This all requires quickbook and python on your path. Working on the live site directly, so check the changes before checking in. The site is checked out from: == Cycle start == - Copy template from `feed/templates/boost_x_xx_x.qbk` to `feed/history/boost_1_50_0.qbk` (using the appropriate version number). - `svn add` that file. - Edit file to use the correct version number. - Run `site-tools/`. - `svn add` the new release notes file created in `users/history/`. - Check the changes are okay (`dev.rss` should be the only updated feed, also some changes to `generated/state`). == Updating release notes == - Edit `feed/history/boost_1_50_qbk` (using the appropriate version number). - Run `site-tools/` - Check the changes are okay (if there are no status changes then only the release notes html page, the `dev.rss` feed, and files under `generated/state` should be updated). - Check the changes in. == Add documentation to site (beta and final, requires ssh access, and write permissions for site) == - ssh into the site - Download the `boost_version.tar.bz2` file using `wget` (might need to rename the file). - Expand using `tar -xjf`. - Might need to fix directory permissions with: `find boost_version -type d | xargs chmod a+rx` - Move to site using `sudo mv boost_version /home/www/shared/archives/live/` - Store the compressed file: `sudo mv boost_version.tar.bz2 /home/www/shared/archives/live/zipfiles` == Beta release == - Put documentation on server as above. - It should be immediately available on the web server (the version check ignores beta versions) - Add the `status`, `download` and `documentation` tags to the release notes, something like: {{{ [status beta] [download] [documentation /doc/libs/1_50_0_beta1/] }}} == Release candidate == Update documentation, so that release notes link to RC documentation and it can be seen in place. - Put documentation on server as above. - Website: - `website/public_html/live/doc/.htaccess`: - Redirect from `development` to new version (not really necessary?). - Check changes, commit, check on the site that they've worked. - Release notes: - Update documentation link. - Update & commit. == Release == Some of these might have been done for the release candidate. - If necessary, put documentation on server as above. - Website: - `common/menu-doc.html`: - Edit menu link. - `doc/.htaccess`: - Redirect from `development` and `release` to new version. - `common/code/boost.php`: - Update version. - Check changes, commit, check on the site that they've worked. - Release notes: - Copy date from email into `last-revision`. - Set `status` to `released`. - Update download link. - Update documentation link. - update & commit.