Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of ReviewScheduleLibraries

Feb 18, 2011, 3:08:12 PM (12 years ago)

Update -Interthreads -Bitfield +VariadicMacrosData


  • ReviewScheduleLibraries

    v17 v18  
    9292Unlike many radix-based algorithms, the underlying Spreadsort algorithm is designed around worst-case performance, and performs better on chunky data (where it is not widely distributed), so that on real data it can perform substantially better than on random data. Conceptually, Spreadsort can sort any data for which an absolute ordering can be determined.
    95 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96 == Boost.Bitfield ==
    97  * '''Author(s):''' Emile Cormier, Vicente J. Botet Escribá
    98  * '''Version:''' 0.2
    99  * '''State:''' Ready
    100  * '''Inclusion date:''' 2009 May 4
    101  * '''Last upload:''' 2009 October 15
    102  * '''Depends on:''' [#Boost.Endian Endian]
    103  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    104      * Missing criteria
    105          * C1
    106  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    107  * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
    108  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    109  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault][ Boost Sandbox][ Documentation]
    110  * '''Categories:''' Endian Portability, Integers
    111  * '''Description:'''Portable bitfields traits
    112      * a generic bitfield traits class providing generic getter and setter methods.
    113      * a BOOST_BITFIELD_DCL macro making easier the definition of the bitfield traits and the bitfield getter and setter functions.
    115 {{{
    116 #!cpp
    117     struct X {
    118         typedef boost::ubig_32 storage_type;
    119         storage_type d0;
    120         typedef unsigned int value_type;
    121         BOOST_BITFIELD_DCL(storage_type, d0, unsigned int, d00, 0, 10);
    122         BOOST_BITFIELD_DCL(storage_type, d0, unsigned int, d01, 11, 31);
    123     };
    124 }}}
    126  * '''Pre-reviews'''
    127    * '''Reviewer''' ???
    128        * '''Date''' ???
    129        * '''Description''' ???
    236200These types provide portable byte-holders for integer data, independent of particular computer architectures. Use cases almost always involve I/O, either via files or network connections. Although portability is the primary motivation, these integer byte-holders may also be used to reduce memory use, file size, or network activity since they provide binary integer sizes not otherwise available.
    239 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    240 == Boost.!InterThreads ==
    241  * '''Author(s):''' Vicente J. Botet Escribá
    242  * '''Version:''' 0.1.3
    243  * '''State:''' Not ready. Needs to cleanup
    244  * '''Last upload:''' 2009 April 02
    245  * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    246  * '''Depends on:'''
    247  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    248      * Missing criteria
    249          * C1
    250  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    251  * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
    252  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    253  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Boost Sandbox] [ Documentation]
    254  * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    255  * '''Description:'''  Boost.!InterThreads extends Boost.Threads adding some features:
    256      * thread decorator: thread_decorator allows to define setup/cleanup functions which will be called only once by thread: setup before the thread function and cleanup at thread exit.
    257      * thread_decorator can now decorate a nullary function in addition to a callable function
    258      * thread specific shared pointer: this is an extension of the thread_specific_ptr providing access to this thread specific context from other threads. As it is shared the stored pointer is a shared_ptr instead of a raw one.
    259      * thread keep alive mechanism: this mechanism allows to detect threads that do not prove that they are alive by calling to the keep_alive_point regularly. When a thread is declared dead a user provided function is called, which by default will abort the program.
    260      * thread tuple: defines a thread group where the number of threads is know statically and the threads are created at construction time.
    261      * set_once: a synchronizer that allows to set a variable only once, notifying to the variable value to whatever is waiting for that.
    262      * thread_tuple_once: an extension of the boost::thread_tuple which allows to join the thread finishing the first, using for that the set_once synchronizer.
    263      * thread_group_once: an extension of the boost::thread_group which allows to join the thread finishing the first, using for that the set_once synchronizer.
    265 thread_decorator and thread_specific_shared_ptr are based on the original implementation of threadalert written by Roland Schwarz.
    268203== Boost.QVM ==
    286 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    287 == Boost.Locale==
    288  * '''Author(s):'''  Artyom Beilis
    289  * '''Version:'''
    290  * '''State:'''
    291  * '''Last upload:'''
    292  * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    293  * '''Depends on:'''
    294  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    295      * Missing criteria
    296          * C1
    297  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    298  * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
    299  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    300  * '''Links:''' [ Download]
    301  * '''Categories:''' [#StringAndTextProcessing String And Text Processing]
    302  * '''Description:''' Boost.Locale is a library that brings high quality localization facilities in C++ way.
    303 It uses std::locale, and std::locale facets in order to provide localization in transparent and
    304 C++ aware way to user..
    340257 * '''Categories:''' [#Memory Memory]
    341258 * '''Description:''' Smart pointers are in general optimized for a specific resource (memory usage, CPU cycles, user friendliness, ...) depending on what the user need to make the most of. The purpose of this smart pointer is mainly to allocate the reference counter (or owner) and the object itself at the same time so that dynamic memory management is simplified thus accelerated and cheaper on the memory map.
     261== Boost.!VariadicMacrosData ==
     262 * '''Author(s):'''  Edward Diener 
     263 * '''Version:''' 1.3 
     264 * '''State:''' 
     265 * '''Last upload:''' Feb 6, 2011
     266 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     267 * '''Categories:''' [#PreprocessorMetaprogramming Preprocessor Metaprogramming] 
     268 * '''Description:'''  The variadic macro data library, or VMD for short, is a library of macros which provide important functionality for variadic macros as well as integrating variadic macros with the Boost preprocessor library ( Boost PP ). It integrates with Boost PP without changing the latter library in any way.
     270The functionality of the library may be summed up as:
     2721. Providing the means to extract any single token from the comma-separated data which makes up variadic macro data, as well as to calculate the number of tokens.
     2732. Convert variadic macro data to and from Boost PP data types.
     2743. Enhance the tuple functionality of Boost PP by providing a means of calculating the size of a tuple as well as by providing equivalent macros to Boost PP tuple macros which do not require the size of the tuple to be explicitly passed.
    466399 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    467400 * '''Description:''' Boost.Context provides framework for user-context swapping/switching - has assembler for some platforms.
     403== Boost.Locale==
     404 * '''Author(s):'''  Artyom Beilis
     405 * '''Version:'''
     406 * '''State:'''
     407 * '''Last upload:'''
     408 * '''Review Manager:''' Chad Nelson
     409 * '''Expected review date:'''April 7, 2011 - April 16, 2011
     410 * '''Links:''' [ Download]
     411 * '''Categories:''' [#StringAndTextProcessing String And Text Processing]
     412 * '''Description:''' Boost.Locale is a library that brings high quality localization facilities in C++ way.
     413It uses std::locale, and std::locale facets in order to provide localization in transparent and
     414C++ aware way to user..