
Version 82 (modified by Daniel James, 10 years ago) ( diff )

Add README file before zips and tarballs so that a) it isn't forgotten and b) it appears last (the downloads are listed in reverse chronological order by default).

Release Manager's Checklist


Release cycle initialization

  • In trunk, change version number in:
    • trunk/index.html (2 places; H2 and Release History link)
    • trunk/Jamroot (1 place)
    • trunk/boost/version.hpp (2 places) - Note that BOOST_LIB_VERSION should not include the patch version if it's zero.
    • trunk/more/getting_started/detail/release-variables.rst (4 places)

  • In trunk,
    • In more/getting_started, runb2.
    • Inspect results.
  • Commit version number and Getting Started doc changes:
    • Commit trunk.
    • Merge to branches/release using merge_release_cycle_init.bat.
    • Commit to branches/release.
  • Update the Google calendar as described in ReleaseSchedule so that it is always several releases ahead. This is really important; it causes endless trouble if the calendar isn't updated.

  • Verify the root/index.html, root/boost/version.hpp, root/Jamroot release numbers are correct and agree.

  • Verify via jamboost@… that b2 pre-built executables up-to-date.

  • Create a placeholder for release information at: website/public_html/live/feed/history/, for example for boost 1.39.0:
    svn co live-website
    svn cp live-website/feed/templates/boost_x_xx_x.qbk live-website/feed/history/boost_1_39_0.qbk
    Then edit the version number (in two places) in the new entry and commit.

Monitoring Release Progress

  • Monitor regression tests ( to verify that errors are actively being reduced or accounted for on key platforms and compilers.
    • Boost errors are being actively worked on by library maintainers.
    • Compiler or standard library errors are at least identified, and preferably reported to the supplier.
    • No errors remain uninvestigated or unclassified.

  • Monitor the developer and user mailing lists to verify that all posted patches are being applied, rejected, or otherwise dealt with.

  • Monitor the developer and user mailing lists, and outstanding tickets, to verify that all posted bug reports are being investigated, fixed, rejected, or otherwise dealt with.

  • Monitor SVN commits to verify that all the expected and/or promised content actually gets committed. Try to get developers to avoid last minute commits of major changes.

New Library Checklist

Before a new library is merged into branches/release, the release manager should verify:

  • root/libs/libraries.htm entry is OK, both in the alphabetic list and in the category lists.
  • root/libs/maintainers.txt entry is OK.
  • The library's root/libs/xxx directory contains an index.html file with either the main docs or a redirection to the main docs.
  • The primary docs pages meet Boost requirements and guidelines. Don't leave this until too late; it has turned up lots of issues in the past.
  • Trunk inspection report is clean.
  • Trunk regression tests are reasonably clean or marked up.

After a new library is merged into branches/release, the release manager should verify:

  • Doc builds, if any, are running properly.
  • Release branch inspection report is clean.
  • Release branch regression tests are reasonably clean or marked up.

Before the beta test, the release managers should ensure that:

Beta Release

Verify branch and release index.html have been updated with the number of new libraries.

If it hasn't been done recently, run, then check and commit:

cd tools/regression
2release tools/regression [--dry-run]
cd tools/release
2release tools/release [--dry-run]

Follow the Build Distribution packages, Releases, and Subversion Beta and Release Tags procedures below as for regular releases.

This is probably a good time to pester people about updating website/public_html/live/feed/history/boost_n_nn_0.qbk

Between Beta and Release

See ReleasePractices/PostBetaMerges

Build Distribution Packages

  • If it hasn't already been done, run a snapshot using tools/release/snapshot.bat.

  • Build the distribution packages using tools/release/build_release_packages.bat.
    cd <snapshot-directory>
    %BOOST_TRUNK%\tools\release\build_release_packages boost_X_XX_X_beta1 >build_packages.log 2>&1
  • Unpack the distribution package for your local operating system, and verify build works OK. No point in posting a release candidate already known to fail!
    cd <boost-root>
    .\b2 >build.log 2>&1
  • Upload distribution packages to snapshot ftp site.


  • Important: Release team must have signed off on packages. Ignoring this in the past has led to mistakes!

  • Create a directory on SourceForge:
    • login
    • Files
    • Click on "boost" folder to list current sub-directories | Add folder | Folder name: 1.46.0.beta.1 | Create
  • Upload release packages:
    • Click on folder just added.
    • Add README file from trunk/tools/release/README
    • Add File. Repeat for each distro file. Although the interface allows selecting multiple files, error recovery is much easier if files are uploaded one-by-one. For each file in the snapshot directory to be uploaded, select the file and hit "Upload". NOTE WELL: Spurious timeout error messages may appear. Ignore them. The MD5 checksum verification trumps error messages.
  • Verify MD5 checksums:
    • Use file "info" to get MD5 checksums; put them in a file, n.nn.n.md5, in the snapshot directory. It should look like this:
      da33b65571cbbbd9c667dc6458e16a86 *
      b0a8949a3cd452c1bcb6cea8380cc01d *boost_1_46_1.7z
      7375679575f4c8db605d426fc721d506 *boost_1_46_1.tar.bz2
      341e5d993b19d099bf1a548495ea91ec *boost_1_46_1.tar.gz
    • Windows only: run: chg n.nn.n.md5 "\r" "" strip "\r" or md5sum can't find files
    • Run: md5sum -c -w <n.nn.n.md5 should list all files, status OK
  • Complete SourceForge release process:
    • login
    • Project Admin | File Manager
    • Verify files are present and in the correct directory.
    • Click Files (on upper menu bar), and check "Newest Files" entries are correct. (There may be a delay before labels appear)
  • If this is a final release, rather than a beta release, let the webmaster (currently Daniel) know the release is ready to go live. Wait until the site is updated before posting the release message.

  • Post a message announcing the release.

Subversion Beta and Release Tags

Obtain the revision number from the end of build_packages.log

With TortoiseSVN:

  • Select the revision number for the release; right-click and select "Create branch/tag from revision".

With a command-line tool (where XXXXX is the revision that you want to branch from) -m "Release n.n.n beta 1"

Copyright Beman Dawes 2001, 2008

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.