= Conversion of the Subversion repository to Git public repositories = As part of the process of moving to modularized Boost, the single Subversion repository at https://svn.boost.org/svn will be converted to multiple public Git repositories hosted at [https://github.com GitHub]: * The public [https://github.com/boostorg/boost Super-project for modularized Boost] repository. * A public [https://github.com/boostorg repository for each Boost library]. Each individual Boost library is treated as a separate sub-module by the Boost super-project. The URL for each library's repository is formed by appending the library name to !https://github.com/boostorg/. For example, https://github.com/boostorg/algorithm. == Individual Libraries == The directory structure of each individual Boost library will be the same as the library's current svn boost-root/libs/lib-name directory structure, except that it will also include a new sub-directory tree {{{include/boost/}}} containing the library's header files. For details, see [StartModDev Getting Started with Modular Boost Library Development using Git]. At conversion, each individual Boost library's public repository will contain two branches, {{{master}}}, converted from Subversion {{{branches/release}}}, and {{{develop}}}, converted from {{{trunk}}}. The library maintainer may want to add other branches, as described in [wiki:StartModWorkflow Getting Started with Modular Boost Library Development Workflow]. The {{{master}}} and {{{develop}}} branches will have full history corresponding to svn history from {{{branches/release}}} and {{{trunk}}} respectively. Information about the history conversion is available [https://github.com/ryppl/Boost2Git/wiki here]. == Administrative Privileges == Each library's public repository will have its own set of maintainers with write privileges. See [ModAdmin Library Administrative Privileges].