Changes between Version 74 and Version 75 of LibrariesUnderConstruction

Sep 20, 2009, 8:37:56 PM (13 years ago)

Adding MapReduce


  • LibrariesUnderConstruction

    v74 v75  
    4646 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    4747 * '''Description:'''portable archive
    49 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    50 == async ==
    51  * '''Author(s):''' Edd Dawson
    52  * '''Version:''' 0.2.3
    53  * '''State:'''
    54  * '''Last upload:''' 15 January 2008
    55  * '''Links:''' [ Web Site] [ Download]
    56  * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    57  * '''Description:''' async is a C++ library to allow the calling of functions and functors in an asynchronous manner, thereby making it easier to improve the level of concurrency and parallelism in your applications.
    246 == coco ==
    247  * '''Author(s):''' Edd Dawson
    248  * '''Version:''' 0.2.0
    249  * '''State:'''
    250  * '''Last upload:''' 23 Feb 2008
    251  * '''Links:''' [ Web Site] [ Download]
    252  * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    253  * '''Description:''' coco is a library that implements the Boost.Thread interface but is written in terms of the operating system’s native cooperative threading mechanism, whether that be Fibers on Windows, or the <ucontext.h> functions on POSIX machines.
    255 This means that multi-threaded programs written using Boost.Thread can now be run in a single thread. This is useful for debugging and testing purposes, where it is necessary to look at algorithmic correctness in isolation from correctness of synchronisation.
    257 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    258236== Boost.Containers ==
    259237 * '''Author(s):'''  Ion Gaztañaga
    521499 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 August 17
    522500 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
    523  * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
     501 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming] [#Containers Containers]
    524502 * '''Description:'''  Provides implementations of lock-free data structures. Lock-free data structures can be accessed by multiple threads without the necessity of blocking synchronization primitives such as guards. Lock-free data structures can be used in real-time systems, where blocking algorithms may lead to high worst-case execution times, to avoid priority inversion, or to increase the scalability for multi-processor machines.
    608586 * '''Description:''' The aim of the Mirror library is to provide useful meta-data at both compile-time and run-time about common C++ constructs like namespaces, types (and as an important special case typedef-ined types), classes and their base classes and member attributes, instances, etc. and to provide uniform and generic interfaces for their introspection.
     589== Boost.!MapReduce ==
     590 * '''Author(s):'''  Craig Henderson
     591 * '''Version:''' 0.4
     592 * '''Last upload:''' February 26, 2009
     593 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
     594 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming] [#Algorithms Algorithms]
     595 * '''Description:'''  MapReduce is a programming model and distributed processing platform implementation for generating and processing large data sets using clusters of computers. Pioneered by Google and first presented in 2004, the MapReduce programming model has gained significant momentum in commercial, research and open-source projects since, and Google have updated and republished their seminal paper in 2008.
     597The scalability achieved using MapReduce to implement data processing across a large volume of CPUs, whether on a single server or multiple machines is an attractive proposition. The Boost.MapReduce library is a MapReduce implementation across a plurality of CPU cores rather than machines. The library is implemented as a set of C++ class templates, and is a header-only library. It does, however, depend upon many other Boost libraries, such as Boost.System, Boost.FileSystem and Boost.Thread.
    611601== Boost.Monotonic ==
     911== async ==
     912 * '''Author(s):''' Edd Dawson
     913 * '''Version:''' 0.2.3
     914 * '''State:'''
     915 * '''Last upload:''' 15 January 2008
     916 * '''Links:''' [ Web Site] [ Download]
     917 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
     918 * '''Description:''' async is a C++ library to allow the calling of functions and functors in an asynchronous manner, thereby making it easier to improve the level of concurrency and parallelism in your applications.
     921== coco ==
     922 * '''Author(s):''' Edd Dawson
     923 * '''Version:''' 0.2.0
     924 * '''State:'''
     925 * '''Last upload:''' 23 Feb 2008
     926 * '''Links:''' [ Web Site] [ Download]
     927 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
     928 * '''Description:''' coco is a library that implements the Boost.Thread interface but is written in terms of the operating system’s native cooperative threading mechanism, whether that be Fibers on Windows, or the <ucontext.h> functions on POSIX machines.
     930This means that multi-threaded programs written using Boost.Thread can now be run in a single thread. This is useful for debugging and testing purposes, where it is necessary to look at algorithmic correctness in isolation from correctness of synchronisation.
    921933== Poet ==
    922934 * '''Author(s):'''  Frank Mori Hess
    12821294== Algorithms ==
    12831295 * [#Boost.Algorithm.Sorting Boost.Algorithm.Sorting]
     1296 * [#Boost.!MapReduce Boost.MapReduce]
    12981311 * [#Boost.InterThreads Boost.InterThreads]
    12991312 * [#Boost.!LockFree Boost.LockFree]
     1313 * [#Boost.!MapReduce Boost.MapReduce]
    13001314 * [#Poet Poet]
    13011315 * [#Boost.RendezVous Boost.Rendez-vous]