
Version 3 (modified by Beman Dawes, 14 years ago) ( diff )

Begin to bring up-to-date

Release Manager's Checklist

This is being rewritten to the current Boost release precess.


Historically, items on this checklist were accomplished by scripts written in Perl, Python, Bash, C++, and as Windows command files, or by point-and-click on a FrontPage or other GUI based program. Long term the plan is to move as much as possible of these to C++, as the one language all Boost developers are comfortable with.

Pre-release activities

  • After discussion on the main list, post the release schedule.

  • Verify the root/index.htm, root/boost/version.hpp, root/Jamfile.v2 and root/Jamrules release numbers are correct and agree.

  • Verify via jamboost@… that bjam pre-built executables up-to-date.

  • Remove the oldest "Latest News" from root/index.htm.

  • For each new library added this release:
  • Verify root/index.htm Latest News entry has been made and reads well.

  • Verify root/libs/libraries.htm entry has been made, both in the alphabetic list and in the category lists.

  • Verify the root/libs/xxx directory contains an index.htm or index.html file; either the main docs or a redirection to the main docs. To do: automate this.

  • Skim read the primary docs pages to make sure they meet Boost requirements and guidelines. Don't leave this until too late; it has turned up lots of issues in the past.

  • Generate the header dependency table and update the CVS. To do: coordinate with John Maddock's new dependency tools.

  • Boost errors are being actively worked on by library maintainers.
  • Compiler or standard library errors are at least identified, and preferably reported to the supplier.
  • No errors remain uninvestigated or unclassified.

  • Monitor the developer and user mailing lists to verify that all posted patches are being applied, rejected, or otherwise dealt with.

  • Monitor the developer and user mailing lists, and the SourceForge bug tracker, to verify that all posted bug reports are being investigated, fixed, rejected, or otherwise dealt with.

  • Monitor CVS commits to verify that all the expected and/or promised content actually gets committed. Try to get developers to avoid last minute commits of major changes.

Subversion Release

  • Pre-release activities all complete?

  • Post notice to make sure all developers ready.

  • Tag: Version_x_yy_z. If prior release failed, select "overwrite existing tags with the same name".


  • Upload files for SourceForge release incoming directory using WS_FTP Pro
    • Start keep_isdn_awake
    • Connection: SourceForge Release Upload | connect
    • Select Local system: c:\boost
    • Select Remote system: /incoming
    • Drag-and-drop the three release files from Local system to Remote system
    • Disconnect
    • Stop keep_isdn_awake

  • Complete the SourceForge release procedure.
    • Admin | File Releases | Add Release for package name boost
    • New release name: 1.21.2 | create this release
    • Step 1: paste in release notes (in HTML). Be sure to note difference between .zip and .gz/bz2 files. Submit/Refresh
    • Step 2: Check appropriate files. Add Files and/or Refresh View
    • Step 3: For each file, select Processor and File Type, Update/Refresh
    • Setp 4: Email Release Notice: I'm sure. Send Notice.
    • Wait up to 30 minutes.
    • Check SourceForge release page and release notes with web browser.

  • Consider putting up a temporary "Update in progress" root/index.html during site update

  • Update the web site: TBS
  • Check actual site with browser. Look at a bunch of files that should have been updated to make sure the updates actually "took".

  • Post a message announcing the release and recapping "Latest News". Post as separate messages to: boost, boost-announce, boost-users, comp.lang.c++.moderated, c++std-news
  • Ready trunk/index.html, trunk/boost/version.hpp, and trunk/Jamroot for the next release and commit to Subversion.
  • Merge version number changes to branches/release.

Copyright Beman Dawes 2001, 2008

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.