Changes between Version 89 and Version 90 of LibrariesUnderConstruction

Nov 27, 2009, 3:42:29 PM (13 years ago)

Added Boost.NumericBindings


  • LibrariesUnderConstruction

    v89 v90  
    701701 * '''Categories:''' [#DataStructures Data Structures]
    702702 * '''Description:''' Msm is a framework which enables you to build a Finite State Machine in a straightforward, descriptive and easy-to-use manner . It requires minimal effort to generate a working program from an UML state machine diagram. This work was inspired by the state machine described in the book of David Abrahams and Aleksey Gurtovoy “C++ Template Metaprogramming” and adds most of what UML Designers are expecting from an UML State Machine framework(entry/exit actions, guards, composite states, orthogonal zones, history...).
     705== Boost.!NumericBindings ==
     706 * '''Author(s):'''  Rutger ter Borg
     707 * '''Version:''' v1
     708 * '''State:''' stable
     709 * '''Last upload:''' 2009, November 27
     710 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox v1] [ Boost Sandbox]
     711 * '''Categories:''' [#MathAndNumerics Math And Numerics]
     712 * '''Description:''' Boost.Numeric_Bindings is a C++ library for numeric computing. It is a generic layer between data containers and linear algebra algorithms.
     714For the data container part, it supports both compile-time statically sized and run-time dynamically sized vectors, matrices, through a traits system. Currently it includes traits for C-arrays, for standard vectors, for uBLAS'
     715containers, Eigen containers, TNT, Boost.Array, to name a few. It offers compile-time inspection, iterators, and views on all mentioned containers.
     717For the algorithm part, it provides a C++ interface to algorithms offered by BLAS, LAPACK, and more. This covers algorithms from most vendor-provided math libraries, such as the reference BLAS, ATLAS, Intel's MKL, AMD's CML, NVidia's CUDA, etc..
    15031519 * [#Boost.Euclid Boost.Euclid]
    15041520 * [#Boost.GGL Boost.GGL]
     1521 * [#Boost.NumericBindings Boost.NumericBindings]
    15051522 * [#Boost.Polygon Boost.Polygon]
    15061523 * [#Boost.SafeInt Boost.SafeInt]