and cryptographical services to the system.
    169176 * '''Last upload:'''2008 Oct 14
    170177 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Boost Sandbox]
     178 * '''Categories:''' [#Containers Containers]
    171179 * '''Description:''' Boost.!ConstantTimeSize defines a wrapper to the STL container list giving the user the choice for the complexity of the size function:  linear time, constant time or quasi-constant.
    172180In future versions the library could include a similar wrapper to slist.
    179187 * '''Last upload:'''2008 Mars 05
    180188 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox] [ Boost Vault]
     189 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    181190 * '''Description:''' The Boost.Coroutine library contains a family of class templates that wrap function objects in coroutines. Coroutines are a generalization of subroutines that can return and be reentered more than once without causing the destruction of automatic objects.
    182191Coroutines are useful whenever it is necessary to keep state across a function call, a job usually reserved to stateful function objects.
    189198 * '''Last upload:'''
    190199 * '''Links:''' [ Documentation] [ Boost Sandbox]
     200 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent]
    191201 * '''Description:''' Dataflow is a generic library for dataflow  programming. Dataflow programs can typically be expressed as a graph in which vertices represent components that process data, and edges represent the flow of data between the components. As such, dataflow programs can be easily reconfigured by changing the components and/or the connections.
    199209 * '''Links:''' [ Documentation]
    200210 [ SVN repository] [ Boost Vault]
     211 * '''Categories:''' [#FunctionObjectsAndHigher-orderProgramming Function Objects And Higher-order Programming]
    201212 * '''Description:''' Egg is a header-only library for building Polymorphic Function Object which can be used with Boost.Lambda. Such a function object is called a Major Function Object.
    202213 Egg mainly provides three components:
    212223 * '''Last upload:'''2008 Nov 26
    213224 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     225 * '''Categories:''' [#Portability Portability]
    214226 * '''Description:''' Provides integer-like byte-holder binary types with explicit control over byte order, value type, size, and alignment. Typedefs provide easy-to-use names for common configurations.
    215227These types provide portable byte-holders for integer data, independent of particular computer architectures. Use cases almost always involve I/O, either via files or network connections. Although portability is the primary motivation, these integer byte-holders may also be used to reduce memory use, file size, or network activity since they provide binary integer sizes not otherwise available.
    222234 * '''Last upload:'''2008 Nov 26
    223235 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
     236 * '''Categories:''' [#MathAndNumerics Math And Numerics]
    224237 * '''Description:''' Euclidean vector class templates providing Orientational analysis on geometrical dimensions.
    231244 * '''Last upload:'''2008 Nov 26
    232245 * '''Links:''' [ Blog] [ Download] [ Headers Boost Sandbox] [ Libs Boost Sandbox]
     246 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent]
    233247 * '''Description:''' The Boost.Extension library has been developed to ease the development of plugins and similar extensions to software using shared libraries. Classes, functions and data can be made available from shared libraries and loaded by the application.
    240254 * '''Last upload:'''2008 Oct 30
    241255 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
     256 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    242257 * '''Description:''' Boost.Fiber implements lightweight threads of execution - so called fibers
    249264 * '''Last upload:'''
    250265 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
     266 * '''Categories:''' [#DataStructures Data Structures]
    251267 * '''Description:'''The Boost.FSM library is an implementation of FSM (stands for Finite State Machine) programming concept.
    252268There are many cases when a developer would like to distinguish behavior of a given object depending on some conditions or its internal state. For example, while developing software to control an charging turnstile a programmer would like to separate states in which the turnstile may persist: an idle state, when the device awaits for another passenger that would like to pass; a processing state, when the passenger have come and put his ticket into the device; and the passing state, when the turnstile lets the passenger pass through. In fact, each state describes a different reaction of the machine at the same events. That's why a passenger may only pass after paying for ticket. Obviously, the turnstile have to be able to change its internal state in order to function properly, this is called state switching or transitions between states (or just transitions for short).
    263279 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 Jan 14
    264280 * '''Links:''' [ svn repository ]
     281 * '''Categories:''' [#ImageProcessing Image Processing]
    265282 * '''Description:'''IO extension for boost::gil which allows reading and writing of/in image formats ( tiff, jpeg, ... ).
    272289 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 Fev 08
    273290 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Boost Sandbox]
     291 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    274292 * '''Description:'''  Boost.!InterThreads extends Boost.Threads adding some features:
    275293     * thread decorator: thread_decorator allows to define setup/cleanup functions which will be called only once by thread: setup before the thread function and cleanup at thread exit.
    293311 * '''Last upload:''' 2008 Nov 26
    294312 * '''Links:''' [ Home Page] [ Online Documentation] [ Boost Sandbox]
     313 * '''Categories:''' [#Containers Containers]
    295314 * '''Description:''' The Interval Template Library (ITL) offers '''intervals''' and two kinds of interval containers: '''interval_sets''' and '''interval_maps'''.
    302321 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 Fev 8
    303322 * '''Links:''' [ Home Page] [ Review Version]
     323 * '''Categories:''' [#InputOutput Input/Output]
    304324 * '''Description:'''  This library aims to make logging significantly easier for the application developer. It provides a wide range of out-of-box tools, along with public interfaces ready to be used to extend the library. The main goals of the library are:
    305325    * Simplicity. A small example code snippet should be enough to get the feel of the library and be ready to use its basic features.
    313333 * '''Last upload:''' February 9, 2009
    314334 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Boost Sandbox]
     335 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    315336 * '''Description:''' The aim of the Mirror library is to provide useful meta-data at both compile-time and run-time about common C++ constructs like namespaces, types (and as an important special case typedef-ined types), classes and their base classes and member attributes, instances, etc. and to provide uniform and generic interfaces for their introspection.
    322343 * '''Last upload:'''
    323344 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     345 * '''Categories:''' [#GenericProgramming Generic Programming] [#LanguageFeaturesEmulation Language Features Emulation]
    324346 * '''Description:''' User defined types often have remote parts either because they are implemented using a pointer-to-implementation or are variable sized. Such objects can be expensive to copy and are often copied unnecessarily when they are returned from functions or stored in other objects or containers. Boost.Move is a collection of utilities to implement types which can be moved to elide copying in such situations as well as utilities to assist in moving value.
    331353 * '''Last upload:'''February 12, 2009 
    332354 * '''Links:''' [ while_ in Boost Vault] [ and_seq in Boost Vault]
     355 * '''Categories:''' [#TemplateMetaprogramming Template Metaprogramming]
    333356 * '''Description:''' Some MPL extensions
    340363 * '''Last upload:'''
    341364 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault][ Boost Sandbox]
     365 * '''Categories:''' [#DataStructures Data Structures]
    342366 * '''Description:''' Msm is a framework which enables you to build a Finite State Machine in a straightforward, descriptive and easy-to-use manner . It requires minimal effort to generate a working program from an UML state machine diagram. This work was inspired by the state machine described in the book of David Abrahams and Aleksey Gurtovoy “C++ Template Metaprogramming” and adds most of what UML Designers are expecting from an UML State Machine framework(entry/exit actions, guards, composite states, orthogonal zones, history...).
    349373 * '''Last upload:'''
    350374 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     375 * '''Categories:''' [#System System]
    351376 * '''Description:''' Provides a flexible framework for the C++ programming language to manage running programs, also known as ''processes''.  Among other functionality, this includes the ability to manage the execution context of the currently running process, the ability to spawn new child processes, and a way to communicate with them them using standard C++ streams.
    358383 * '''Last upload:''' Jan 2009
    359384 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Plot]
     385 * '''Categories:''' [#ImageProcessing Image Processing]
    360386 * '''Description:''' Provides a way of plotting simple 1 and 2D graphs in Scalable Vector Graphic (svg) format directly from C++ code.  The graphs are high quality when displayed on a wide variety of display sizes, from mobile phone to big screen, or when printed, but the graph files are tiny and fast enough to be done in near real-time.  Fine control of appearance is provided in C++ (but with defaults and optional scaling of axes) so graphs can be produced in a very few lines of code. Current documentation is a mess but Very much improved documentation is nearly complete using Doxygen:  meanwhile there are lots of examples.
    367393 * '''Last upload:'''2008 Aug 08
    368394 * '''Links:''' [ Blog] [ Download] [  Boost Sandbox Headers] [  Boost Sandbox]
     395 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    369396 * '''Description:''' The goal of this library is to provide runtime reflection for C++ classes, and to allow the same across shared library boundaries. It is an offshoot of the Extension library, which provides dynamic class loading across shared libraries.
    370397Boost.Reflection does not provide automatic reflection of classes. Instead, the class data must be manually reflected. This does offer some benefits however:
    380407 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 Fev 10
    381408 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     409 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    382410 * '''Description:'''  Concurrent components may interact in different ways: they may access the same objects by, for example, executing functions of these objects; or they may communicate directly by executing functions of each other.  These library will provide the so-called rendezvous mechanism for handling direct communication between active objects.
    389417 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 Jan 3
    390418 * '''Links:''' [ Documentation & Download]
     419 * '''Categories:''' [#GenericProgramming Generic Programming]
    391420 * '''Description:''' unique_ptr is a class template smart pointer currently in the [ C++0X CD1 draft]. It is intended to be a safer and more flexible replacement for auto_ptr. It represents sole (unique) ownership of a resource such as memory (like auto_ptr).
    392421The actual C++0X unique_ptr makes use of a new C++ language feature called rvalue reference which is similar to our current reference (&), but spelled &&. This emulation is intended to capture most of the behavior of the C++0X unique_ptr but work with C++03 compilers. Furthermore this emulation makes use of boost library facilities and has been placed in the boost namespace. Though at the time of this writing, this library is not part of the official boost library release.
    399428 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 Fev 10
    400429 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     430 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    401431 * '''Description:'''
    402432    * Lock traits: very specific traits classes, some of them encapsulate a single trait for a Lockable type; for example, is a lock recursive (is_recursive), is useful in a multi threaded context (is_multi_threaded).
    415445 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 Fev 08
    416446 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Boost Sandbox]
     447 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    417448 * '''Description:''' Threader/Joiner as proposed by Kevlin Henney `[ Preliminary Threading Library Proposal for TR2]
    426457 * '''Last upload:''' 2008 Nov 30
    427458 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     459 * '''Categories:''' [#Containers Containers]
    428460 * '''Description:''' TR2 Proposal text: [ Tree Structures and Related Concepts for the C++ Standard Library (TR2)]
    435467 * '''Last upload:''' February 12, 2009
    436468 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
     469 * '''Categories:''' [#StringAndTextProcessing String And Text Processing]
    437470 * '''Description:''' The Boost Unicode library aims to bring Unicode to C++ without requiring intricate knowledge of the Unicode standard, while allowing Unicode experts to do advanced things.
    457490 * '''Last upload:''' June 25, 2008
    458491 * '''Links:''' [ Home Page]
     492 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    459493 * '''Description:'''  libpoet is a C++ parallel programing library. It provides support for easily creating active objects, creating monitor objects, and automatically validating mutex locking order.
    472506 * '''Last upload:''' June 7, 2008
    473507 * '''Links:''' [ Home page]
     508 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    474509 * '''Description:''' Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB) offers a rich and complete approach to expressing parallelism in a C++ program. It is a library that helps you take advantage of multi-core processor performance without having to be a threading expert. Threading Building Blocks is not just a threads-replacement library. It represents a higher-level, task-based parallelism that abstracts platform details and threading mechanism for performance and scalability and performance.
    485520 * '''Participants:''' 
    486521 * '''Links:''' [ GTL Boost Vault] [ Geodan Web site]
     522 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    494530== Accumulators.Ext ==
    495531 * '''Suggested by:''' Vicente J. Botet Escriba 
     532 * '''Categories:''' [#MathAndNumerics Math And Numerics]
    496533 * '''Description:''' Adding sliding, dependable and cyclic accumulators to Boost.Accumulators.
    497534The accumulator library allows to determine dependency between accumulator, but not between accumulator_sets.
    556593== !ConstraintsProgramming ==
    557594 * '''Suggested by:''' Vicente J. Botet Escriba 
     595 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    558596 * '''Description:''' Constraints programming is a programming paradigm where relations between variables are stated in the form of constraints. Constraints differ from the common primitives of imperative programming languages in that they do not specify a step or sequence of steps to execute, but rather the properties of a solution to be found. This makes Constraint Programming a form of declarative programming.
    573611== !DenseSet ==
    576612 * '''Suggested by:''' Vicente J. Botet Escriba 
     613 * '''Categories:''' [#Containers Containers]
    577614 * '''Description:''' Implementation of dense set of integers using intervals.
    580617== Frames  ==
    581618 * '''Suggested by:''' Vicente J. Botet Escriba 
     619 * '''Categories:''' [#InputOutput Input/Output]
    582620 * '''Description:''' Library based on an extension of the Archive concept making it bidirectional.
    699737== LUID ==
    700738 * '''Suggested by:''' Vicente J. Botet Escriba 
     739 * '''Categories:''' [#DataStructures Data Structures]
    701740 * '''Description:''' Locally Unique Identifier or LUID is a special type of identifier used in software applications in order to provide a reference number which is unique in a given context (hence, "Locally" in opposition to "Globally" or "Universally"). Each generated LUID is guaranteed to be unique in its context.
    706745== Quartets  ==
    707746 * '''Suggested by:''' Vicente J. Botet Escriba 
     747 * '''Categories:''' [#Containers Containers] [#DataStructures Data Structures]
    708748 * '''Description:''' Quartet are half an octet, i.e. 4 bits taking values from 0..15, and usually represented by chars '0'-'9' 'A'-'F'.
    709749 There are some container specializations as std::string, std::vector and boost::array that could be of interest to some applications.
    714754== !SpreadSheet ==
    715755 * '''Suggested by:''' Vicente J. Botet Escriba 
     756 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    716757 * '''Description:''' Allows to manage with the underlying concepts of a Spreadsheet but without displaying them.
    752793== !StableVector ==
    753794 * '''Suggested by:'''  Joaquín M López Muñoz
     795 * '''Categories:''' [#Containers Containers]
    754796 * '''Links:''' [ Stable Vectors]
    755797 * '''Description:''' a container mimicking the interface of std::vector except that it provides iterator and reference stability at the expense of losing memory contiguity.
    758800== STM  ==
    759801 * '''Suggested by:''' Vicente J. Botet Escriba 
     802 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    760803 * '''Description:''' Transactional memory (TM) is a recent parallel programming concept which reduces challenges found in parallel programming. TM offers numerous advantages over other synchronization mechanisms.
    770813 * '''State:'''
    771814 * '''Last upload:''' 2004 September 12
     815 * '''Categories:''' [#CorrectnessAndTesting Correctness And Testing] [#LanguageFeaturesEmulation Language Features Emulation]
    772816 * '''Links:''' [ Documentation] [ Original Download]
    773817[ Last Download]
    804848== Containers ==
     849 * [#Boost.AsynchronousExecutors Boost.AsynchronousExecutors]
    805850 * [#Boost.ConstantTimeSize Boost.ConstantTimeSize]
    806851 * [#DenseSet DenseSet]
    814 == Correctness and testing ==
     859== Correctness And Testing ==
    815860 * [#Boost.ConceptTraits Boost.ConceptTraits]
    818 == Data structures ==
     863== Data Structures ==
    819864 * [#Boost.Fsm Boost.Fsm]
    820865 * [#LUID LUID]
    825 == Function Objects and higher-order programming ==
     870== Function Objects And Higher-order Programming ==
    826871 * [#Boost.Egg Boost.Egg]
    834 == Image processing ==
     879== Image Processing ==
    835880 * [#Boost.GIL.IO Boost.GIL.IO]
    836881 * [#Boost.Plot Boost.Plot]
    850 == Language features emulation ==
     895== Language Features Emulation ==
    851896 * [#Boost.Move Boost.Move]
    852897 * [#Boost.ConceptTraits Boost.ConceptTraits]
    855 == Math and numerics ==
     900== Math And Numerics ==
    856901 * [#Accumulators.Ext Boost.Accumulators.Ext]
    857902 * [#Boost.Euclid Boost.Euclid]
    878 == String and text processing ==
     923== String And Text Processing ==
    879924 * [#Boost.Unicode Unicode]