Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of ReviewProcessRevisions

May 25, 2014, 5:14:24 PM (8 years ago)
Gordon Woodhull

another link to ReviewManagerVolunteers; formatting


  • ReviewProcessRevisions

    v4 v5  
    7979''Some reviews are managed more by the author, with the manager signing off on the results, and other reviews are managed more by the manager.  This depends on the personalities of author and manager. In some cases, the author can be trusted to synthesize requirements from the review, whereas in other cases, the manager must take a more active role.
    81 Hopefully someone will step forward to manage the review during the refining stage; if not, it may be appropriate to contact members of the community off-list to request their help.  However, please respect that managing a review is a significant amount of work and one should not ask another to undertake this without first being sure they have the motivation to complete the obligation.
    83 If there is any question that a review manager might not be approved (e.g. because they are new to the community), the author and volunteer manager should contact the review wizards off-list and seek approval.''
     81''Hopefully someone will step forward to manage the review during the refining stage; if not, it may be appropriate to contact members of the community off-list to request their help.  However, please respect that managing a review is a significant amount of work and one should not ask another to undertake this without first being sure they have the motivation to complete the obligation.
     83''If there is any question that a review manager might not be approved (e.g. because they are new to the community), the author and volunteer manager should contact the review wizards off-list and seek approval.''
    143143== Notes for Review Managers
    144144> Before a library can be scheduled for formal review, an active boost member not connected with the library submission must volunteer to be the "Review Manager" for the library.
     146Members may register their interest in reviewing libraries at the ReviewManagerVolunteers page, or by contacting the library author on- or off-list.
    146148> The Review Manager: