Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of QuickbookSourceStylesheetProject

Jul 17, 2007, 9:34:32 AM (15 years ago)



  • QuickbookSourceStylesheetProject

    v13 v14  
    44      * [ImprovingBoostDocs About this project]
    55      * [BoostDocsRepository Boost docs repository]
    6       * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look & feel project]
    7       * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost Authors]
     6      * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look and feel project]
     7      * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost authors]
    88      * [GlueDocsProject Glue docs project]
    9       * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library Docs]
    10       * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation Best Practices]
    11       * [DocumentationTools Documentation Tools]
     9      * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library docs]
     10      * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation best practices]
     11      * [DocumentationTools Documentation tools]
    1212      * [ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects Subprojects]
    1313           * [BoostDocTest Boost.DocTest ]
    1515           * [BoostKateSupport Boost Kate support]
    1616           * [BoostPdfStylesheet Boost PDF stylesheet]
    17            * [BoostSpecificWikiMacros Boost specific WikiMacros]
     17           * [BoostSpecificWikiMacros Boost-specific WikiMacros]
    1818           * [BoostTracStylesheet Boost Trac stylesheet]
    1919           * [BoostscriptProject Boostscript]
    20            * [GoogleSearchBoxProject Google Search Box project]
     20           * [GoogleSearchBoxProject Google Search box project]
    2121           * [HtmlToDockbookProject HTML to docbook]
    22            * [QuickbookWikiProcessor Quickbook WikiProcessor]
    23            * '''[QuickbookSourceStylesheetProject Quickbook source stylesheet]'''
     22           * '''[QuickbookWikiProcessor Quickbook WikiProcessor]'''
     23           * [QuickbookSourceStylesheetProject Quickbook source stylesheet]
    2424           * [SvgIconsSetProject SVG icons set project]
    25            * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax highlighting project]
    26            * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac Syntax Coloring]
    27            * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger Visualizers]
    28       * [BrowserTestingChart Browser Testing Chart]
    29       * [LibrariesLogos Logo Playground]
     25           * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax-highlighting project]
     26           * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac syntax-coloring]
     27           * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger visualizers]
     28      * [BrowserTestingChart Browser-testing chart]
     29      * [LibrariesLogos Logo playground]
    3535=== Introduction ===
    37 Using modern CSS capabilities we can change in a great degree the way HTML pages will be rendered.
     37Using modern CSS capabilities, we can change to a great degree the way HTML pages will be rendered.
    3838A stylesheet can be developed that takes the HTML generated by Boostbook and shows it as
    39 Quickbook source. This will allow to easily translate Boostbook docs to Quickbook, and when
    40 the [HtmlToDockbookProject HTML to docbook project] find a good solution, we will have achieve
    41 a path from common HTML docs to quickbook sources that is very appealing.
     39Quickbook source. This will allow the easy translation of Boostbook docs to Quickbook, and, once
     40the [HtmlToDockbookProject HTML to docbook project] finds a good solution, we will have achieved
     41a path from common HTML docs to Quickbook sources that is very appealing.
    4343=== Status ===
    45 The stylesheet is fully functional, you can check it with the
     45The stylesheet is fully functional. You can sample it for the
    4646[ on-line Boost.DocTest document].
    47 In Firefox 2, go to "View" --> "Page Style" --> "Quickbook Source".
     47From the View menu in Firefox 2, select Page Style > Quickbook Source.
    4949=== Common HTML ===
    51 Not Docbook based Html translations can be made it in two ways:
     51Non-docbook-based HTML translations can be made in two ways:
    53    * Use a version of this CSS that lets as see HTML as Quickbook. You
     53   * Use a version of the CSS that allows HTML to be viewed as Quickbook. You
    5454     can see the results in a [ Boost.Bind page].
    55      [[Br]]To use it you must add a CSS link in the header of your HTML:
     55     [[Br]]To use it, you must add a CSS link to the header of your HTML:
    5656     [[Br]]
    5757     [[Br]]''<link rel="stylesheet" href="{BOOST_ROOT}/doc/style/html/conversion/html_to_quickbook.css" type="text/css" />''
    5858     [[Br]]
    59      [[Br]]The results are not so good as before, no navigation support, no
    60      admonitions rendering...
     59     [[Br]]The results are not so good as before: there is no navigation support, no
     60     admonitions rendering, etc
    6262   * A better option will be to first use the results of the
    6666=== Resources ===
    68 Go here for an up to date on-line version:
     68See an up-to-date online version at:
    73 Sources are currently stored in the main boost docs project trunk but will be moved to the
    74 [ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects#Subprojectsorganization subprojects repository soon].
     73Sources are currently stored in the main trunk of the Boost docs project but will be moved to the
     74[ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects#Subprojectsorganization subprojects repository] soon.
    76 In the boost root the stylesheets are placed at:
     76In Boost root, the stylesheets can be found at:
    84 === Active Developers ===
     84=== Active developers ===
    8787[[Br]]'''Matias Capeletto'''
    88 [[Br]][ Ohloh Statistics]
    89 [[Br]][ Linked In Profile]
     88[[Br]][ Ohloh statistics]
     89[[Br]][ Linked In profile]
    9090[[Br]]''matias dot capeletto at gmail dot com''
    9393[[Br]]'''Rene Rivera'''
    94 [[Br]][ Ohloh Statistics]
    95 [[Br]][ Linked In Profile]
    96 [[Br]]''unknown mail''
     94[[Br]][ Ohloh statistics]
     95[[Br]][ Linked In profile]
     96[[Br]]''email unknown''
    101101      * [ImprovingBoostDocs About this project]
    102102      * [BoostDocsRepository Boost docs repository]
    103       * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look & feel project]
    104       * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost Authors]
     103      * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look and feel project]
     104      * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost authors]
    105105      * [GlueDocsProject Glue docs project]
    106       * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library Docs]
    107       * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation Best Practices]
    108       * [DocumentationTools Documentation Tools]
     106      * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library docs]
     107      * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation best practices]
     108      * [DocumentationTools Documentation tools]
    109109      * [ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects Subprojects]
    110110           * [BoostDocTest Boost.DocTest ]
    112112           * [BoostKateSupport Boost Kate support]
    113113           * [BoostPdfStylesheet Boost PDF stylesheet]
    114            * [BoostSpecificWikiMacros Boost specific WikiMacros]
     114           * [BoostSpecificWikiMacros Boost-specific WikiMacros]
    115115           * [BoostTracStylesheet Boost Trac stylesheet]
    116116           * [BoostscriptProject Boostscript]
    117            * [GoogleSearchBoxProject Google Search Box project]
     117           * [GoogleSearchBoxProject Google Search box project]
    118118           * [HtmlToDockbookProject HTML to docbook]
    119            * [QuickbookWikiProcessor Quickbook WikiProcessor]
    120            * '''[QuickbookSourceStylesheetProject Quickbook source stylesheet]'''
     119           * '''[QuickbookWikiProcessor Quickbook WikiProcessor]'''
     120           * [QuickbookSourceStylesheetProject Quickbook source stylesheet]
    121121           * [SvgIconsSetProject SVG icons set project]
    122            * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax highlighting project]
    123            * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac Syntax Coloring]
    124            * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger Visualizers]
    125       * [BrowserTestingChart Browser Testing Chart]
    126       * [LibrariesLogos Logo Playground]
     122           * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax-highlighting project]
     123           * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac syntax-coloring]
     124           * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger visualizers]
     125      * [BrowserTestingChart Browser-testing chart]
     126      * [LibrariesLogos Logo playground]