Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of ModCvtFAQ

Oct 28, 2013, 1:04:11 PM (9 years ago)
Beman Dawes

Bring up to date. Add questions, Acknowledgements


  • ModCvtFAQ

    v9 v10  
    11= Modular Boost Frequently Asked Questions =
    34== Conversion to Git and modular Boost ==
    1112 None. The whole need for the sandbox as a part of the boost repository goes away. Proposed libraries that used to go in the sandbox now just go in their own public repositories. They are typically hosted on [ GitHub], but any public host will do. ExtractSandbox shows how to move a library from the old sandbox to !GitHub. StartModDev shows how a repository for a proposed library would work.
    13 **Is it possible to checkout only library A and its prerequisites?**
     14== General Questions ==
    15  Not automatically. Automatic dependency resolution is planned for the future, but not as a part of the conversion to Git and modular Boost.**
     16**Is it possible to checkout only one library and its prerequisites?**
     18 Not automatically. Automatic dependency resolution is planned for the future, but not as a part of the conversion to Git and Modular Boost.**
    1720**So how do I get a modularized Boost that I can actually use?**
    1922See [TryModBoost#InstallingModularBoost these instructions].
    21 == General Questions ==
     24**How do I submit fixes to a Boost library owned by someone else?**
    23 **How do I get write access to my library at {{{}}}?**
     26 Short answer: Submit a pull request at {{{}}}.
     28 Long answer: See [ GitHub's] description of the process. [ Stackoverflow] also covers the topic. This [ video] shows how !GitHub manages interactions between the submitter and the library owner.
     30** Will we keep using trac for tickets?**
     32 There's no immediate plan to change anything about how our issue tracking works.
     34== Library Maintainers ==
     36**How do I get write access to my library at {{{}}}?**
    2538 See [ModAdmin Administrative Privileges for public library repositories].
    27 **How do I submit fixes to a Boost library owned by someone else?**
     40**Will there be a lockdown for individual libraries master branches during the release cycle?**
    29  The Git community has a usual way of submitting changes upstream. See [ GitHub's] description of the process. [ Stackoverflow] also covers the topic. This [ video] shows how !GitHub manages interactions between the submitter and the library owner.
     42 No, as far as we know at this point.
     44**Will there be support branches for particular releases?**
     46Which branches get created depends on who owns the repository in question. Thus, If you are asking about Boost super-project releases, then that is up to the community and the release managers. If you are asking about individual library releases, that is up to the individual library maintainers.
     48**What branches will be tested**
     50 Short answer: We don't know yet.
     52 Long answer: We will start with something simple, and then work up to a continuous integration test scenarios. One of the key objectives of modularization, right from the start, has been to facilitate much more responsive testing.
     54== Acknowledgements ==
     56Thanks to Andrey Semashev and Antony Polukhin for submitting many of these questions. Dave Abrahams provided many of the answers.
     58Beman Dawes is maintaining this page.