Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of ReleaseSchedule

Nov 3, 2008, 1:54:55 PM (14 years ago)
Beman Dawes

Set 1.38.0 Schedule


  • ReleaseSchedule

    v6 v7  
    55'''Note well: Changes must always be committed to trunk and be stable on trunk regression testing before being merged to branches/release.'''
    7  * '''August 18, 2008:''' branches/release opens for merging all stable changes, including bug fixes, and major upgrades to existing libraries. Breaking changes should be coordinated with libraries affected. New libraries may be added with permission of a release manager.
    8  * '''September 19, 2008:''' branches/release closed for new libraries and major upgrades or breaking changes to existing libraries. Still open for bug fixes and other minor changes to all libraries.
    9  * '''October  3, 2008:''' branches/release closed for routine code changes and fixes. Still open for serious problem fixes and docs changes.
    10  * '''October 10, 2008:''' branches/release closed for all library changes except when specific permission given by release manager(s).
    11  * '''October 17, 2008:''' Beta release target date. Further betas and/or release candidates as feedback dictates.
    12  * '''October 31, 2008:''' Release ship date.
     7 * '''November 3, 2008:''' branches/release opens for merging all stable changes, including bug fixes, and major upgrades to existing libraries. Breaking changes should be coordinated with libraries affected. New libraries may be added with permission of a release manager.
     8 * '''December 20, 2008:''' branches/release closed for new libraries and breaking changes to existing libraries. Still open for bug fixes and other routine changes to all libraries.
     9 * '''January 3, 2009:''' branches/release closed for major code changes. Still open for serious problem fixes and docs changes.
     10 * '''January 10, 2009:''' branches/release closed for all library changes except when specific permission given by release manager(s).
     11 * '''January 17, 2009:''' Beta release target date. Further betas and/or release candidates as feedback dictates.
     12 * '''January 31, 2009:''' Release ship date.
    1414== Future Releases ==
    2525 * One week after prior release ships: branches/release opens for merging all stable changes, including bug fixes, and major upgrades to existing libraries. Breaking changes should be coordinated with libraries affected. New libraries may be added with permission of a release manager.
    26  * Six weeks before release: branches/release closed for new libraries and major upgrades or breaking changes to existing libraries. Still open for bug fixes and other minor changes to all libraries.
     26 * Seven weeks before release: branches/release closed for new libraries and breaking changes to existing libraries. Still open for bug fixes and other routine changes to all libraries.
    2727 * Five weeks before release: QA checks on snapshot doc builds, inspect status, getting started guide, and install.
    28  * Four weeks before release: branches/release closed for routine code changes and fixes. Still open for serious problem fixes and docs changes.
     28 * Four weeks before release: branches/release closed for major code changes. Still open for serious problem fixes and docs changes.
    2929 * Three weeks before release: branches/release closed for all library changes except when specific permission given by release manager(s).
    3030 * Two weeks before release: Beta target date. Further betas and/or release candidates as feedback dictates.