Changes between Version 96 and Version 97 of ReleasePractices/ManagerCheckList

Jun 7, 2016, 7:21:34 PM (6 years ago)
Daniel James

Update instructions - maintainers.txt and libraries.htm are automatically updated. We're not creating teams any more.


  • ReleasePractices/ManagerCheckList

    v96 v97  
    7878        * If the library already has a !GitHub repository, [ transfer the repository to boostorg]. Getting the maintainer to transfer into the organization is a bit awkward. So it might be best to first transfer the repo to an admin, who can then transfer it into the organization and set up the team.
    7979        * If the library does not already have a !GitHub repository, [ Create the library's repository]. Note: the release manager creates a repository that is empty except for a readme file. The library's developer is responsible for creating the library's contents.
    80     * [ Create a team for the library].
     80    * Go into the repo settings, and make sure the owner has admin permissions.
    8282=== Add library as a submodule on boost develop branch ===
    9797    * The formal review manager is satisfied any requirements for inclusion set by the formal review have been met.
    98     * `root/libs/libraries.htm` entry is OK, both in the alphabetic list and in the category lists.
    99     * `root/libs/maintainers.txt` entry is OK.
    10098    * The repo contains an `index.html` file with either the main docs or a redirection to the main docs.
    10199    * [ `meta/libraries.json`] is present in the repo and contents look reasonable.