Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of ModCvtSvn2Git

Dec 16, 2012, 2:14:11 PM (10 years ago)
Beman Dawes

Add Administrative Privileges


  • ModCvtSvn2Git

    v4 v5  
    99== Individual Libraries ==
    11 The directory structure of each individual Boost library will be the same as the library's current directory structure under boost-root/libs, except that it will also include a new sub-directory tree {{{include/boost/}}} containing the library's header files.
     11The directory structure of each individual Boost library will be the same as the library's current directory structure under boost-root/libs, except that it will also include a new sub-directory tree {{{include/boost/}}} containing the library's header files. For details, see [StartModDev Getting Started with Modular Boost Library Development using Git].
    13 At conversion, each individual Boost library's public repository will contain a single branch, "master", that corresponds to {{{branches/release}}} in Subversion. The library maintainer will need to add a {{{develop}}} branch, and possibly other branches, as describe in [StartModWorkflow Getting Started with Modular Boost Library Development Workflow].
     13At conversion, each individual Boost library's public repository will contain two branches, {{{master}}}, converted from Subversion {{{branches/release}}}, and {{{develop}}}, converted from {{{trunk}}}. The library maintainer may want to add other branches, as described in [wiki:StartModWorkflow Getting Started with Modular Boost Library Development Workflow].
    1515== History ==
    1717If the Boost Subversion repository was being converted to a single Subversion repository, the history would just be converted along with everything else. But instead, Boost is being modularized into 120 or so separate repositories. If all history were just blindly included for each library, 233 megs of history would be multiplied by 120 libraries, resulting in a file size of 28 gigs. If you are doing release management or testing, that isn't really acceptable.
    19 Discussion is underway of providing a script to graft on individual library history from the overall history.
     19Discussion is underway of providing a script to graft on individual library history from the overall history.
     21== Administrative Privileges ==
     23Each library's public repository will have its own set of maintainers with write privileges. See [ModAdmin Library Administrative Privileges].