Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of ReviewProcessRevisions

May 25, 2014, 5:10:54 PM (8 years ago)
Gordon Woodhull

link to CommunityMaintenance and ReviewManagerVolunteers


  • ReviewProcessRevisions

    v3 v4  
    7575In order to have a formal review, the author must find a capable volunteer to manage the review.  This should be someone with knowledge of the library domain, and experience with the review process.  See (Formal Review Process) for the responsibilities of the review manager.  Review Managers are approved by the review wizards based on their level of participation in the Boost community.
     77Authors can find community members interested in managing reviews on the wiki page ReviewManagerVolunteers, or through the discussion of the library in the Determine Interest step.
    7779''Some reviews are managed more by the author, with the manager signing off on the results, and other reviews are managed more by the manager.  This depends on the personalities of author and manager. In some cases, the author can be trusted to synthesize requirements from the review, whereas in other cases, the manager must take a more active role.
    167169> If at some point you no longer wish to serve as maintainer of your library, it is your responsibility to make this known to the boost community and to find another individual to take your place.
    169 Libraries which have been abandoned will be put in care of the Community Maintenance Team.
     171Libraries which have been abandoned will be put in care of the CommunityMaintenance Team.
    171173== Review Wizard
    224226(add section)
    226 If a review manager has not delivered a report in a reasonable time after the review, another member of the community may volunteer to manage the review retrospectively.  The volunteer must seek approval of the previous review manager, author, and review wizards off-list.  The replacement manager will write the report based on the review discussion and submit the report to the original review manager for sign-off.
     228If a review manager has not delivered a report in a reasonable time after the review, another member of the community may volunteer to manage the review retrospectively.  The volunteer must seek approval of the previous review manager, author, and review wizards off-list.  The replacement manager will write the report based on the review discussion and present the report to the original review manager for sign-off.